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Everything posted by CrazyTrain2

  1. Gimmicky and off-brand. No thank you, Jenny down the dock.
  2. I remember the days when even infants got 10 year passports. Always fun to see a 12 year old traveling with a baby photo.
  3. Has anybody really ever said - BOY! Am I glad I never got a passport. Heck, It's one of the few photo IDs where you get to pick the picture.
  4. There are now two separate notes for RazzleDazzle on the website. RazzleDazzle RazzleDazzle by Night
  5. There is the millimeter wave scanners at airports. I have to use them all the time due to the metal in my body. Usually at port they just hand scan with a metal detector and it will go off at all my artificial joints.
  6. G'day mate. I've never been to Australia or NZ. I'm curious about the VV itineraries and the various ports. Most of the intineries seem to be serial repositioning cruises. Any thoughts on a rookie trip down under? Which trip seems the most intriguing?
  7. RT fares don't buy you as much as they used to. The industry has gone to a segment pricing model.
  8. In Vegas, I wake up at 5pm - put that all day breakfast to the test. Go ALL night fresh as a daisy.
  9. Are you really asking about the weather in SF (notoriously variable) TWO WEEKS ahead of time?? 😩
  10. Take care of her, we are embarking in a few weeks, err DAYS! OMG I need to start packing.
  11. This the incentive to flip your internal timeclock. Stay up as long as you can, then wake up at 1pm to start your day. Live like a ROCK STAR even if you are not in the RS Suite. Blackout ANYTHING before 2pm on your schedule. The ship is ALIVE after midnight. Rock on!!!
  12. I have not, BUT be careful with unsolicited emails. IF the VV database was hacked, clicking on that survey could load malicious software or subject your system to Ransomware. I can spoof ANY company to get you to click.
  13. That's pretty far out on the calendar, and you would not want to have an issue of cancelled or modified cruises due to unforeseen circumstances 18 Months out. Heck, I can barely plan 1 week out.
  14. I've learned over the years that if you need to rewrite a post or letter 5 times, it's probably not worth posting. I do believe that cruising does bring together a cross section of the country (other than ethnic diversity) and sometimes when you see all those architypes in one place it can be a reminder that it ain't all pretty out there. (I only rewrote that sentence 3 times)
  15. That's because you are a normal human - CEOs are built differently, they thrive on the power and feel worthless without it.
  16. I like where Virgin Voyages are positioned - No Kids, No drink packages, Limited Smoking areas, All specialty dining, no pandering to children and a healthy fitness oriented vibe. My only downside to VV is the limited itineraries since they only have 4 ships. We are on a Celebrity cruise in about a month just for a wing it cruise and to test out how viable an inside cabin experience is for us (Normally balcony folks).
  17. The CEO position is a power position that nobody leaves for normal W-2 employee human reasons like - "Spend more time with Family", "Retirement", "Just tired of working". The mindset is completely different. Del Rio is only 66. He's got something else lined up. He is a CPA so maybe he wants to do taxes. 🙂
  18. James Del Rio is retiring.... https://www.tipranks.com/news/press-releases/norwegian-cruise-line-holdings-ltd-announces-ceo-retirement-and-succession-plan Heading off to that great repositioning cruise on the seas.
  19. I'm a tech guy so here is where I think it's heading towards - AI. You answer a few questions and the AI engine gives you a starting point itinerary with all your shows, meals and activities booked based on inventory available. It can get very personalized and even conversational. You can then modify the AI set of reservations. It would satisfy the one click and your done folks while also giving you control over your booking. For now, we have to live with the Uhhhhg Zone.
  20. I always bring a note from my Mom. That being said, there are rules for cruising and rules for air travel. So if anything goes wrong on your cruise, you can end up in a "situation" making it difficult to jump on a plane to return to the home port or back home. Cruising on a short expiration passport is like eating gas station sushi - I mean you MIGHT be OK. Even the birth certs have rules about raised seals and official copies versus notional copies.
  21. Keep in mind that sailing hit some HISTORICALLY bad weather in the north Atlantic. Not saying it could not happen again, but it's not the norm. Here is a GREAT app to check the current winds on your route.... https://www.windy.com/articles/what-is-forecast-model-3397?32.843,-61.963,5
  22. I've seen this question so many times, my answer is always the same... Traveling internationally without a passport is like eating gas station sushi - I mean you MIGHT be ok.
  23. While I appreciate the desire for a diversified fleet of ships, it's much easier and cost effective to just rinse and repeat the same design - tweek (like get rid of the convertible bed) it a bit but SAME SAME SAME.
  24. Any rumors about VV expanding beyond the 4 announced ships? I truly hope they are successful and continue to grow.
  25. What people may not be factoring in is that ON AVERAGE ACROSS SEVERAL LINES people spend 70 cents onboard for every dollar spent pre-board. The more the line can get you to pre-pay will free up resources to be spent onboard. It is a bit myopic to only look at pre-pay versus pay as you go. Psychologically, if you pay as you go - you will SPEND LESS overall.
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