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Everything posted by A&L_Ont

  1. I’m not from Toronto, and I don’t understand it.
  2. 99.9%. Storm trooper launches at 8:45, an we fly at 2:30pm. Sounds like you are going to have an awesome weekend.
  3. You’re welcome. As for the cruise you are a couple days early, we board on Friday. Saw it too. Perfect description.
  4. With little to no AC. We enjoyed having our windows open all night and hearing the howls of a cat in heat. So sorry to read this. Happy to read that he is on the mend. Probably for the zip line landing zone, in case you hit the crew member, or the wall. +2 to this.
  5. I hope that it stays mild for her. My second time was no worse than my seasonal allergies, my fingers are crossed.
  6. I agree. For many businesses it is easier to just have them go away with no acceptance of fault.
  7. Agreed. A good way to avert a “disaster” in the making, especially if they are complainers.
  8. I agree, they both do it. That said, in regards to this case, if memory serves me correctly they did not release the video until a fair period of time after the actual incident occurred. I 100% agree with you.
  9. I'm not sure if you are referring to RC or the family. The family's representation was going to the media, to sway public opinion. It is part of the "routine". The small fraction of the general public here on CC discussing it would have no sway in the outcome of this case. However making details public about the accident is what the family's lawyers were doing, to sway RC to avoid going to trial.
  10. Sounds like an awesome time to me. Don't forget the bug spray and after bite for the bugs. Cant wait to see pics when you get back.
  11. One would logically think that, but there is no logical reason to hold a child out of a window. Had they gone to Miami Beach for vacation would he have lifted her over their hotel room balcony rail there too? The grandfather was 50 when this happened. He was not an elderly man which one could think by the terminology. He was also her grandfather by marriage, not that it changes anything. It makes me wonder what other dangerous things he allowed her to do for example, like steers the car from his lap while going down the road? I’m 51 and I would never ever consider lifting a child out a window at any age, unless it was to escape a fate worse than falling such as getting out of a burning building.
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