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Everything posted by kywildcatfanone

  1. You must have also upgraded to a balcony cabin.
  2. We are the same on what we get up and do and I've been called a chair hog on here for just getting up and getting food or going to the bathroom. It's so silly to think that is hogging a chair.
  3. They thought it through and decided to hose customers who were already paying a premium for packages more. It's pretty disgusting honestly.
  4. Email all you want, those folks will never see them. Some CS rep will though.
  5. The decline of society is not impacted by how much money you have. You could say those who have the most are the most destructive to society
  6. Depends on how you value the drinks. Wifi and tips come to about $31, so if you drink $29 a day of value to you, then it's probably worth it. We do not get it. We do not drink alcohol, so I bring on water/soda that we drink, you can do this if you want to deal with packing it in your suitcase or bringing on at ports. I figure for a 7 day cruise I spend less than 1/2 what Plus would cost simply by bringing my own drinks with me and not paying the inflated prices onboard. But ultimately, that is a personal decision for each cruiser.
  7. They can as long as people just shrug and pay it anyway. The only thing that will get anyone's attention is lower bookings and at least for now, that isn't happening, so make weekly changes and cuts.
  8. I'm on the Equinox, and while I'm not big on writing full reviews, I will post comments. I'm not your typical cruiser.
  9. Because we prefer this over the ships water. They recycle the bottles.
  10. Yes, this is what I meant. I thought it was obvious, but I guess it wasn't.
  11. My understanding from reading online and looking at their policy is there is no limits on water and soda brought onboard with you. I'm trying to decide if I put a luggage tag on a case of water and let the porters take it, or check it in a bag. Then carry on my soda.
  12. The memorial day one was increase prices 50% then discount 50%.
  13. I would think generally people are, and should be, more frustrated that they are changing what's included for folks already paid without grandfathered them in. Would be me if that happened to me. Cruise lines are definitely squeezing every dollar from your pocket they can right now while demand supports it, and I agree with you, major economic trouble is coming.
  14. Big thread on the Celebrity board right now. Apparently RC is changing their "All Inclusive" to exclude gratuities. Carnival has to be watching....
  15. We have been on the Regal 3 times since the restart, and internet was fine each time. I didn't necessarily try to stream football, but you should be able to. Plus will serve you all of that We did this years ago the first time they were in Galvaston, and you will get information on your transfer before disembarkation when you receive the standard disembarkation information.
  16. I think that is fine, have a Celebrity cruise booked in October, but currently every single thing is higher on Celebrity than Princess.
  17. While funny, none of those things makes someone a chair hog.
  18. I've said similar in this thread and others. However, I think people who buy packages feel that is it s a good value to them either by $ value or just relaxation value as some have mentioned. Either way, that is their choice. I'm one of those Elite penny pinchers who uses OBC to pay gratuities and wifi, and bring on all the water and soda I will drink so I'm not paying onboard prices. It's staggering how much money they make off those packages. However I see it as a positive for me those that buy the packages, as it's likely to help keep the cruise price somewhat lower to entice more to book, and then upsell the packages. So it's win for me, and the cruise line.
  19. Price increase incoming. Or just more "flash sales", where they double the price to make you think it's a deal.
  20. This is basically us. We take on all the water and soda we want, so we choose not to pay for drinks onboard and bring our own or drink what is included in the base fare.
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