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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. To play the Devil's Advocate, because I don't care, smoking or not doesn't mean anything to me (but, I am a none smoker), 12% of the general public? I'd bet the % of casino goers is much higher, much much higher. I'd also say that some non-smokers may light up a cigar or even a cigarette while on a cruise, drinking adult beverages, and in the casino. This is not meant to prove anything, to be argumentative, or anything like that. I just believe that decisions are made based on utilization and %ages of people utilizing the various venues. If a large %age of casino goers are smokers, the casino/business will cater to them.
  2. That's one of my issues with many businesses that hire foreign entities, of none English speaking countries to do customer service in/for English speaking countries. As I've said in here a few times, many of these folks speak English much better that I do. But, they don't understand the lexicon. I always give the example of: Me - I'm fix'in to cruise. Customer Service - Why, what is broken. There is no good answer or solution to this issue, I fully understand that. But, it can be a bit of an irritant.
  3. I don't want to disagree just to disagree. I'll just point out that I/we have visited several ports of call and not spent a dime on the island (Grand Cayman as one example). Get off the ship, walk around, window shop (my wife's favorite pass time), see the sights and get back on the ship. However, if I wanted to purchase a trinket to take home to give to someone, it isn't something that RCCL pre-approved for sale and limited selection. In other ports, I can go to several shops that have nothing to do with each other and have a much larger selection and they are willing to barter in most cases. But, this is my preference and doesn't have to be anybody else's.
  4. Well apparently, you, since we aren't trying not to be harsh and all, have a comprehension problem, the post was a statement of mostly fact, and then some questions. It had nothing to do with the cost of upgrades to the island and so on and/or my understanding of why business decisions are made. And you made the point, " the vast majority of Caribbean cruises include CC" and "your cruises on RCI are very limited in the Caribbean". Thank you for confirming that for me/us. Also, I haven't found fault with anyone that states that they love/like/have no opinion of the island. I don't criticized people's opinions. But I will criticize those that criticize my opinions, especially when only opinion. I'm not a big fan of Coco Cay and if I get on a cruise that has Coco Cay as a Port of Call, I'll stay on the ship, or fly to Puerto Rico (which I don't want to do because I don't like flying) to embark, that's my opinion, that doesn't mean that you have to feel the same way. However, if we, who don't care for the island and don't express our feelings here, there, and everywhere, nothing will have a chance of changing. RCCL should go to Coco Cay, that's for sure. But, I don't think that it is necessary that virtually EVERY cruising from the east coast and Galveston (in the future) has to stop there. I would just like to have an opportunity to chose a cruise like I always have been able to and go to foreign ports other than Coco Cay where you are a captured cash cow/audience if you go ashore.
  5. Thank you! Folks, proof positive that there are still some people with common sense and common decency. BTW, I'm sure you know this but just to be clear for others, I really don't mind Chanel #5. That was my mom's favorite perfume and the first thing/example that came to mind. However, I do get ill with the smell of none fresh fish.
  6. I just remembered something about my first cruise with RCCL, Oasis of the Seas, circa 2016. I was so enamored by the beauty of her and her size. Went into the WJ, was a sight to behold. As a donut lover, the Glazed and Apple Fitters looked amazing. Stacked a few on my plate, went and sat down to feast on the treasures I just found. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh man, was I totally disappointed. Tears almost streamed down my cheeks and I went to the bar to drown my sorrows. I've tried and tried on my many RCCL cruises, never duplicating any ship BUT nothing but disappointment. But, they sure know how to make them look great.
  7. I have such a hard time drinking the D 4 drinks, it's just too much and I have a reputation to uphold. So, I try to pace myself and keep it right at 4 drinks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, per hour, max.
  8. All good points. And if it wasn't for flying to Puerto Rico (I really prefer not to fly), that's exactly what I'd do.
  9. LOL, a perfect example of: "To each their own", as you said. In contrast, I really enjoy(ed) Grand Cayman. And, I never felt safe, for my family, in Falmouth. So, again, "To each their own". That's what life is all about and how it should be.
