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  1. I agree with Daniel A above. We booked a Baltic cruise for Sept-Oct this year because it was outside the normal summer season thus fewer tourists (though we will be tourists.) The Tourist Dilemma. I checked port calls and no cruise ship will be at any location at the same day(s) as we during our cruise.
  2. There is a motor coach that leaves from The Empress Hotel in central Victoria every hour or so. The bus and Butchart ticket is combined. ~40 minutes is right. Our driver gave commentary on the way. The Empress is a magnificent pile as are all the CP railroad hotels.The waterfront at The Empress is delightful. Seaplanes arriving and departing, great seafood restaurants and the Hotel as an attraction to visit.
  3. These locations such as Tesco, Postal office, others, they purchase currencies as well? What charge fee is there. You can purchase these currencies with a bank card, no "trading" currency?
  4. Australia and New Zealand are the winners (?) of the "tyranny of distance" competition. Yet the U. S. has achieved insularity in the geographic and figurative sense of that word. I had read that London is 500 (air) miles closer to Beijing than Sydney is to Beijing and I had to consult a globe to see that is correct. Flat maps distort minds.
  5. In my experience in a large city with major national bank branches all around and the headquarters (titular) of Bank of America, overseas currency is available at a few designated branches in areas most likely to request such service. The types of currency are limited to the most common destinations. Norway Kr may not be included. Many currencies may be ordered for delivery to a local branch with some time delay, 2-3 days in my experience. There is a cost because I would be exchanging US$ for these currencies. I did this on my first two out-of-US trips and then the ATM revolution made currency access democratic, or at least as democratic as foreign travel, ATM/debit cards and plush bank accounts can be considered. Consider yourself fortunate to live in a smaller country* that is more familiar with travel outside of borders. *smaller meaning less than 1500 kilometers to another country. I am that far from Canada, Mexico and Bermuda.
  6. Viewing your blog and the Geiranger farms and landscape it makes clear why the Vikings went to Scotland, Faeroes, Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, France, Russia, Byzantium, ANYWHERE but Norway.
  7. My experience after several stays: A hotel in a charming conversion of a Haussmann era building or a former hotel particuliere, (a former elegant city home,) one must be certain that the term "air conditioned" or "climatisée" means all of the rooms and not some. Contemporary built hotels, international chains and so on are reliable in their advertising and amenities. Not so for others.
  8. My take on this issue is that the word "jeans" is a signal. It represents an easily understood item of clothing that nearly everyone can picture. Yes, there are nearly infinite variations. The point of the word "jeans" is to set a tone. Rather than identify every potential excludable item an avatar for the class is chosen. The "shirt/shoes" sign is another such signifier. That the staff may exclude based on some clothing which they define. Overanalyzing what denim apparel is acceptable is unedifying. Think up, not down.
  9. I listed the ports in my original post.
  10. Also be aware no one knows the port fees. (apparently) I am aware of all that everyone has mentioned yet no one has responded with an answer to the POINT of the original post.
  11. Apparently no one knows the port fee structure or fees as a portion of fare. Just as the cruise line prefers, I assume.
  12. I have a Baltic cruise in September and there are ten days with ten ports: Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Klaipeda, Gdansk, Warnemunde, Copenhagen and two minor ports. What do you think is the total port fees/tax/costs for such a cruise. It is a more expensive total than I expected though the ports and time of year are exactly what we want. Thus we go. We have a longer cruise next year on Viking with more sea days and lower per day cost. Curious about this. It will not change our plans.
  13. Regarding the "discomfort" to the passengers on Insignia: they will have a story to tell about their cruise that EVERYONE they know will want to hear. A rescue at sea. Witness to death and near-death. Bravery on the high sea. Experience of the desperation of poverty and failed states. Part of a story told around the world. AND they had their dinner on time. Perhaps different from their other cruise tales.
  14. With the name of the original bottler on the bottom? With a crown cap that requires an opener? And a cork cap liner? 2¢ refund?* Oh, yes, I would pay to see that today. *You must be [#this old#] to enter this portal of memory
  15. I use Apple Pay which is linked to my card at the issuer, my Credit Union. People still rely on physical cards? edit: people meaning retailers/providers as well as card holders.
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