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Everything posted by kywildcatfanone

  1. I said that 2 posts up. Everyone gets to decide for themselves how they feel about the loyalty benefits and how they get changed. The changes are what they are. It's not like discussing it on a message board is going to change what has happened.
  2. It's the one benefit that hasn't changed since I got to elite. With that said, on two separate occasions they lost items of ours, presumably gave them to another passenger, so unless we are on a longer than 7 day cruise, we don't use it. Or I just send stuff that if it doesn't come back, I won't be bothered by.
  3. Maybe to you. Change are changes, and the cruise line can do what it wants. When I earned elite, there were benefits to it that I could take advantage of because I had attained that status. Now, some of those benefits have been changed or removed all together. It it what it is. Someone might view the internet as a big deal, someone might view the coffee as a big deal, someone might view the boutique sales items as a big deal. You can't make a blanket statement, you can only comment on how it impacts you. That has been my point all along. From my perspective, I have lost a couple of hundred dollars in benefits per cruise that I used to have access to, but no longer do.
  4. Yes. for us it used to be a way better deal when we could trade it for coffee. At least then, it was similar price point exchange. Now you aren't getting near the value if you trade it. But it is what it is.
  5. That is the definition of fading. Sorry. I know you have chosen this as a hill to die on by starting your own thread defending the cutbacks, and posting in many others, but since I have been elite we have lost all benefits we see as useful with the exception of the laundry, which we rarely use. Those cuts in benefits cost me over $200 now per 7 day cruise. I've already post that multiple times, so I will leave you to your thread.
  6. Sorry, but this makes no sense to me. People who sit by the pool all day still have to use the bathroom and eat. I can most certainly go anywhere on the ship and get food and be back to my chair in 30 minutes.
  7. Good luck with their being any when you get there. They are fading fast.
  8. I think this is e everyone's complaint, and rightly so. It's poor customer service. Especially when they have your money to earn interest off of while raising your price should you want to eat at casual restaurants onboard.
  9. As expensive as the Princess packages are, they are less than the ones offered on Celebrity. Amazing to me, but I guess people are buying them. So good for the cruise line.
  10. You got an entire thread derailed because you posted this, and people refuted it with the benefit cuts to loyalty programs they have endured. Personally benefit cuts I have experienced now cost me over $200 a cruise. If you are happy with your benefit cuts you may keep your benefit cuts.
  11. Whew, I don't think I could carry 12 cartons of soda, but I typically bring 3-4. Never been an issue.
  12. That will happen when you have assigned chairs that you pay for, which is coming soon.
  13. I agree with this as one of those they would like to get rid of. We take 2 cruises a year, but rarely spend more than $2500-3000 in total for both. We book inside cabins most of the time, do not buy packages, or go to speciality dining anymore, and bring our own soft drinks and water on the ship at embarkation and ports. And we usually have enough OBC to cover tips and wifi. They would love to give my black medallion up for a blue one of someone who is on a first cruise, and is paying for the convenience of everything they offer. They would virtually double their money. They are certainly trying to push me out, and I do have one foot out the door, but I'm not gone yet.
  14. I agree with you 100%. This should have had a start date, and everyone who bought packages prior to the announcement are grandfathered into the new benefits. None of these new things cost them that much money to provide good customer service to paid in full customers.
  15. I will add that my hope is people will buy up all the packages they can. If they see the value in it, I'm all for it. I do hope also that because of that, the base cruise fares will remain relatively affordable. That would be a win/win to me.
  16. Isn't that something you are going to have to pay for in the near future? What is your reasoning where they need to be if they are only gone 30 minutes. I can go to my room, the IC, Passenger services, lots of places and be back in 30 minutes. When I need to go to the bathroom, I go back to my cabin for example.
  17. Cruise lines have learned that people will empty their pockets for anything perceived as "added value", without realizing some of those things were previously free that they now are paying a higher fee to enjoy. It's marketing.
  18. Last I knew 30 minutes was the Princess policy, although I don't know if that is written anywhere. We are pool people (well, the wife is, so I do it too), and we are out there early and typically only leave to go to the bathroom, get something to eat, etc. I do agree people who put out towels and such early and then don't show up till noon are wrong. The deck hands really should figure out a way to track that at some level.
  19. Agree I would suggest it needs to be 30 minutes. Most people can do whatever they need to do (bathroom, food, drink) in 30 minutes and get back to their chair. And you will be charged $5 everytime you sit down.
  20. As has been mentioned by myself and many others in several threads, there have been significant loyalty benefits that have been changed or removed entirely. Can you just move on from this? If you are happy with the benefits reductions, be happy.
  21. If you read the previous comments, it should be self explanatory. You can be gone for 30 minutes by default, but many people hold chairs for longer than that, hence the hours at a time comment.
  22. We have our towels, and clips, and leave our bag with books and items on our chairs and table if we have one. Never had a problem, but we also aren't gone for hours at a time.
  23. Princess has cut out almost all loyalty benefits. Loyalty is a thing of the past with Princess, and all cruise lines generally.
  24. Because Princess is trying to get you to book via their phone operators, who will try vigorously from the Philippines to sell you package addons.
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