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Everything posted by A&L_Ont

  1. Our view for tonight. We think the dome will remain shut because of the smoke from the fires. You can see how some has made its way into the building.
  2. We are off for a weekend of baseball in Toronto, but not for Owenโ€™s team. We have tickets for 3 Jays VS Boston games this weekend. First one is tonight. Pics to come.
  3. We are on Mariner July 21st, so Iโ€™ll let you know if the captain is incorrect.
  4. Some will say book it, other will suggest you stay with MSC because of cut backs at Royal. My suggestion, even though I like Royal, is to wait until you are onboard. If you like your experience book Anthem while on Symphony.
  5. Owenโ€™s ball game was last night. Some games have been cancelled tonight too, even though it looks much better. Hopefully it will clear up your way as well.
  6. LOL, I bet your mom knew my mom. I can tell my mom something, but until someone else tells her the same thing it is ignored. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  7. This is the new RX front, but not sure about the other models. Itโ€™s not as aero dynamic as the previous RX, but Lisa doesnโ€™t mind it. It will grow on me with time. Good eye. I just used a black โ€œhighlighterโ€ to cover over the front plate.
  8. Thanks Graham. She likes it. We spent some time setting our home address in the Nav and radio stations when we got home. A big difference, the display screen is 14โ€ and maybe double in size over the old one.
  9. Greg, sorry to read about the bad knee news. As crappy as it is not do/get away with the simpler procedure, it is better to only go through one procedure and not the replacement a few years later. I just wish we could wave a wand and have it completed, and healed.
  10. Iโ€™m so happy for both of you. Hopefully you can get one in before May but it will come soon enough. Give Sabel a rub for me too.
  11. Indeed, there is a big difference between the two. Ponderous is a great description. He actually got to drive it home from school today as Lisaโ€™s car is in the garage with all the rain. He now has an idea how sensitive the gas and brakes are. That took a bit of time but he adjusted quickly.
  12. Iโ€™m sorry to read about the storm damage, but happy to read that overall the cruise went well. After missing cruises for as long as you had did it feel great to be back? I sure hope it did.
  13. I have to say Macโ€™s photos have peaked my interest in going. Have watched many travel vlogs on Norway it has peaked my interest even further.
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