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Everything posted by Kristelle

  1. 'deteriorated' is subjective. Certainly people dress more casually - to me this is a good thing. But I guess if other people dressing casually is a deal breaker for you, don't go on a river cruise.
  2. yes it is Martindale Hall in Mintaro, which is a small town in the Clare Valley. Built in 1879, open to to the public now, fascinating example of country mansion of wealthy pastoralists of the time. Was also used as the setting for the film Picnic at Hanging Rock. your turn @MicCanberra
  3. Yes. Having taken a lot of photos in my own state, my contribution to this thread is probably going to be disproportionately slanted to SA.
  4. so the answer is somewhere in Iceland? who suggested South Pacific?? 😊 Is there a prize for the wrong-est answer?? 🤣
  5. 1. stairs from boat were not really steep, it was more like a ramp and it had rails on the sides. Lots of people over 50 on our trip - many over 70. 2. pretty sure Scenic elevator does not go to top deck and the stairs to the top deck are quite steep. the stairs from one floor to another are not and there is an elevator (I never used it) 3. cant speak for Christmas markets. but yes boats sometimes travel at night - we had no issue with locks or engines at night. and I am not a heavy sleeper and we did not have a 'prime position' cabin 4. there is always the possibility of hotel over nights and ship swaps - I doubt it would be every night though. this did not happen to us at all in 14 days, luck of the draw weather wise. One night was bumpy because river level was low and bottom of boat scraping on river bed. that only happened one night out of 14.
  6. Scenic trip we went on was majority Australians with some people from UK, Canada, USA and a couple from the Phillipines. Not sure if that is every Scenic trip or just those marketed most in Australia - and particularly Amsterdam to Budapest (or reverse) which is the most popular river cruise for Australians and several companies here offer and market that itinerary.
  7. No it was to a thread on thrifted clothing in Fashions and Beauty section Probably was user error on my part then.
  8. OK I'll get the ball rolling. Quaint European looking church but setting doesn't look Europe-ish. Somewhere i n South Pacific?
  9. Not surprising, since the name Yarra is based on an Aboriginal word
  10. So here is example of something one poster does not want (all inclusive) whereas for me I like all inclusive trips and that was one of the reasons I went with Scenic From Australia, APT ( which I think markets as AMA elsewhere) offerred very similar itinerary and very similar costs, also as all inclusive - what won in the end was simply the Scenic dates suited better for us. was very happy with my trip. I would go with Scenic again - but unlikely to be doing another Europe river cruise in foreseeable future. Not because I didnt like it - I certainly did - but it is long way from Australia, costly and other travel plans first. My next overseas trip will be Scenic cruise/land o n the Mekong, Cambodia /Vietnam
  11. As mentioned by myself upthread - I did have an experience with this on Scenic - and yes they provide room service - but they couldn't provide dinner until dinners were ready - ie room service but no earlier than everyone else in the dining room You could possibly get sandwiches or suchlike any time - I didnt ever try that - but would seem a shame to miss all the nice meals to do that every evening.
  12. Is it the Arches of Constantine in Rome?
  13. Are we not allowed to link to other threads?? anyway thread I mentioned in post above is in Cruise Fashion and Beauty.
  14. Either you collect the tray or it is delivered to your room - depending on whether the cruise line does room service. But as you say, if it is still at same time as everyone else this doesn't really address OP's issue.
  15. How are you going to leave them behind? There was some discussion o n this thread about that: I highly doubt cruises would offer a discount for guests who do this - as it is dubious whether this is something they want you to do.
  16. adding to above - when we were on our Scenic tour, one night DH wasn't feeling well and didnt want to come to dining room. I rang about an hour before dinner and asked for room service, could he have dinner delivered to our room. "No, so sorry, madam, the meals aren't ready yet" which was fine, I actually didnt mean right then, I just meant when it is dinner time, please deliver to cabin, which they did. But does confirm CPT trips' point above.
  17. Turkey? #picks random "mosque country"
  18. The Taliormade app was very glitchy on our trip. I agree the info was places was good but the connection to guides speaking on tours not that great.
  19. You asked me a question and I answered. But yes indeed point has been made by several people now that pre paying gratuities is done for various reasons - but expecting preferential service is not one of them. That applies to all lines, not just Viking. I hope you enjoy whichever trip you do next.
  20. Yes, Fremantle prison. In spirit of game: further information...... Dates back to convict times. Now a heritage listed site. Several above ground tours and also the underground tunnels tour lyndarra mentioned. We did an above ground tour, very interesting But the best experience was the underground tunnels tour - you descend down 20 m shaft to underground tunnels, and then partly on foot and part is still water tunnels which you go on narrow canoe type Highly recomend if anyone is visiting Fremantle. Or Perth - short train ride to Fremantle. Your turn, lyndarra....
  21. no, not Auschwitz that answer took me by surprise. It is a LONG way from there.
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