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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. That's right, you do you and I'll do me. BTW, where do you get your statistics from? I'd like to see them!
  2. What? You don't think the prices are going up on ALL, if not most of the popular cruise lines these days? Keep in mind, I'm not talking about the offerings, I'm talking about the prices of offerings. Well, some will say the menu's are/have gone downhill. I wouldn't know, I haven't cruised with the new menu's, yet. And others will say that the quality of food has gone down hill, too. Again, I haven't cruise since the recent wave of complaints of the food quality. BTW, what did RCCL offer at one time but now doesn't but another cruise line has picked it up as an offering?
  3. I don't think anything the OP stated is unique to RCCL. So, FOR ME, it's not about changing Cruise Lines, it's about continuing to cruise or not. As of right now, we are still looking for a cruise to purchase/book in addition to the one we already have booked. So, I guess we haven't hit that wall where we are saying enough is enough and quit cruising. HOWEVER, I don't think it's going to take much more of RCCL's, and others, penny pinching/nickel & diming us to death. But, like someone else said, I can fully understand the need to keep up with inflation. Prices are going to rise as the cost of goods and services go up. Think Eggs & Fuel, just as examples. On the other hand, I really don't like having to pay extra for the cruise line's expenses and borrowing they had to do with the great "shut down", not that I can do anything about it other than evaluate my continued cruising and/or not purchase the ancillary optional products/services/excursions/lounge chairs, etc etc.
  4. I don't have a problem with following rules, I know that's not your point. I just always feel that I need to get that out there. I may not agree with them all but I'll follow them. My overall point is complaining or making issue with those that don't have a problem a passive action. If you said that you like to smell Chanel #5 and I get deathly sick from it, I won't make issue with you by name or in any other way. Your post/response addresses a person that was not smoking, just smelling the smoke and not having a problem with it or actually enjoying it. Again, not engaging in the action(s) that offend you. AND, I know that there are rules governing smoking on a ship and elsewhere. I was just asking if people don't like this, that, or the other, do we make new rules/regulations/laws for them, where does it all stop. Where does my rights end and your rights begin. No, I'm not asking for rules governing the smell of fish or perfume. We have enough rules/regulations/laws already. I think it is clear that your issue (and I don't blame you) is with people smoking in unauthorized areas. Not with those, like me, that don't mind the smell of smokers/smoking. So, I don't know why the need to find issue with those that don't mind it, they're not smoking, just breathing.
  5. Good point! Being 71, don't want to sound too morbid, but I'm not too worried about getting free cruises based upon reward points. LOL
  6. We can "what if" this to death. You are discussing a situation that happened on a mass scale and the State Department reacted aggressively and took care of things, waived things, and provided the proper authorization. My examples, you call fake news, are things that can and have happened to INDIVIDUALS/FAMILIES. Let's agree to discuss apples to apples and oranges to oranges. For the other comments/posts. I won't answer each individually, I'll just say: I put my passport inside a Ziplock baggie, put it in my front pants pocket, usually with velcro closures. No problem, fits fine without being put in a bag of some sort, I carry my wife's so she doesn't have to carry a purse while in Ports of Call! As I've said before, I have fire extinguishers in my home, ODDS are I'll never need them and I've never used them. I'm glad I have them though. However, I'm sure there are many folks that have them, had to use them, and glad they had/have them. I've got property insurance and have had for many decades, never used it. I could go on and on. No matter how much some in here want to pick this apart, I'm not sure if it is actually finding fault with the opinion (which is only an opinion, one that I will share over and over again) or personality thing, I still stand by my opinion that having and carrying a Passport while traveling outside the U.S. is a good thing. I don't think anyone can find any fault/harm that can come from carrying a passport while in ANY foreign country, required or not. It can only result in not needing it, which is the usually the case, or needing it, which is a great thing if you have it. And yes, some in here have said, without qualification, that a passport is not needed. In here: I mean this board, not necessarily this thread. If someone is interested in disputing this, go back in the threads and you can find them, I'm not going to do your homework for you. Bottom line: I don't think anyone can, with a straight face or personality conflict, argue/debate that having a passport while traveling in a foreign country, required or not, is much better than not having one, despite the ODDS of needing one!
