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Everything posted by ceeceeDee

  1. Suites, we were just grateful to get on a cruise and took things as they came. Didn't think twice about sharing a cabin with strangers or a bathroom down the hall or a duty free 'shop' which consisted of a small table with goods displayed on it or the segregation between first class and the rest of us or the different food served in first class etc., etc. We had a wonderful time and if there was anything to complain about, I certainly don't remember it! Maybe we've been incredibly lucky, but we haven't had any complaints about any cruise we have been on (or cruise line) since then.
  2. Hi Geoff I don't doubt you for a minute, but I haven't seen any announcement from P&O regarding Verifly being no longer needed. Do you mind telling me where you saw it? Strictly speaking, it doesn't bother me one way or the other as I am carrying hard copies of all documents so it is a bit of a moot point. I'm just curious since the P&O FAQs still mention Verifly. Cheers Cee
  3. Hey Tripmode33! We are on the same cruise! Whoo hoo!🙂 In another thread entitled Verifly and the P&O App I listed in detail the trials and tribulations of loading the P&O app. May be useful if you take a look at that if you haven't already done so. Aus Traveller has more or less covered your other questions. I can't give you up to date information as we haven't sailed with P&O since 2018 (darn Covid). However at that time you could request a table for two. We actually quite enjoy sharing a table and meeting new people so we opted for that. From what I have read, there are machines on board where you can access your account if you don't get the app up and running. Saves lining up at Guest Services (btw if you want to avoid queues at GS, go early in the morning or latish at night). We have successfully uploaded our information on Verifly, but as Aus Traveller said it is definitely a good move to have ALL your documentation in hard copies to avoid any difficulties at the Terminal. The last thing you want is to get stressed out before you even board! Wishing you a great cruise and maybe we'll run into you on board! Cheers Cee
  4. Shared cabins with strangers must have been a 'thing' in the early 70s then. My girlfriend and I went on a short 3 day cruise on P&O's Iberia and shared a quad cabin with two other girls we didn't know. And yes, the bathroom and loos were down the hall. Must have been an inside cabin because I certainly don't remember a porthole! I do remember we plebs were not allowed anywhere near First Class passengers, though the Captain did grace us with his presence for a cocktail party. 😁 I've never heard of mixed sex shared cabins (with strangers, that is). Sounds a bit 'iffy' to me. From what I've read even 3rd class on the Titantic segregated the sexes when it came to shared cabins.😬
  5. On all our cruises,the staff have been fantastic! Most notable (probably because we see them more often) are the cabin attendants. From the first meeting when we board they are there with happy smiles and a 'can do' attitude. We always take the time to get to know them, ask about where they are from etc. They are human beings and deserve to be treated with respect both for themselves and the wonderful job they do. Bear in mind that they are far from home, living in cramped quarters often for 8 months straight working 7 days a week (sometimes 12 hours a day) and dealing with the general public who can be abysmal in their attitudes and behaviour. Yes, their living conditions and pay are probably better than their country of origin, but that is no excuse to treat them as second class citizens. I remember a lovely young lady working in one of the bars whose nickname was 'Sunshine' (this was seven years ago and I have never forgotten her). And how apt that was. She was from Port Vila Vanuatu which had been recently devastated by a cyclone at the time. Fortunately her family was uninjured but she was understandably worried about them. However, she continued to do her job with a big smile and the only reason we knew what was going on in the background is because we took the trouble to chat to her. She gave everyone great service but just that bit extra for us. I've worked in retail and hospitality and it truly is a pleasant change when customers treat you with respect and understanding. Some people seem to think that they can subject you to rudeness and abuse just because you are a 'server'. Not so. We are doing an honest day's work selling you that dress and it's no different to anyone else working for a living (from the CEO to the Janitor). It costs absolutely nothing to be kind to everyone.
  6. Hubby usually hits the nearest bar! 😂 If it's open, I hit the cabin, meet the steward and check if there's anything we need whilst the steward is around, then collect hubby and do a whistle stop tour of the ship so we know our way around and then decide if we want to join the sailaway party or chill out on our balcony as the ship sets sail.
  7. We saw 2017 in on a cruise in the South Pacific. What a blast. Ended up with THREE celebrations. Once for local time, once for Queensland time and once for Australian daylight saving time. So the festivities began at midnight for local time and just kept right on going.
