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Everything posted by Nitemare

  1. Tip rate is usually 20% or so. More if the driver helps with alot of luggage. A bit less if they drive wrecklessly or are rude or have the radio loud.
  2. Downtown Reykjavik is where the cruise port is. The airport is a solid 45 minute drive away. Blue Car Rental is the preferred provider based on reports I read regularly on TripAdvisor, and we used them last time we were in Iceland. When renting a car in Iceland consider insurance options CAREFULLY as roads can be a little rough and winds can be strong, and windshields can get damaged by gravel from roads and strong winds can literally sandblast the paint off of a car .
  3. Yes, yes, yes, and I don't understand the last question. My poles wouldn't stay locked open so they offered to replace them but we only needed them one day so I asked for and got my rental fee back on them
  4. If you replace "Antarctica" with "Europe" does the rest of your statement change? The price differential was small so the choice for us to go luxury was easy.
  5. You won't have any trouble taking a cab, uber, or public transit to catch your flight
  6. We find Google Maps or Citymapper do an excellent job of helping us figure out the NYC subway routes
  7. It's free, it takes about 90 minutes total, but it is a distance view
  8. That Fairfield is in an industrial neighborhood near a train yard. The Element is in a much nicer area. It is closer to a grocery store and to the T, but that's about the only advantages I can see
  9. For us we took a luxury trip to Antarctica because it was 25% more than Hurtigruden and similar options and we felt the comfort and better food options, etc, were well worth it. There were no "cheap" possibilities when we sailed in early 2018
  10. Make sure the pedicab price is fully agreed upon BEFORE you get on. They regularly charge $5-$6-$7/minute and upwards from there. Uber apps work fine. Arro for cabs or hail the old fashioned way. Traffic can be a real issue with cabs and ubers. We've taken the NYC subway hundreds of times, as we visited 5-6 times/year for 25+ years and never had an issue. Definitely the fastest way to get around
  11. There is a Dunky very nearby. MyDiner is our favorite but locals know it's not the same since the move. Is Scola's still there? Galley Diner is also not far away and is quite Old School
  12. We enjoyed the Conway Scenic, although we took it in summer, so no color. We REALLY liked the Mount Washington Cog Railway. Dress for COLD temps if you chose that one!
  13. If you look at the Support Board at TripAdvisor you will see lots of complaints about Viator. That being said, they sell thousands and thousands of tours, so a few complaints are to be expected. I still prefer booking directly.
  14. Lots of existing threads about this topic. Scroll back a few pages, I guarantee you will find multiple threads as recent as 3-4 days ago
  15. How many nights are you in NYC for? If more than one, I'm not sure why you are concentrating on staying so far south in Manhattan. There are also Brooklyn options if your visit *is* just one night
  16. Good question for the TripAdvisor Akureyri forum. I've been thru there a couple times and don't recall much "night life" but there are experts at TA who might know some secret options
  17. That was one of the options I was thinking of, Dobby
  18. Quebec City? Or the whole Province?
  19. There are places to leave your luggage while you tour the city on your own, if you prefer
  20. I would look carefully at the reviews of Renny to see if they are folks with significant review histories or if they are just 1 or 2 review folks. Read what they are saying to see if the reviews make sense for the service being provided. Dial 7 and Carmel have been recommended here and on TA for well over a decade. With thousands of customers a month for each of them you will get complaints, and most folks are much quicker to post a complaint than a compliment about a car service
  21. Iceland is REALLY easy to self drive. Especially with kids, you can set your own pace and see what you want to see without worrying about wind conditions or something else interfering with docking
  22. Really depends on your interests. In General, Halifax for city type things, Sydney for nature. But there are nature excursions in Halifax, too. Might depend on how limited those funds are. Are we talking $49? $149? More?
  23. Taxis definitely drop off and pick up at the Terminal. There are marked lanes for them and they generally get the closest curb at Logan to pickup at. Easiest option for folks with lots of luggage or not fans of app rides
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