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Everything posted by IAcruising

  1. We've yet to experience this. But if/when it happens, I will politely prod the server to keep things moving along at a slightly increased pace.
  2. My favorite Spock quote: "I would not remind you of that which you know so well" Get in a day early.
  3. Right. Kinda like the Super Bowl. You'll never see that on an NCL ship. 🙄
  4. That won't buy her a cup of coffee. Bring the EDL and birth cert. No problem.
  5. From only my particular experience, they show up when they show up, and then change. Check often.
  6. Did you just book, or what? The EDL will work, but I would also bring her birth certificate. It's closed loop. You should be fine.
  7. You seem to be in a completely illogical, megadiscombobulated quandry. Good luck.
  8. Our Q country band was British! It was hilarious. Needless to say, they didn't know Sweet Home Alabama. 🤣
  9. I preferred the band in the Q. To each their own. Anything that drowns out Footloose works for me.
  10. Not sure. I've been told that utensils on the plate mean you're done. Different customs, different places?
  11. I'll be by your side, if you're on deck 10 starboard. No tags for us. No one knows how this game works.
  12. No crow or apology necessary. My comment was actually hopeful, selfish denial. If the rumors of "fleet wide" elimination of American Diner and Observation Lounge breakfast is true, that eliminates 2/3 of my breakfast options.
  13. It's amazing that some don't recognize you as the no-nonsense intellectual that you are.
  14. If only we had more recent experiences, like posts #3, #4, #5, #6, and #9.
  15. I'm certainly with you on this. I love the added choices of more restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, etc. on the big ships. It's just, you know, the mass of humanity that inevitably comes with it.
  16. Sounds more and more like a one off. What did your friends say? I hope you didn't purposely point out your perceived faults. That would obviously sway their own opinion.
  17. I was just thinking about this concerning our upcoming 21-day. I just assumed that nearly everyone comes in a day prior, but I'm coming to understand that this is not necessarily the case (even cruisers coming in internationally!). I can't wrap my head around spending that kind of money, then not being able to meet the ship until 3-days later, in Colombia, usually at their own additional expense! Boggles my mind.
  18. Because of #3: I prefer corroboration, and a daily would have been nice. While I believe what you experienced, were you there every day? People hear things from officers all the time, it seems. Some are correct, and some most certainly aren't.
  19. Surprising as it may seem, some of us have no desire to cruise with 6000+ other randoms. 3-4000 is already more than enough.
  20. When one holds a Blue Moon on a cruise ship, one never stands alone. I think I heard that somewhere.
  21. I don't either, but it was worth a shot! 😃
  22. No one will corroborate because the policy of holding back Vibe passes doesn't exist. Some who like to invent NCL policy, because they supposedly got lucky (twice!) and "heard" it from someone (or two!), will say the policy exists, but that doesn't make it so.
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