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Everything posted by mauimary

  1. We have now done three cruises on the Beyond. Two in Sunset Aft staterooms on deck 8 and one in an Infinite Veranda on deck 7. Loved all our staterooms. Beautiful ship. Only ran into one passenger who had a noisy Stateroom and the staff moved them. We love the Beyond and now have two more booked for this winter.
  2. Loving your review. We were just on the Beyond in April/May and it was early enough to have nice weather without being too hot. Very much enjoying looking back on fond memories we had from your review. Liked your comments on the age demographics so it was good we were earlier as we would definitely be seniors now!! Eagerly awaiting for more 😎
  3. We have three b2b2b coming up. We will turn to elite plus after the second B2B. We did not purchase the all inclusive for the third cruise. We too can do quite well if we have the coffee and tea benefit as we are fine with HH and few purchases during the day if we feel the need. Will our new status be recognized this soon or does it take corporate awhile to get it changed over?
  4. Adult kids over the age of 18 still get credit even though their parents paid for their cruise!! Id venture to guess not very many pay for their own cruise when sailing with their parents. Pretty sure that’s not how you meant it!!! Our kids assumed our status on RCCL and that later transferred to elite status on Celebrity. We took a grandson on a couple of Celebrity Cruises and he did not get Captains Club credit as he was under age 18.
  5. We have used the Get your Guide App for tours in numerous countries. Most recently for two tours in Portugal. These were small group private tours with excellent guides. I just checked and there are some very nice small group tours you can book for Cape Town and the area. You can also book a tour via the App for the Winelands. We also spent a total of six days in Cape Town last Dec after our two week Safari. We did do Table Mtn on our own as well as Robben Island on our own. For table Mtn our hotel checked to make sure the cable was running and then we beelined it up there by taxi before the winds came up. We had very favorable weather in mid Dec. It is also possible to get up there by car. Definitely need to take the time to walk around and enjoy the views. Our trip to the Cape of Good Hope and the Penguin Colony was booked by our Safari Tour Company. The App has some very good day tours you can join here as well. Enjoy Cape Town. We have been here twice now. Both times for an extra week.
  6. It’s everyone’s choice what they want to do. Whatever makes you happy. For us we view it as part of the cost of the cruise. There is so incredibly much that goes on behind the scenes that deserves to be rewarded and get a piece of the pie. Not everyone is on the front lines out there in noticeable positions. You know who I think deserves a piece of the tips and lots will disagree with me is the nice people who keep the restrooms so clean and beautiful. They work hard in a not so glamorous position.
  7. We were going to continue on the Beyond Transatlantic after our Caribbean Cruise so we are disappointed. Not sure what we will do now.
  8. In addition to our two free loyalty bags I also hand wash the delicates and things I do not want in a hot dryer. I also wore pieces multiple times to dinner either adding a scarf or jewelry. DH also brought his sport coat. I had to laugh in the room next to us we noticed a lady that had a door hanger full of shoes! I just looked up the photo and she had 13pr! She must have had a lot of outfits to go with all those shoes. I know some lines have laundermats but who really wants to sit and babysit the laundry??
  9. We just did a Transatlantic on the Beyond (14 day cruise)B2B with a 8 day cruise. We followed those two cruises with a two week land trip to Portugal. We each had a free bag of laundry on ea cruise for a total of four bags. We found it was plenty for us. We found that we took too many clothes for dinner for the 22 nights onboard. The Beyond has 4 main dining rooms and you can move between them or stay in just one of them. If you can do a good job of mix and match you will be just fine. No one else cares or pays much attention. If I happen to notice a woman wearing the same outfit twice I view her as a smart traveler! During the day on the Transatlantic it was very casual. What you do not want is to have to schlep heavy luggage around. That is a burden. We did take two large bags and a smaller rollable. We were able to leave the heavier larger bag at the hotel in Lisbon as we were returning there. We did fly from Rome to Lisbon and TAP Air Portugal would not let us carry the rollable on with us. Last summer we did a two week land trip and a 10 night Med cruise in two rollaboards. It worked out just fine but you do have to plan smartly
  10. Just want to let others know that you have the option to get park only tickets like we did. This allows you to get close to the palace. We did not want to go in side. I do not like crowds or to be in crowded places.
