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Everything posted by daiB

  1. If they had mentioned it on the ship the situation would have been resolved. They would have got the extrs food they wanted. Solve issues on the ship not in a review. They had plenty of time on a 35 night cruise.
  2. Amazing what a smile and please & thamkyou will do.
  3. But if they feel something is not right why on earth wit until you get home to say anything about it??
  4. I have in the past asked for a large portion of something I really liked but normally what I am given is fine and I don’t eat desserts. The fact that they wait until they come back to complain is one of my bugbears. Sort a problem on the ship rather than moaning about it when you get home when it is too late. When I read comments other than Cruise Critic the subject is rarely mentioned.
  5. You need to ask for a larger portion at the start then others are not affecting others.I have never asked for more during the meal.
  6. I never ask for more I ask for a larger portion, to start with. Hence my comment about the 35 night cruise. If you find the portions to be too small the first night then you can do something about it for the resat of your cruise. It also will help with waste of which on some lines must be huge. I have to say in general i find the smaller portions, and I am not convinced they are that much smaller than over the last 20 years suit me fine I do not remember one person in discussion actually saying anything about portion size
  7. Sorry I have to disagree, first timers on a 35 night cruise? Even if they were first timers they could still mention it. It should not need spelling out on the menu.
  8. I was impressed by Aurora at Christmas as well. Christmas dinner was excellent. However after being on Iona we were blown away by what the food was like on her. It certainly matched Aurora for quality and was way ahead for variety. The range of eating possibilities is excellent.
  9. Let’s hope you are on the Jan 3rd one as we can have a chat. This will be our 4th on Ventura and we love the ship.
  10. I have to laugh about the complaints about the size of portions. The answer is very simple ask for more. The idea of going 35 nights without saying something to the waiters is crazy.
  11. Don’t apologise thats your opinion. I never read the reviews on here as the name of the site leads people to complain. We are regular 35 night on Ventura and have had 3 excellent cruises and have 2 more booked.
  12. Suites and Ligurian board at the same time and can go to the “lounge” in the terminal.
  13. No Selbourne it’s Ligurian and suites. Far too many Baltics.
  14. I have had 12.00 as Baltic so the 12.30 has now been superseded. Even on Aurora at Christmas we had 12.15. And there were hundreds of upper tier passengers.
  15. I have noticed lately that CPS the parking company P&O use, have been full 3 to 4 month before departure.
  16. Harry, On Ventura they show films in the Tamarind lounge generally in the afternoon. However we have been on her on long cruises (35 nights) so more chance of films being shown.
  17. Are you not Ligurian/Baltic giving you the early time for boarding?
  18. Are port costs more than fuel costs. I suspect there is not much in it but no one knows and the company are not going to say.
  19. If you have assistance booked they board you in the order of your boarding times. However they do not stick to them. If there is a pusher available they will not wait until your booked time they will get you on as soon as they can.
  20. Well our experience was on Aurora, Ventura and Iona. It is also the case that in most ports the scanners are shore side where they do not care about bottles of booze. And in most the Duty Free shop is on the ship side of the scanners.
  21. Even this last paragraph was not true on Iona recently on both cruises I saw people carrying boxes of duty free very early in the cruise. ?????
  22. Never seen a table in our 8 cruises since the COVID break. I think they have just given up on the idea.nPossibly they have found that bar sales have not been affected
  23. Intercruises seem to employ many of the staff.
  24. Your first statement is quite true There are many reports of a sorting going on before you get into the terminal those at the correct time straight in and boarding inside 20/30 mins and the ones who are early are directed somewhere to wait. Sometimes standing for an hour or two.
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