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Everything posted by AncientWanderer

  1. Good morning everyone. Salute to International Women's Day. The others are kind of uninspiring. @marshhawkAnnie, the drug situation is murky. To get the migraine medication covered that I want, I have to first try three other drugs from three other categories to see if I can tolerate them first. Maybe something like that for you? The migraine med I want is $1200 a month from cheapest sources. (No generic.)
  2. Good morning. Lots of hijinks on the Daily today. Wonder why? Oh, it's RedNeck Bob's Birthday! Happy Birthday RNB! Nothing much going here today. DD is dropping off her pommie. I'm dog sitting while they do a moving party from their house in Los Angeles. The relocation that never really happened. Seems like all of last year was one big fiasco in a lot of ways. I like this year much better. 😊 I'm glad your hand is feeling better @dfish. @Seasick Sailor, I'm sorry to see Allen has a pinched nerve in his neck. That's such a painful spot. I hope it resolves quickly. @kazu, I hear ya about the ouch on the x-ray table you had yesterday. They moved me all around, too, and I was thinking, hey, guys, I'm here because my legs hurt. Not sure whether to hope they find something on yours or that they don't. Maybe just hope for a teeny tiny itty bitty hairline fracture that explains all and goes away on its own, right? Thinking of you. I do wish everyone a lovely day today. We had very heavy rain last night. It looks to be dry for awhile. I hope it is, so I can get the two pommies outside on walks. Pocket loves it when his cousin comes to visit. Maybe they'll get a special Little Caesars dinner for a treat. πŸ˜‰ Thanks all for the Daily!
  3. Big improvement in about a week. All better in a couple of weeks. I’d been using one of those supports for carpal tunnel because it was around the house and that didn’t help at all. The area had been sore for a really long time. Oddly, it was just from repeatedly using a spray nozzle to water that kinda crushed that thumb area. Your problem might be totally different, but this really does help that area. Can’t hurt.
  4. Debbie, I sprained/strained or something or other’ed my thumb and the base of the thumb, and this healed it. What a bargain. https://www.amazon.com/Mueller-Medicine-Reversible-Stabilizer-Measure/dp/B004YIFA2C/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=3FNK7U6MFD3UE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.STMN18NNZR_dnNfkgj6E8VNM58zeiyvkvNN0f5LPVoLLwvpKHNc2bmqcWcTyzuDKZdCbgIa1ErFbkiWzke-nVhXRfzYY65ST6Jc3xZP3EdN8LA-n1JSY89SatedKawmGr7NnBb-q9gnBpJOhvwbNvD4nFqh-K75i9iVvHt7JzRvCmt8d_kMWc8tAUP6ERCtNVyp7rdE78YixGh99mOpvVlOOJNqmx8cWuvuRaxLTfi6EePZhnWUEBcd31Q4YX3JElHhLbvTfilwYLNfn3XKDf-wd_ofRQHxjQLsu9r9_z6Y.XUfc5VtoUWIMffiRbWr8xu7QNh8bIA6QZIXXqyo_lg0&dib_tag=se&keywords=mueller%2Bthumb%2Bstabilizer&qid=1709780507&sprefix=Mueller%2Bthumb%2B%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1&psc=1 (That looks like the longest link in history. I hope it works.)
  5. Oh, that's exciting you're trying the new program! Our PCC was really enthusiastic about it because we're in a port city. Eventually we'll give it a try. I hope you get onboard and have a great time! Fingers crossed for you.
  6. Good morning, Dailyites. My goodness, the photos of Alicante are beautiful. I actually had to look at records to see if we've been there, having enjoyed a number of beautiful Spanish ports, but no, we have not. Definitely a goal. Just beautiful. We had a nice weekend -- celebrated DGS's fifth birthday. Just pizza with close family. He is autistic and it was so sweet that he kept coming and sitting by me and smiling. He knew it was his day. Just darling. And to absorb some atmosphere for Japan travels, DD and I went to see a film called "A Perfect Day" that is nominated for best international feature film. It's about the daily life of a public toilet cleaner in Tokyo. (!!) We enjoyed it very much. I may have mentioned before, we now have one of those plush theaters very near us that have reclining seats, good food, and pitch perfect sound and screen. It's a joy to "go to the movies." Really got me back into the theater. If there is one nearby, give it a try! The photo of Baby Murphy yesterday was amazing. What a beautiful and tough little cookie. Just wonderful. You're all in mind today as we start a new week. Wishing everyone a pleasant day. The group is scattered far and wide right now. So fun to follow everyone's adventures. ❀️
  7. I don’t really find those spaces very appealing for daytime β€œhanging out.” I’m assuming that what Virgin has set up is more attractive. @cruisemom42makes a good point about needing more programming to spread people around the ship. More speakers, more classes…just more.
  8. I really like what the OP, Roz, shared about how Virgin Voyages has a dedicated social area. I’ve never cruised with a lot of family members or big group, but I can see how you’d really need a place to kind of post up so everyone can find each other and be together. If the Lido is the only place, well, then it’s the Lido. Anyhow, way to go, Virgin Voyages.
  9. I peeked at the roll call! You guys sure as heck are getting busy already. I'll sign on when I feel more certain that it will be a go. Lucca sounds really pretty -- and we've been to most of the other local attractions, so it has a lot of appeal. I looked at what HAL has on offer and their day is a lot longer -- nine hours -- so might want a fuller day there. In any case, it's a beautiful itinerary. If anyone is looking for a really interesting TA, April 19, 2025 is a winner winner chicken dinner.
