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Everything posted by daiB

  1. Iona is most certainly 4 stars. But remember hotel star systems are based on facilities only.
  2. There are ports where the satelite reception is poor, Teneriffe is bad for example. it couls be he position of the satelite
  3. We found that the Acts on P&O were the same as Princess. I never go but my wife had seen all of the acts on P&O when we took our Princess cruises.
  4. Jean doing the check in on line saves a lot of time and makes check in run so much easier. On Iona we did not even get to sit in the terminal. straight in checked in and then directed to security and on to the ship. The key is to arrive at your allocated time.
  5. Passengers in Malta are spread out by the time their plane lands whch is totally different from Southampton.
  6. Sorry you cannot dertermin what the point of a post is. once it has been posted it can go in many directions.
  7. I am with you after our experience on Aurora in Oct. and Dec. The food was plentyful, hot and of a good standard.
  8. I dont think he is “having a laugh” we had very good meals on Aurora last October and at Christmas including full plates.
  9. Just wandered into this thread and. As long standing P&O passengers who have recently tried Iona I can tell you we think she is wonderful and the range of eating venues is fabulous. We even got used to freedom dining which has never worked for us the times we have used it. Gan Canny Dai
  10. Just seen your last sentence. I have been on here for 16 and a half years and I have seen people complaining for all that time. 😄 Many people have a complain when they have not been on a cruise for years or even on the ship in question. Some people go on a cruise and look for things to complain about. 😄 I have done that a couple of times but unfortunately they were very short reviews. 🤣 Gan Canny Dai
  11. And we are on as well so it is sure to be a good cruise. Only we are doing the next one as well.
  12. We are talking about two different things. The wheelchairs they have on ship are for emergencies. Someone having a fall, or like me my scooter broke down and they could lend me a chair.
  13. I must be lucky, never had cold food, well not since they did away with that silly silver service. Never been on a table where anyone has complained about it either. We always ask for a table of 8 so thats a lot of people.
  14. Then report them to admin. I am sure they would be delighted to get rid of them.
  15. I cruise with P&O because we enjoy the experience. I have read this forum for years and many others.and I have found that the vast majority of passengers have a great time and post about it. I have learned to get things dealt with at the time on the ship. On the few occasions this has happened this has been resolved fairly quickly to my satisfaction. Possibly why we have 12+ cruises booked with P&O. Gan Canny Dai
  16. Well we have been told by more than 1 butler to order through them to avoid being charged. Perhaps it was to avoid a mistake but I have found using the butler was much easier.
  17. I like the coffee in the buffet, I know I am odd! On the other hand I don’t like the coffee in the MDR.
  18. As far as I know room service has always been paid for in a suite. Which is why the butler has always said go through him for everything then it is no charge. That is what the butler is for.
  19. If you can fly and need an accessible cabin then fly cruising may work as I have noticed that these cabins tend to be more readily available on this type of cruise. This being due to the difficulty of getting mobility equipment onto a plane and off again in one piece.
  20. At the moment just after the final fare has to be paid ie under 90 days seems to be best. However as things settle down you may find that the ships get filled up and the late deals disappear. This was certainly the case for a number of years pre pandemic. However if you have children the tactics are different as child places go very quickly. And late deals are very rare. Also there are certain cruises which are very popular, generally on smaller ships with one off itineraries.
  21. Well it matters quite a lot because you booked at an expensive time when you look at the booking window. Booking when you did is not early even though it may be a year before. Booking early to get the best price is on day one of booking. We have booked on day one for the past 18 years and for 95% of our cruises this has never been beaten. The price you pay varies as to when you book. It is controlled by an algorithm which is linked to supply and demand. They know how many cabins they need to book at any one time in the 2 year window. If sales are above the expected then th price rises if below then it falls. You may have booked the cruise at the peak time and therefore it is often inevitable that at some point the price will fall. So you either book one day one or within a few weeks of it or you book late. Book in the middle and you end up in your position. Ps. I have to book on day one as I need an adapted cabin. Gan Canny Dai
  22. On tipping, now the genie is out I think it would be very difficult to get it back in again. You could get to the position where the majority of the passengers would take the tips off. Not a situation P&O would want.
  23. My experience of the VQ is that i did not refresh the app and had missed the call from the restaurant. I suspect that some of the long waits are down to that. After that was explained to me we never waited more than 10 mins. If fact hardly time to get a drink.
  24. But it just moves the queue to 5.30 instead of 6.00
  25. Should but don’t always. The present one sends out a revised invoice the one we used before, nothing. As long as I get it from Carnival I am happy. I have always got it on the cruise.
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