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Everything posted by 4966and556

  1. Hi! We went grocery shopping in Niagara Falls before I had a chance to post this morning. There was a LOT to put away after we got home. There are some hidden gems for locals in such a tourist-y city. There is a really old grocery store that has amazing meat, so we stocked up as we hadn't been there for a couple of months. Then I went to knitting this afternoon. Now we have had supper and I don't expect any more interruptions in my regular schedule. @ger_77 welcome back from your cruise! @iluvthe-c welcome to one of the nicest threads on CC.
  2. Thank you for posting the Daily Report John!! It snowed all day here yesterday and it's packing snow. School buses were cancelled in a lot of places. I had a Pajama Day and spent most of the day either reading or watching the snow fall. There is a "National Day Calendar" posted on F Book and they have at least 2 different days to celebrate. The other day was "Pie Day" and a lot of people were up in arms because there is also "Pi Day" on March 14.
  3. Thank you to everyone who posts on the Daily Report to make it such an awesome spot on CC!
  4. @Red Haired Lady I'm fairly certain that a friend of mine was on that cruise. Did you ever see a woman in the pool area working on Cross Stitch. She is British and her name is Flo. If I recall correctly that cruise ended up being longer than expected as they had problems finding a port that would allow all of the passengers to disembark due to Covid just starting.
  5. Thanks to absolutely everyone who posts on the Daily Report!! That drink looks interesting. I just need to buy Champagne. Today is an errand day because we are expecting some nasty weather starting later today.
  6. @dfish the new baseboards available for sale today are MDF (?), AKA fake wood and some look like plastic and most of them are already white. If the ones in your home are wood and you want to keep them, I would also recommend that tool as pictured on the previous page. A bit of work, but worth it in my opinion. @Cruising-along sorry to hear about Patricia's death. Happy birthday to all that are celebrating today.
  7. We have "just enough" snow to make it pretty outside. I just took my car out of the garage and while I was backing it into the area where I wanted to park, a large rabbit came around from the front of the house, so I just sat there for a few minutes wishing I had my phone or our other camera. I was also expecting to see our oldest cat chasing this rabbit. Thankfully the oldest cat was busy in the garage waiting for me to come in and give her treats. I think most adults know the size of their feet. I haven't seen one of those metal measuring devices in many, many years. Pie is good. I will pass on the drink. I have to take the youngest cat to the vet. She has been shaking her head a lot over the past 4 days and the vet wants to make sure she doesn't have ear mites. She isn't scratching her ears, so the vet said to bring her in so she can look with her ear scope.
  8. @Cruising-along hugs to you and your family. If anyone is watching the Buffalo game right now, we are having the same weather here. There is a fire crackling in the fireplace and pork chops and potatoes and carrots roasting in the oven. I made brownies and spice cake this afternoon.
  9. Dh and I went for our walk at the inside track. Stopped to get coffees on the way home. Our very tiny town has a cafe that is very popular with better coffee than Tim Hortons, and much better service. The owner knows your name and remembers how you take your coffee. We had a massive bonfire of cardboard and a few coffee cups out in the fire pit when we got home. Put my car into the garage because we might get snow. Now I have the oven on to make brownies. Dh might put a fire in the inside fireplace later. I love the smell of a wood fire.
  10. Thank you for the Daily Report! The food sounds good. I might make it tonight to go with the pork chops that we are having. The drink also sounds good. I also think that the shape of the glass is the only reason for the name of this drink. It could be served in any glass. It's yet another overcast and snowless day here on the Niagara Peninsula with the current temp being 2 Celcius. My dh will be watching the NFL later today. Right now we are headed to the local arena to go for a walk. We have 3 cats and I do talk to them. I don't know if I'm answering them or if they are answering me.
  11. Thank you for the Daily Report! I love hugs. I have been to Cannes! We went into the Gucci store, but didn't buy anything, before we spent time walking along the waterfront looking at the boats. No pictures, unfortunately.