  11. I asked this question of the Future Cruise Desk on our April Celebrity Beyond Transatlantic and was told the TA for 2025 would be released in Jan 2024
  12. This is as far as you can get and where the entrance to the Palace begins. They tried to stop us below this point. The shuttle was 3£ and it included both directions. We saw folks attempt to ride it back down but they were turned away. For those like us who do not want to climb a lot of stairs and want a closer view of the Palace the Park ticket is a nice alternative.
  13. Actually we have answered our own questions as we were just there on Sunday (2days ago). We did purchase just the Peña Park tickets which allowed us to enter only the Park. We could take some photos of the outside of the Palace and did get some good ones at that. We were able to get as far as the first Terrace and the gift shop. You have to have a pre scheduled Palace ticket in which there are several lines for that to enter the Palace. The shuttle from the Park Entrance is 3£ and there is a line for that too. Apparently you can get tickets for that online but we could not figure where to buy the shuttle tickets. Our guide purchased those for us and we reimbursed her for them. We had trouble getting up to the first Terrace where the gift shop was. The employee guarding the line told us we could not go any further than where the timed line began before you walked up a short hill to the Palace Entrance. Our guide came back down to get us and told us we can most certainly get passed that point. We also saw others later do it.
  14. More Lisbon sites narrow walkways to wander steps to climb Our TukTuk driver explaining to Mr where we are at and fun places to wander recommendation on a really good local restaurant with Fado in the evening. remnants of a really old church. more views After lunch at a local restaurant with a Portuguese menu that the owner spoke enough English for us to figure out what we would like( we are not eaters of fish or anything that ever lived in water!!) which can be a challenging at times we headed back down to sea level (or close enough) wandering some fun streets. Really old historic buildings We just had to get into the picture😎 ❤️these little tarts with the lemon custard filling You are no doubt saying what the heck is this? Well just let me explain that I have a Starbucks collection of coffee cups I have collected from all over the world in places where we have traveled. Of course my DH was saying “ really more mugs”. Yep!!
  15. The night of arrival we were too exhausted to walk the streets to find ourselves some dinner so we just shared a club sandwich in the bar and a beer for Mr and a Diet Coke for myself. Not very exciting for an exciting city I know!!! As you have already figured out if you have read this far we are not foodies and we ate only in the dining rooms or ocean view. So there were no food piccies or menues as I left those for the other writer doing a more extensive review. We did attend all the shows and enjoyed them. My goal was to post what we saw and did mostly as a DIYourselfers!!! We like to venture out and wander sometimes with a plan but mostly not!! Wed (May17) We spent two nights at The Vincci Baixa Hotel. It’s a small hotel which is a very clean , comfortable and in a walkable location. Wonderful breakfast and a very friendly and helpful staff. We found it through Bookings App. Cool elevator door feel like your right in the city as you step into the elevator. On our first day we started out walking and within a few blocks we found ourself in a Main Square. We thought we would take a HOHO bus but instead found ourselves in one of the many TukTuks. We talked with the driver ( prices can be soft) who was doing a Tours by Locals). We ended up with a wonderful two hour tour which took us to places the HoHO cannot get too. We wound our way through the colorful hilly streets The tiles on the building are colorful and very pretty We stopped at Vistas to take photos ❤️ the view over the rooftops streets are narrow, crowded and as you can see small cars, taxis , tuktuks all share the road as we wound our way through the hilly city. We passed Cathedrals Prominent Statues more colorful buildings Hilltop views colorful streets with no shortage of places to eat I was so in love with all the colorful buildings.
  16. We were on this same cruise as you were and loved it. Very fun to read your review. We had never been to any of the ports except for Naples. We were DIY so explored all the ports on our own. It was fun to run into Capt Kate on her way down the mountain. She is very personable. The weather was not the best but held out long enough for us to do what we wanted to do. Thank you for your report.
