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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. Three days till cruise day. I spent the last week finalizing our planning and packing. This time of year for us takes some planning, because we are packing for a month. And, we are driving to the port for the first part of our trip. Unlike some of those who live in Florida and drive to the port, our drive is a little longer. It is a little over 1,200 miles. Now, when I was younger, that drive would have been done in a day. In fact, I was just talking with my neighbor, and they were getting ready to drive to Florida with their six kids, in one day. I shudder to think of how many times they will hear โ€œAre we there yet?โ€ on that drive.
  2. I am going to miss the elfโ€™s antics. These were from the last couple days. Somehow it was trapped in a bottle. then, caught trying to steal a Christmas tree from Barbieโ€™s house. oh, and we are on our way to Florida. I did start a LIVE so I wonโ€™t clutter up this thread. No promises on it, but here it is.
  3. I debated if I should do a LIVE this time around, but I thought this might be good therapy, and a good place to post a few photos along the way. No promises that I will keep up to date with things, but it will happen. This is our first time to sail Symphony, although we have sailed the other Oasis Class ships. One advantage will be that we will have some new shows to see, some new artwork to see, and more importantly, some new bartenders to meet. So letโ€™s get started. Photo credit-Royal Caribbean Press kit. And what is up with the title? She is sort of like a song! The late, great, Marvin Gaye says it best.
  4. And another WC topic: I wonder if Royal has any projections on how many passengers they would expect to pass away on the voyage. A couple from our church, who did a WC several years ago, told a story of a woman on their cruise whose husband passed away. They said she arranged to have him cremated at one of the ports, and brought his remains back on board. She told them her husband had always wanted to go on a WC, and he was going to finish it.
  5. The drinks you get in the Crown Lounge (former Diamond Lounge), count against the 4 drinks a day from your status match.
  6. Three day drive to Florida, then an 8 night on Symphony to Aruba, Curaรงao, and Labadee. Then a beach house in Pompano Beach for the holidays, and our kids and grandkids will join us at the house. Stopping at the Villages after the new year, to see how the swingers live, then to Port Canaveral for a short sailing on Allure. Looking forward to all of it. Well, maybe not the swingers part. Friends of ours bought a house in the Villages, and they wanted to show us around.
  7. Thank you all. Lots to get done in the next couple days, but things on the list are getting checked off. We have a lot of things packed in large bags, that will go to the house with us after the first cruise. Suitcases are laid out, and some packing is started. Most everything has already been moved to a closet in the one bedroom we are using to pack. At least the weather looks good for the drive.
  8. Yesterday, we celebrated an early 41st birthday for my son-in-law. His actual birthday isnโ€™t until the 25th. Took everyone to the Chophouse, and service was horrible, and the food was dried out. We also celebrated an early Christmas, so the grandkids could open their presents before we leave this week. I will say, they are getting harder to buy for, the older they get.
  9. My grandson from California canโ€™t pass up a bathroom. He always has to go, whereas, my grandson from PA can go all day without visiting a bathroom. Probably none of you would survive one of my roadtrips with planned and timed stops. I may post something in a couple days when our trip south begins. Going 1,220 miles, but we give ourselves three days for the trip.
  10. I am always fascinated by those large Lego creations. Even those created by enthusiasts. I think between our house and are grandkidโ€™s houses, we have tens of thousands of pieces, and everyone enjoys building and creating. I was just reading an article about legos, and their attempt to find an alternate material to use, instead of the ABS plastic. They estimate a lego piece will have a lifespan of 1200 years or more. The article also touched on reclaiming legos brought up in fishermenโ€™s nets. I wondered how they found their way into the ocean, then read about the Lego lost at sea project where 5 million pieces were swept overboard from a tanker near Cornwall in 1977. Apparently, pieces still wash ashore today. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/whimsical-legos-are-still-washing-ashore-decades-after-they-were-lost-at-sea-180979580/
  11. Something to keep me occupied next week. We get on, for an 8 night, when you get off. Have a great cruise.
  12. I had an urgent call from my old firm, to come in and help a couple of the young engineers with a project. So I spent the morning with them, and helped them out. Then, this afternoon was the firmโ€™s Christmas luncheon. I got there a couple minutes early, so I stopped at the bar and ordered a yuengling draft to take in to the dining room. Asked the bartender how much, and she said $1. Me: Thatโ€™s it? Is it Happy hour? Her: No, that is the price, all day, every day! I totally missed the sign on the way in. I canโ€™t remember how many years it has been since I had a $1 beer.
  13. Haha, that is funny. Although my granddaughter was very concerned when she saw the photo of Ricky by the elf. Evidently, his leg was touching it, which is a big no, no. The elf is supposed to lose its magic, or bring bad mojo or something. I am sure they had to do something to get the magic back. I missed seeing the elf today, but I hear it was on a swing on a door frame.
  14. We have always received the digital ones. Only exception was Allure the last couple times that just had printed ones.
  15. Todayโ€™s elf appearance And Ricky has decided to send Christmas cards to all his pet friends. I guess all the pets here will have to accept this digital version.
  16. Pretty harsh critics on live reviews here. I was debating on possibly doing one next week, but donโ€™t think I can devote that kind of time. I may just post a few things here, since I have even had trouble keeping up here lately. On another note, luggage tags for our second cruise were available today, so another thing off my list.
  17. I think a lot of those were just posting links to their YouTube, or FB, or blog sites, and I didnโ€™t get the impression anyone of them was going to attempt a LIVE Happy birthday to your oldest son. Happy birthday to your second son. Looks like lots of December birthdays. Both my son and my son-in-law have birthdays coming up.
  18. I experienced some of those restrictions. Before we consolidated plans, my wife was on Verizon, and I was on a low rate carrier that used their towers. There was one place, when we were traveling, where she had service, and I had none. There were times it was noticeably slower for most things. We could easily compare, because we had the same iPhones and were in the same area.
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