  10. Their (the industry) may not have the intent of upsetting their cruisers. But, I believe they know full well what their actions would/could result and they "gambled" that they wouldn't lose, to a great extent, their long time loyal customers base and/or they would just attract another batch of loyal cruisers. Seems that they may have made the correct "gamble". But, time will tell. And I totally agree, this situation is a result of the debacle, for sure. I don't remember any posts, in a few other boards that I am/was a member of that complained as often and as aggressively as we are experiencing today. Things may improve if they stop the increases/nickel and diming and let the economy catch-up with their prices and start paying back their loan(s) with inflated dollars. I'm not an economist, I didn't even play one on TV, but I BELIEVE that they have raised their prices of just about everything "far" above the inflation rate/numbers (maybe not every item, but far too many). Again, that's just an anecdotal none scientific observation, YMMV. "xxxxx", meaning this old mind couldn't fine the proper word that I really wanted to use, this morning, but know there is a better word out there somewhere.
  11. We absolutely loved Bermuda the one time we cruised there. Would love to do that itinerary again. Cape Liberty, Bermuda, Boston, Cape Liberty. Loved the tour and history of Boston. Actually, we'd rather leave from Florida.
  12. I grew up in Dania, (now known as Dania Beach), Florida, located right in between Hollywood and Ft. Lauderdale . It's about the same Latitude as Coco Cay. You are definitely correct. But, I'd expand that to a few more months before and after that. When I was on Coco Cay last November, it was comfy but a little hot and humid. I wasn't too active so it didn't bother me much. Predicting the weather is tough there, like most places. Everywhere I've lived, which has been many states and a few countries, they always say, "if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes". LOL Having said that, I think, as far as weather is concerned, that area of the world has the best weather, for me. Excluding hurricanes that is.
  13. It all sounds great. Especially the sauteed onions, love 'em. I just have a thing of topping/condiment islands. If there is no direct overwatch (a dedicated attendant) of the island, I can't utilize it. Sounds like what you described is good to go, though.
  14. Our last cruise was on the Independence, Oct/Nov 2022. The Carrot Cake had anything but real cream cheese frosting. Wish we were on the cruise with you. I really like a good Carrot Cake. I'm guessing that you are right, someone didn't get the Memo LOL. As far as cookies are concerned, I think it is all about timing. If the cookies are way too hard (stale), we leave without getting some or wait for the next delivery for what we hope are a little fresher bunch.
  15. I don't remember reading that. Did he say that? However, I'm a frequent cruiser. I wasn't going to say this, this early in the thread but I'm not a big fan of Coco Cay. I'll explain much later. I will say that that is my opinion/feelings of the island. I'm not saying that anybody else has to feel the same way or not. It's mine, all mine. But, you are welcome to it or not.
  16. Look at post #11, for just one example. It says, "Western Caribbean & Perfect Day". They (RCCL) doesn't do the same for Cuz or St. Maarten. Cozumel is one of those that I try to avoid. Why? Because I've been there toooooooo many times. But, it is a lot easier to avoid today, it's no longer THE THING. When I used to cruise on Rustbucket Cruise Lines, just about every western Caribbean cruise went there and some Eastern Caribbean too. RCCL is doing the same with Coco Cay and worse by making it hard to find an itinerary that doesn't go there. 100%
  17. Ya, it looks like they are going to start in July 2024:
  18. I honestly don't get what you are saying and what the hell is your problem? I didn't correct anybody, period. I said that, I hope they don't have a Toppings/Condiment island. @davekathymade a suggestion of what to replace JRs with. I only said that I hope, see above. I did not take it as a correction to anything and I don't now how any reasonable person could take is as any other thing than an expression of my desire, as evidenced by the words, "I HOPE". YOU NEED TO READ BEFORE YOU RESPOND TO A POST YOU ARE GOING TO BE CRITICAL ABOUT! There was no corrections or complaints, just an expression of desire and a totally friendly response to someone other than you. I also "liked" the post. Seems to me that the only "Waste of space and time. Unnecessary" is your comment/post. I don't think @davekathyand I have ever disagreed with anything, at least not to the point of argument. I respect him/her/them as reasonable people/person. And, I believe he/her/they were just responding with a suggestion to my post, period. If they thought that my post was offensive or unnecessary, I think they would have said so.
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