  7. Exactly. I honestly don't know why anyone would do more than state the fact that a passport isn't required to travel on closed loop cruises originating from the U.S. Suggesting otherwise isn't doing anybody any favors. Stating facts is one thing, suggesting is another. If I argued/debated on the side of not needing a passport and come to find out that someone took my advice and did, if fact, get hurt or sick, for example: in the central highlands of Mexico, on a 3rd party excursion, got severally injured/ill and couldn't get an emergency flight or air ambulance back to the U.S., in time, because of not having a Passport, I don't think I'd ever have a clear conscience again. Provide the facts and just let the INDIVIDUAL make the decision, without influence, that is best for him/her/them/whatever.
  8. The website still says $13. I sure hope that RCCL's management/IT is doing its usual and not keeping up with the latest and greatest information, I hope you are correct. OP - You shouldn't have a hard time finding the drink of choice, brand may be a different story, for example: (Eagle Rare 17 Year Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey $2089.99 a bottle (not RCCL's price, not even sure if you can get it on RCCL))
  9. I pay my balance due on the cruise right at about 90 days out mark with the RCCL, Visa, BOA, C.C. I then turn around and pay off the balance on the C.C., once it isn't pending anymore. But, before I pay off the C.C. I transfer the reward points over to an OBC. I make sure that the OBC is in the "cruise planner" or wherever it is supposed to go in my RCCL account. Then I pay off the C.C. It's always been easy for me. I must admit though, the first time I did this, I was very concerned because it takes several days to weeks, it's not instant, for the rewards/OBC to show up in your RCCL account. Mine has neve taken more than a few days to a little over a week. Good luck and enjoy your cruise!
  10. Sorry, I don't understand, in this context, what "threshold" means. Is it the total capacity of the venue? The total amount of a certain category? How many people can stand in the doorway (that was an attempt at humor)? No agenda, I just don't know!
  11. Very true. However, I'm very sensitive to the smell of fish, to the point of a physical reaction, some perfumes (which in some cases I can smell in the cabin next door), and others! Can I get a law, rule, or regulation for that? Can we get some social rebuke of those smells/products? Where does it all stop? But, my real issue here is someone says they don't mind the smell of something, then some, a very few, find the need to find fault with the person's likes or dislikes that does not have any harmful effects to anyone else, it's a passive act. The person(s), and I, said that we don't mind the smell of cigarette smoke. It isn't us that is doing the smoking, we just don't mind being around it. So, what is the issue If someone is smoking in a cabin next door and you don't like it and/or are sensitive to it, it's YOUR business to take the appropriate action, appropriate for you. For me, if I'm adjacent to the authorized smoking area, I'll enjoy it. If I smell or see smoking in an unauthorized area, I'd consider doing something about it. My point, why criticize or make issue of someone that isn't participating in the act that is so offensive to you. You meaning anyone that finds fault of someone that likes the smell of something and is doing no harm to anybody else. I like the smell of actively utilized barns (I'm an old farm boy), I don't demand that anyone else has to or find fault of those that don't.
  12. Yes, that's basically my point! Pinnacle has more benefits than JS does. Thanks for that!
  13. Good find. And I think that article by the FDA, in a roundabout way, answers my question. The FDA is still separating their resources, for example: FDA's Center for Tobacco Products and then they have Vaping Prevention and Education Resource Center. I don't think they are ready to medically link the two together, yet. It probably won't be long though. I hope they do and they move quickly to keep kids from vaping in a more urgent manner. To be honest, I don't care if adults vape, that's part of being an adult, I have the freedom to move away from the source if I want to and/or not go to places that allow vaping. I was once one of those that defended vaping, even though I don't and haven't use them. I was all for aids/crutches to help stop smoking. But, the more I read the "real" science (I don't remember what "real" science I read, it was a few years ago), the more I fully understood the issues with it.
  14. Nope, my intent was that I never did or have vaped. I guess it would have been clearer for you if I said "NOR" But, you are right, it's no big deal, so I'll leave it there.
  15. OH man, that unmade couch looks rough. I'd have a hard time sleeping on that thing, even with a sheet between me and that thing. I'd be afraid that I'd move around so much the sheet would move out from under me. My suggestion, bring "bed bug" spray and use a lot of it.
  16. Correct, I don't smoke AND never did or have vaped! It true, I don't smoke and I've never vaped. I don't understand the confusion. I didn't say that I've never smoked, even in that simple sentence.
  17. Yes, I don't smoke. I NEVER said that I haven't smoked. I did say that I have never vaped!
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