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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. If it is Monday, it must be baby back rib day. Time to prep and slow cook them for supper tonight. Grandson says that it is his favorite meal. That is the first of a couple racks. Then to season them. I can’t believe we got them for less than $3 a pound, and they have a lot of meat to them. This is the time of year for bulk trash pickup. I am always amazed at how much stuff people set out for pickup, and how many people scavenge the piles for things they want to repurpose. We never have anything, because we get rid of things right away. This is one thing we jut put out at our daughter’s house. One owner, but don’t check the crash history. The little lady that had this one crashed often.
  2. This looks remarkably like my doctor’s office. Minus the leeches, of course, but everything is turn of the century period pieces.
  3. Today, we dodged rainstorms all day. We were lucky that the sun came out for the football game our granddaughter was cheering at. Their team won 40-20. Just at the end of the game, the storm clouds rolled in. And we saw this….. IMG_5966.MOV They were on a heading toward Sue’s house. I am thinking maybe Rick read some of the things she has been saying about him, and he called in some strike teams. 🤣
  4. A few pictures from the party yesterday. First, the important stuff like cupcakes. These were delicious. My favorite was the chocolate/ peanut butter ones. Son-in-law lined a small football field in the back yard, so the kids could all play some football theme games. They staged everything in their garage, and under a canopy we took over. Great idea to keep the mess out of the house. The kids, and all the adults had a great time.
  5. Pretty full day for us yesterday. We went to our daughter’s house early, to help set things up for the football themed party for our grandson. Although his birthday was last Thursday, the party was yesterday. He had a morning football game, and he did outstanding. He has quite an arm, and is accurate. 18 completions on 21 tries, but one interception. His nicest was a 35 yard completion to the end zone as time expired. They won 30-14. He was especially happy, because they were playing the top team. That, plus he is playing in the next age division up from where he should be, so a lot of older and bigger kids. His team is kind of a Bad News Bears team made up of kids that didn’t get picked for the other teams. Now, they are the team to beat, since they are undefeated. He is having a lot of fun, as are his team mates. More on the party later.
  6. Sorry to hear this. I hope she heals quickly. Dani, and all our friends who celebrate, wishing you a Happy New Year. Add me to the list of people that are driven nuts when there are no spaces between pictures. I like to see captions for each picture.
  7. Ok, so when I saw this post, I thought I may have missed a photo that would surely get banned here. Where I am from, pasties have a totally different meaning than what was probably being referenced. 😳😏
  8. I got up at 4 am this morning to 40°, and I said this may be the day I try to give up Starbucks. I blame this on Susan. Evidently, today is not the day.
  9. Spent the day at our daughter’s house, helping her get ready for the birthday party tomorrow. My job was to do some cleaning, inside and outside, including the windows. While outside, I saw some bear scat in the yard, about 20 feet from their front door. We do get black bears on occasion in our residential neighborhoods. So I guess the answer to that age old question “Does a bear s..t in the woods?”, the answer must be “Sometimes!” All this talk about feeling like fall, I noticed a few trees already changing colors when we took a walk this afternoon. .
  10. Thank you all ( or is it y’all?) for the birthday wishes for my grandson. We are really happy with the polite young man he has become. It must be because he has two fantastic parents. Not to mention two fantastic grand parents. Took him to his favorite Mexican restaurant tonight. It is 49°, so I closed the walls on the gazebo, climbed in the hot tub with a kraken colada, and watching the Steelers Browns game. Very comfortable in here.
  11. The wet suit is a great idea. I am surprised they have the flow rider open for the Alaska sailings. Susan actually took a wetsuit along for one of our Caribbean winter trips, when we were doing a helmet dive. It made it easier to take, since we drove instead of flew. After spending that much time underwater, everyone was envious. Making a note of this.
  12. You know you go to Starbucks too much, when they greet you by name and hand you your drinks when you walk in the door. Going there 3 or 4 times a week is a habit I would like to break. Just like those Carmel lattes too much.
  13. Now this is a proper birthday breakfast for our Pennsylvania grandson today before school. We are taking him out to dinner after school to celebrate. His choice, so we don’t know where we will end up yet. The big party will be on the weekend.
  14. We didn’t get the nasty weather Sue was talking about this morning. It was nice enough that some had their convertibles out. This is one of those “green” vehicles with only one horsepower. We also made a run across the border for a gas fill up. $2.99 a gallon in Ohio now, compared to $3.95 here in PA.
  15. Looks like a beautiful day there. Can’t wait to hear about your excursion.
  16. That is Sam’s Club for you! We usually have between 100 and 150 Trick or Treaters. We buy enough for our daughter also, and they usually get in the 150-200 range. We are still looking for boxes of a couple other types.
  17. I have never been to a Whataburger, or Sonic. Went to in an Out once in California, and Five Guy’s once. Haven’t even been to McDonalds or Burger King in probably 20 years. If we want a good burger, we travel to Blackout Burger. They have many standard burgers, or you can customize your own. It also helps that they have a good selection of adult beverages to go with it.
  18. We are getting an early start to pick up candy for Halloween. Anyone else notice how much candy prices are up? I just hope we don’t eat it all before then..
  19. Mid teens and 20’s is really good. I have had times I didn’t make 10,000. Other days, I have made up for it. I remember hearing about people that would get 100,000 in a day, and that seemed unrealistic to me. So I set out one day, three years ago, to see how many I could get in one day. It was a struggle, but I topped 80,000. But then, I was younger, and still in my 60’s then. Don’t think I will try that again.
  20. These are the kind of mornings I dream about in the summer. Drop the boat in the water, put on the slalom ski, and ski on water that is smooth as glass. Beautiful morning.
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