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Everything posted by MacGuffin3

  1. Funny, I was sitting with Lincoln at the bar just last week, and he seems to have made a switch to Margaritas somewhere along the way. Vodka ad campaign - "It's the tofu of spirits!"
  2. Because you can't get any of those things free from a tap.
  3. Yes, completely bizarre to me as well. I've lived most of my life in the Pac NW though where the tap water is great. When I've lived in CA and AZ, I certainly did understand putting a filter on your tap, or buying the big gallons of water from those machines for a quarter though. And when I've lived in tropical less-developed countries I've bought cold filtered water from street vendors for pennies. But if you have enough money burning a hole in your pocket to pay more than $3 a liter for water on a fancy cruise ship, do the world a favor and spend it on your favorite charity instead.
  4. There are three MDRs on the Encore, plus the buffet, plus I have a some specialty restaurant certificates. Personally I don't plan on stopping at "twice."
  5. After several martinis it's time to slow down a little with Gin Rickeys. Hopefully the bartenders will know what I'm talking about. (I'm going to assume they don't have sugar-free tonic on the boat so gin and tonics are out) The sugar-free part is essential.
  6. Yep I'll pass, sounds like it is an ounce of vodka hiding somewhere in passionfruit and orange juice. If I really feel I need to slow down on the Martinis while on board I'll probably break it up with a Gin Rickey from time to time.
  7. Coupe . . . smoupe! You would never catch Bogart holding a coupe.
  8. Or you could be going to the wrong bar.
  9. Blame the French. It had a long stem so you could keep your fingers far from the drink to prevent warming it up, and lots of open surface area on the top to better release the gin's bouquet. Just drink the top half quickly and that should solve the spilling issue.
  10. Ok thanks, spotted those. Is it really the exact same on every boat? They list "tonics" do they ever have sugar-free tonic?
  11. I just grabbed it from NCL's site. I can't see a difference between the two other than a photo on page 2 of a happy bunch out on deck, rather than a couple making a mess in bed.
  12. I was doing the exact opposite of "ignoring it." I was wondering if similar things had the same mark-up, and it looks like you were right. Those half a dozen items on the bottom of your list are canned/bottled liquids and have a pretty inflated price. The first six drinks are probably fountain, which is a lot cheaper and easier to deal with for them. Thanks for the info, I'm still never going to buy water.
  13. There are suckers born every minute. Including those who spend a fortune on coffee. As to NCL's mark-up, if somebody's willing to pay for it, that's their business. But cost-wise, do they charge an equivalent mark-up for other bottled drinks? If not, I'd say they make a healthy profit margin on water.
  14. With NCL charging over $3 a liter for water, let's hope FLOW is getting some of that mark-up for your town.
  15. Yes, I tolerate the name "Vodka Martini" because it's the same drink with only a change in the type of booze, the name "Vodkatini" sounds silly and nobody's come up with a good original name yet. But calling any drink with Kahlua, Absinthe, or who knows what else in it a "monkey's fart martini" just because of the glass it's served in is an obnoxious trend. What is the most annoying though is when you order a martini and an ignorant bartender asks "Vodka or Gin?" I always want to say, "If I want a vodka martini I'll ask for it."
  16. I'm paleo and don't drink any sweet drinks, but if they had diet ginger ale (which they never do) I might try a gin mule since I've always liked the taste of ginger. Sorry but in my book there is only one type of martini - gin. All the posers needs to get their own name.
  17. Can't go wrong with a Beefeater or Tanqueray martini.
  18. My guess is "club soda" they don't have on the gun, but "soda water' is probably there and will probably cost the same as pop.
  19. I just think it would be fun to give people all the wrong information.
  20. I just looked for some on eBay. Couldn't find anything.
  21. I've lived in both Seattle and California, and the difference is huge. When I worked in a restaurant in Seattle 25 years ago the chef always complained about it. Perhaps its gotten better. But I do doubt the ship is picking up its inventory from farmer's markets.
  22. You don't win friends with salad. And pizza places are a dime-a-dozen. I vote no.
  23. What was the theme? Maybe it was "Toga Party." In which case you could have easily gotten a sheet from your cabin and blended in.
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