  10. Dreams can be very wild. That one was so vivid. I hope someday we make it to an ocean!
  11. @marshhawkand Debbie, years ago I saw a suggestion to add mustard to cottage cheese to liven it up without making it more caloric or unhealthy. I've eaten it that way ever since. Grey Poupon all the way.
  12. Lots of times we will just say to the bartender, "I'd like this that or the other. Would that be covered by our package?" They're very nice and helpful and will suggest a change of call brand, if necessary. No dollars and cents mentioned.
  13. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit πŸ‡ πŸ‡ πŸ‡ Good morning and hello March! We have been to the area around Livorno on a land trip years ago -- went to Pisa, Florence to see the wonderful statue of David. God willing, we will be there again in May of 2025 on the Oosterdam. Speaking of which, @kazuJacqui, I see on the future cruises that you are doing the TA. We are booked for that as well -- have the additional May 14 10-day one as a separate booking, in case it ends up seeming like too much as we get closer. It will be wonderful to sail with you again! I hope you feel better soon. As @Quartzsite CruiserLenda said the other day, we really do worry about one another here. How much? Awhile back I had a dream that DH and I swung by and picked up @smitty34877Terry to go on a cruise together to.... the Catskills!! On that note, I hope everyone has a good start to the new month and that we welcome spring. It may come in slowly, but it's coming! 🌹 Maxine
  14. Good morning Dailyites and thank you to all contributors. I'm not a big Kahlua fan, but do enjoy a coffee drink with Kahlua and Amaretto combined. The almond flavor kind of softens the flavor of the Kahlua. Maybe give it a try on a BHB sometime. πŸ˜‰ Last night I finally started taking a daily migraine medication that was prescribed quite sometime ago. It can have a whole slew of side effects, so I didn't want to start it while I had the chest virus that's going around. Too much confusion on what's what. One of the side effects is weight loss. That would be just terrible! 🀣 Other than that, we have some deck repair going on from the recent big rains here in California. Our upstairs deck has always been a problem. Hopefully the latest fix will work better. And planning is underway for spring in Japan. This will be our fourth attempt to make that trip. I think this time it's a go. (Knock on wood quickly!) Thank you @bennybearfor all your tips and enthusiasm. I've been thinking about @Sharon in AZ and Craig with his second round of covid. That would be a hard pill to swallow, but we did catch covid on a land trip to Hawaii -- maybe flying there -- so any travel is a risk. I hope Craig gets healthy and reconsiders so you guys have many years of happy sailing. Thinking of all of you and wishing all a pleasant day. Thanks again to our steady team here. True champions.
  15. I’m hoping they will do just what you suggestβ€” give a plain print option. Most airlines do.
  16. Checking on our bookings, I notice that the HAL website has changed how itineraries are presented and available for printing. They used to be kind of plain and simple. Now the look is more in line with what other cruise lines are doing - - a busier look, with photos. What used to be three pages to print is now about fifteen pages and quite colorful. Not a big deal for short cruises, but in planning long cruises, I enjoy printing the itinerary to keep track of dining and excursions, and I make notes about the ports. So...any thoughts on the new look? Suggestions on how to get a more streamlined printout? Other fun ways to plan? Thanks for your ideas.
  17. Like they say, be there or be talked about! Sure would have loved to have hopped on that ship and joined you guys. Thought about if more than once. Glad you had a great time! I haven't been on the internet much because of just plain tiredness. In early November I caught The Cough. That stinking bug going around had me awake coughing all night for a full two months. DH and grandkids had it for a really long time, too. Holidays were a blur this year. It worries me to think of some here getting this virus, having lung problems to begin with. Not a good one. Anyhoo...thanks Lenda and Debbie for the kind words. Speaking of words, those I'm typing keep jumping around here on the page. Not sure if it's my computer or CC. But I better stop typing before something comes out totally wrong!
  18. Good morning everyone. I've been skimming lately -- very little posting anywhere. Nice to see all the happy cruisers. Thoughts are with those having difficulties. I've noticed that @marshhawk hasn't been posting -- not even on Sunday, a day she seems to particularly enjoy here. Both she and her DH have been having troubles lately. Sending prayers their way. Hope all is well.
  19. Great photos! So glad you made it to Shanghai Disneyland! Never thought about it before, but doing the parks in the order you are -- Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo -- seems just right. You build up to the most exciting park at the end. Love all the souvenirs! 😊
  20. I think a good restaurant in PV that was recommended on another thread and @oakridger asked about is the River Cafe. πŸ˜‰
  21. Have a great cruise and thanks for doing a trip report! Sounds like you and DD have an amazing journey planned. I've always wanted to attempt the Disney trifecta by cruise ship, but it hasn't worked out for us. Can't wait to hear about your adventures, @Tigerlily75!
  22. I received and completed the survey. It's great that there are a lot of overnights. There were a couple of the itineraries that we found very appealing. If kids, health and pets ever cooperate, sure would love to sign on.
  23. I hope nobody reads this thread and avoids a cruise because the San Diego port is too terrible. Seriously, we sail out of San Diego a lot, and it's not the greatest, but we've always been on the ship for lunch. And certainly San Diego is a nice place to visit. The airport is minutes from the port. Pretty convenient relative to a whole lot of other places. But I'm sorry that @RuthC had such a bad experience.
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