  17. This is what things pretty much looked like. Baggage was unloaded here and everyone is loaded onto busses.
  18. ??? For someone who does not have good climbing of stair knees… Can you take a shuttle up to Peña Palace and then back down again. We would like to get photos from the exterior as we have been in many palaces and cannot do all the stairs Can the Palace be seen in the distance from Sintra? Would it be valuable to view the palace just from the outside. … do you need a ticket to ride shuttle and view palace from the outside. thank you
  19. May (16) We flew TAP (Air Portugal) to Lisbon. We were somewhat worried that something would get cancelled changed and we were in no mood to deal with that after our big fiasco with KLM trying to get to BCN last summer. Fortunately everything went according to plan but when we checked our two big bags in at the check in counter the agent told us we could not take our small roll aboard on with us. Said it was a full flight! Which turned out not be the case. More in that later. It had all our impt things in it but fortunately I had the foresight to have my baggalini fold up bag empty inside it so we removed most everything from the bag and loaded it inside baggalini. The agent then lifted the very light roll aboard. Now the hard part it was not real light and it’s much kinder to roll it. After all that fiasco Security check was easy but we were hungry and wanted some food besides Diet Pepsi and peanut M&Ms. Not easy to find. Gates are not listed until apx 2hrs ahead of time so we found our gate and took a seat and then just like that it’s jam packed with two other flights and then announce we had a gate change and by the time we got there .. All turned out well. We had booked aisle and window extra legroom and lucky for us the middle was empty. Three hour late afternoon flight. Easy peasy it turned out to be. Hello Lisbon the surprise was there were TAP airplanes scattered all over the place and stairways. No gates. Busses pulled up and took us to the airport and then you walk and walk and walk before finally finding your luggage carousel for luggage. Very tempting during the walk as there were so many restaurants and we didn’t want to leave luggage sitting around.
  20. View over Rome from a high vista point. There is a park up here. Big drop off from the wall which the young were sitting and sometimes standing on! 😬 Tgen off to the Marriott Park Hotel Rome Very nice place to stay. Lobby resembled a train station!! Very nice big room and a buffet breakfast. Plus we had a very late check out before our flight to Lisbon. Stay tuned onto Lisbon. 😎
  21. I won’t bore you with everything but we did have a fab day. You guessed it the smiling folks who had just departed the Beyond and a few hours later found ourselves in front of the Spanish steps. Fountain Horses in Rome Fun to walk a few streets Eventually it was time for lunch. RIL finds us the best lunch spots. This one was called San Marcos. Of course I had to have an Aperol Spritz. They did not disappoint!!!😎 Had to follow up our lunch with a tiramisu and cappuccinos. It was wonderful. we walked a few streets to get the feel of the city after lunch. Besides we also needed some exercise after our big lunch.
  22. Now that we are in Portugal I have more time to work on the continuation of this blog. We have been quite busy but at least we have good internet. Some of my photos still want to post upside down. Especially the ones with myself and Mr. Cont. of Rome The usual sites that everyone likes to see Trevi Fountain We threw our three coins in the Trevi Fountain and just like that we eventually made it back (15) years later Pantheon line was quite long but it moves fast Famous Dome inside the Pantheon four holes in the floor under the dome Alter Roman Forum Monument to Victor Emmanuel II So glad we have a driver who has lots of skill patience and aggressive to drive these streets in the city. We would never attempt this ourselves!!
  23. Excited to follow your blog. You have such a fun way of writing. Love this time of year for cruising the Med before it gets hot.
  24. (May 15) On to Rome where we had to sadly depart the Beyond after an absolutely fab 22 days of cruising. We were excited to be seeing Rome again since it had been 15 yrs since we were last in the City. We had made arrangements with Rome in Limo to pick us up and drive us around Rome for the day before dropping us off at our hotel closer to the airport (FCO). We departed the ship and right away found our luggage and RIL was right there standing with a sign with our name on it. An official sign and not one hastily written in!! Early am arrival in Rome. Sun just beginning to come up. We made a stop to visit St Paul’s Cathedral just outside the City Gates of Rome. We had the time because we would not be going into the Coliseum or the Sistine Chapel. We have been in before and wanted to see more of Rome this time. The Courtyard was beautiful ON TO ROME We never realized Rome had a small Pyramid These Foundations of fortification have likely surround Rome since about the 8th century!! First stop in Rome for us was the Coliseum and we were glad we only did a walk around. The line was extremely long even if you had tickets. Plenty of hawkers outside offering tours for those that wanted to (risk it)! No Thanks!!!😎 Proof we were here!! Still excavating more ruins Quite a tedious job not wanting to miss a single fragment!! Us with our super intelligent and knowledgeable guide Francesco from Rome in Limo (RIL). He was a lot of fun. So wonderful to have a guide drive us right to the site or a very close walk. Also wonderful to be able to leave a purse wallets etc as they stay with the car. No worries about pickpockets either!!
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