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Everything posted by kywildcatfanone

  1. Go read the Celebrity board. Princess is picking up a lot of new passengers by being 10% cheaper.
  2. This is now us mostly. We cruise when school is in session now or take longer cruises with my wife being retired.
  3. No, they want people like me out. A "pensioner" who spends gobs of money is very welcome.
  4. Well said. As said many times in this thread and others. The continued cutbacks and removal of loyalty benefits are all about trying to weed out low revenue loyal customers and replace them with customers who will spend unabashedly on vacation. I do feel badly though for th passenger services people who will deal with angry customers who only find out about these changes once onboard.
  5. So, standard fare passengers and minimal onboard spenders are chronic complainers and super demanding? I would think the opposite.
  6. Which I consider a good thing. Can bring on as much as you think you will need and not have to purchase onboard.
  7. No concerns about them breaking from the treatment? I've thought about putting them in luggage to not have to carry, or actually putting one in the luggage and one I carry, and do that with both our suitcases. But I have worried about them breaking because of treatment. Also, have read of some buying plastic bottles of water in 12 and 24 packs and putting a luggage tag on them and getting them delivered to the room. that would be nice if I thought it would work.
  8. Yeah, this is me. I like coke and sprite zero which we have been unable to get onboard in the past.
  9. Everything I have seen is bring on what you want for soda and water at embarkation and ports.
  10. Cruises are sailing at capacity. If loyal cruisers don't like changes being made, there are plenty of people to take their place.
  11. I might be confusing Celebrity from Princess. Princess might not have a defined limit, not that they enforce it anyway.
  12. No, soda and water. I thought the rule was one 12 pack per person. But at least at FLL they don't seem to care has been my experience. Bring all you want at embarkation and ports.
  13. The rule is 1 per person, but it's generally not enforced. We bring 2 each on and it's never been an issue. You can also get more in ports and bring on as needed.
  14. It's up to you to think what you want. If you think executives are seeing every complaint that people email in, then fine. I've worked in large corporations and know how customer complaints are handled. The only time executives are involved is when there are laws being broken or a large customer is being impacted.
  15. I should have added, we don't think it's worth it for us. Here's my math for a 7 day cruise. Plus adds $840. Gratuities: $224 Internet (elite): 102.50 Daily Latte: $75.82 (used to be included in elite benefits, but one of the cuts). Yep, still mad about it. Total: 402.32 I can bring on all my own soda and water I want (yes, mildly inconvenient) and we do not drink the alcohol, and if we did, maybe one or two drinks max). So for us, we spend less than 1/2 of what plus costs for one person. We will only eat in the included venues. No way I would pay for something that previously was free. And we usually have enough OBC to cover most of that cost. As I mentioned in my previous post, it's all about how you value the drinks you consume.
  16. It completely depends on how much you drink, and how much value you place on each drink you have.
  17. while I appreciate the sentiment, and agree with it, the executives are not reading emails or letters addressed to them. They are going to some secretary or team of customer service reps who may or may not read them and may or may not respond.
  18. No, never seen Princess offer discounts on drink packages as a promotion.
  19. Are you doing like a 12 pack or 24 pack from a grocery store, the kind this is plastic wrapped?
  20. Wait, delivered as in luggage tagged and delivered to your room without carrying it on yourself?
  21. Good to hear. We aren't doing a drink package, so we will bring on what we want. Thank you.
  22. Most of it always is. I wasn't trying to be controversial in my post. For how we enjoy cruising, I do not see a real difference between Celebrity and Princess. But I do understand how people do for themselves.
  23. I read a lot of threads on here about complaints on things in Celebrity, including food. My point I guess, was they are both considered premium cruise lines and equivalent in class. Anyway, been on one Celebrity cruise and found the food very similar to Princess, and at least for us, no discernable difference. Both have good service and updated ships. Both have good service. Princess is quite overall cheaper in cost, and has more favorable pricing on virtually everything. With that said, we are on the Equinox in October and we look forward to it.
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