  8. It's usually when we first set foot on the actual ship. Our biggest OMG moment was boarding Symphony of the Seas and instead of an atrium, found ourselves in a shopping mall! Four Aussie tourists with their jaws simultaneously hitting the floor!
  9. Our adult son (he was around 38 at the time) came with us on one cruise and had the cabin next to ours. We saw him at dinner on the first night and then no sign of him for days. We knew he was around somewhere because the cabin steward mentioned that things in the cabin were obviously moved on a regular basis and there were used towels in the bathroom. However the steward was a bit bemused and told us that our son must be sleeping in the bathroom as the bed was undisturbed!! 😉 We never did find out what he was up to. Ask no questions..................
  10. Actual packing takes place the day before. However, I shop for whatever I need from about a month out as I think of it. Do a spot check on things like the expiry date of medications I have on hand such as travel sickness pills, gastric upset pills and the like and update if necessary. Also bug repellent, sunscreen, travel size hair spray, shampoo & conditioner, purse size hand sanitizer et al. We travel fairly light and so far I haven't had an 'oh darn' moment on a cruise. Except last cruise it didn't occur to me to take back up contact lenses as I had just changed them prior to leaving (they're 30 day leave ins) and wouldn't you know it, one of them dislodged. No biggie, just had to wear my glasses for the last couple of days but it was a bit of a pain.
  11. 8 days 2 hours to go and I'm wondering if I'll survive the wait!
  12. All of the above, and spend inordinate amounts of time on the Cruise Critic forum!!!!! 😂
  13. I'm not being insular, but if they are operating out of Australia their charges should be in Australian currency.
  14. The cabin is a great layout. I like the idea of the bed near the balcony. At least you can get into the cabin without sidling around the bed.
  15. We've stayed at Royal On the Park in Brisbane. Moderately priced, very comfortable and situated right opposite the Botanical Gardens. Short taxi ride (or a pleasant walk) to Southbank and an easy walk to Queen Street Mall.
  16. Totally agree that tipping is not required Down Under. However, if we go to a nice restaurant for dinner and get outstanding service we will generally leave a tip (probably about $5). As an ex-hospitality worker, I can say that a small tip is very much appreciated if we go the extra mile. To illustrate how much we don't expect tips....... I once chased a couple down the street who had left a substantial amount on the table, thinking that they had forgotten their change. Turned out it was my tip!!!! Totally unexpected and I was quite embarrassed.😯🙂
  17. Thanks, Suites. I enjoyed the tour. Just wondering about 9201 in regards to location and whether the room is in good condition. From the deck plan it looks like it might be a bit of a walk to the lifts/stairs. Also a bit of a hike to the MDR. Neither of these is a problem, however. Will help burn up some of the calories from the 3 course dinner😄
  18. In our case we get two large complimentary bottles of water in our room (P&O Byron room). We also have a drinks package so we can just get bottled water over the bar. I'm more annoyed (well, mildly displeased) that barista coffee is not included on our drinks package. Am seriously considering taking my own ground coffee and a coffee press and getting hot water from the Pantry. Depends whether or not there is room in my luggage. Have to have a decent coffee every morning or don't bother (dare) to speak to me until I have. 😆
  19. Hubby keeps his opinions to himself as far as technology is concerned since I use it a lot more than he does. I don't know how I get myself into these things, but I am the booking officer of our theatre group so I am constantly on line and on the phone helping people book for our shows through the on line booking system. I'm no expert, but boy can I tap dance when a problem arises and act as though it's all a piece of cake. Luckily we have a young IT guy that I can get to sort out what I can't or when the booking system decides to throw a wobbly.
  20. Exactly right, Daz. I forgot to mention in my previous post that hubby caught covid about a month ago (at least his timing was impeccable and not right before our cruise!). From what I have heard, his was a mild case (he's vaccinated, but not to my extent) though being of the male persuasion intimated that he was very ill indeed (worse than the dreaded man flu). Anyway, the point is we had covid in the house and I escaped unscathed (and have the RAT tests to prove it!😄). So, I'm taking every precaution and just getting on with life and I am definitely not nervous about cruising.
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