  12. Thank you for the Daily Report! No snow to be seen anywhere around here. It is another overcast day, though. I will pass on the drink, but the wine sounds good. I love hard cheeses and most things that are cheese flavoured. It was very foggy here last night, but we never got the freezing rain that had been forecast.
  13. I think I was in Kusadasi in 2012 on the Noordam with my ex husband. We did the tour to Mary's house. Thank you all for the pictures.
  14. I've found a store that has pieces of turkey on a regular basis, so I pick up a package of thighs or drumsticks once in a while to stick in the freezer. We had some at Christmas time and then again a couple of weeks later. It's nice to have in the freezer for when I feel like cooking something a bit different. I love popcorn and I used to make it on the stove a lot when I was younger. Now I get either kettle corn or cheese flavoured. The drink sounds good, but I would use a bit less rum.
  15. Thank you to everyone who contributes to the Daily Report.
  16. Thank you for the Daily Report! The youngest cat needs to go to the v-e-t for a shot. There is supposed to be freezing rain in this morning's forecast at around the same time I will be driving. I have snow tires and an escape-proof cat carrier, so I should be okay.
  17. Our youngest cat was scampering around the house this morning after the 2 older cats came back inside. She is always so happy to see them come back inside. My ex inlaws had decades of cruising before I ever met them and claimed to have been to more than 150 countries and did a cruise "Around the horn" which my ex FIL talked about for years afterwards. Before my first cruise I was told to start travelling as young as possible and not to leave it until retirement. This was from a woman who planned to go on their first trip after her husband retired. They saved for years, her husband finally told her his retirement date, they booked a cruise to Alaska and it was leaving 2 days after he retired. He went to bed the night before and never woke up.
  18. I woke up to a beautiful sunrise this morning. Hopefully the sun will shine down on us all day. I will pass on the food and beverages today. I haven't been to the port. I spent most of the day being very productive yesterday while my husband watched some NFL games. I think I washed almost every blanket in the house. I even managed to take some time to work on one of my counted cross stitch projects.
  19. Wondrous news here! The sun is out for the first time in 3 weeks. Add that to the fact that we had snow yesterday for the first time since Christmas and it is much nicer to look outside and see it so bright out there! Nothing more distressing than looking at trees with no leaves and dead grass and overcast skies.The landscape has been very bleak. Quite honestly I think that may be why there seems to be more crime around this region lately.
  20. Thank you for today's Daily Report. Yet another overcast day. Other than a very brief bit of sunshine earlier this week, we haven't had a clear day in 3 weeks, according to the weather forecast last night. It was supposed to be sunny today, but Mother Nature decided it should snow a bit. Dh is making "his" version of stew right now, so I can't get into the kitchen. I could, but I'm not going to. Tomorrow dh will be making his version of chili. Basically I have the weekend off from cooking supper, but not any of the clean up. I think all 3 of our cats would happily claw us to shreds if we tried to put clothes on them. The youngest cat needs meds to calm her down if she has a vet appointment. Sounds like our water delivery (to our cistern) is backing into the driveway, so I need to go pre-pay the driver.
  21. Thank you for everyone who posts info to the Daily Report!! We woke up to snow on the ground this morning. Not too much, but I'll have a better idea when it isn't as dark out. Thankfully we have nowhere to be today and I picked up a few groceries yesterday.
  22. It was overcast here this morning. Then it got foggy. After that it got even more foggier. Now it's raining, really foggy and the temperature is dropping. I've heard from someone I trust that a certain male originally from the UK told quite a few lies during an interview on Sunday night (this person relies on reading lips and body language to help him with hearing difficulties) and I have also heard that there is a lot of fiction in a certain book about a tire. ; ) I've got quite a selection of biographies of this family going back as far as Henry the 8th and Mary, Queen of Scots. I will NOT be purchasing the book that came out yesterday.
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