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Everything posted by 4966and556

  1. Thank you for the Daily Report. It has been pouring rain all night. My dh had a rough night's sleep, therefore I had a rough night's sleep. We have a steel roof on our home, which is a bungalow, so whenever it rains, we hear it. I love the sound of the rain on the roof, but knowing that the temperature will be dropping doesn't make me happy. Thankfully all the errands and shopping is done for the holiday. Today I will be baking.
  2. The rain has started along the south shore of Lake Ontario. Currently 3 Celcius/35 F. Wondering how the rest of the posters in Ontario are doing.
  3. Thank you for the Daily Report! @richwmn have an awesome cruise!! It's cold here, but no snow yet. The weather forecasters have been talking about this horrid storm we are going to get. News reporters are warning everyone to stay home, not to make any plans to travel for the next week, etc. A friend that lives south east of us has freezing rain. I'm sure the stores are busy and grateful that I don't need anything right now. The firewood we brought in a few days ago is still in the wood box. My car is in the garage. We're ready.
  4. @marshhawk charge all of your electronics as soon as possible. Extra blankets for humans and pets. Unused kitty litter can be used on sidewalks and driveways for traction.
  5. Thank you for the Daily Report! It sounds blustery out there. No snow here yet. The temperature is still above 0 Celcius, but I'm sure the "feels like" temperature is well below that.
  6. Thank you for the Daily Report! I have shopping and baking on the schedule for today. My dd and her SO are coming for supper on Boxing Day.
  7. Thank you for the Daily Report! Still no snow here, but it is in the forecast.
  8. Thank you for the Daily Report! I do happen to carry a book with me almost everywhere I go, so maybe some people think I am a bit of a flake.
  9. Thank you for the Daily Report. Although we had a lot of rain a few days ago and many watches and warning from the weather reporters, we haven't had a single flake of snow. @grapau27 what do you put on pancakes and crepes and French toast? My ex (who has British parents) always put HP sauce on his along with tomatoes. He would put Canadian Maple syrup on vanilla ice cream. (Until we discovered Ice wine.)
  10. It has been pouring rain here all day in the Niagara Region. Both "big" bridges (Burlington and Garden City Skyway) were both closed this morning because they were so icy and both had serious accidents on them. They have both reopened, but there were so many accidents. A pumper truck from a fire hall slid into a ditch. Thankfully we are both retired and had no appointments. We did bring in 2 wheel barrows full of wood for the fireplace just in case the power went out, but it didn't, so we are fine. The temperatures are going down over night, but hopefully everything will be salted/sanded before the morning rush hour.
  11. Thank you for the Daily Report! No ice or snow on the ground here, but I can change my plans if it shows up. No appointments until next Monday. My x used to take great joy in regifting. I was always embarrassed to know he was doing it. He would also buy stuff at garage sales at give it to people for Christmas. I always thought that was taking it a a step too far. With 3 cats, sometimes I spend too much time herding them. I used to drink a lot of tea, but not as much any more.
  12. Thank you for the Daily Report! It's snowing here with big, fluffy flakes drifting slowly to the ground. The trees and bushes are covered. It looks so pretty BUT I am NOT going out in it! I plan on doing some Christmas baking today. Dh loves coconut, so I am starting with making him some macaroons. Recipe calls for 5 1/2 cups of coconut! I also have a bit of a messy kitchen to start off with because dh cooked last night.
  13. Thank you for the Daily Report! @Rowsby there will be media from all over the world there for at least a week. Roads will be closed before, during and after the main event.
  14. Thank you for the Daily Report. I think I'm addicted. My ex in laws were from northern England (Manchester) and they had never worn jeans, nor did either of their sons. My ex MIL would make derogative comments when she saw me in black denim. She had a very "Mrs. Bouquet" personality.
  15. Hi! Just got here after a busy morning. We went and bought some ground beef and then came home and used the food saver machine to divide a lot of meat into 14 meals that will average out to $7/meal. Dh thought it was a good deal considering food prices right now. I kept 1 package out for meatloaf tomorrow night because we are having rabbit tonight. I am cooking it in the crock pot with a jar of butter chicken sauce. The sun is shining today. Dh is watching American football pregame show. Terry Bradshaw is one voice I recognize. We also brought in a load of wood for the fireplace for later today. Lots of apple and pear wood from a neighbour.
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