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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Yesterday You Tube cruise blogger Don stated there was a 40,000 staff shortage throughout the cruise industry. One of the main problems besides getting vaccinated is that in many places it’s taking up to six months for crew to get work Visas. Hard times running a industry when short handed and customers who want their experiences to be perfect like in pre Covid. He stated Jamaica is stepping up and promising quick visa processing and 10,000 workers. Will wait and see about that. Training would be my first thought?
  2. You both are looking great and what a beautiful family. Thanks for the pictures. Bruce
  3. Good morning. I enjoyed a sleep in late morning. It’s a beautiful day and we are starting to feel the summer heat. Forecast calls for a high of 88 degrees or 31 Celsius. Sure would love to hug all of our former cats as they were wonderful lap kitties. We are having a dear friend over for dinner tonight and all I know I have to go get some fresh gulf shrimp. We buy our fish and shrimp right at the docks of the trawlers that harvested them last night and the price is right! Other then that I have nothing really planned for today other then my foot is better and I’ll be going for a walk right after this. It was sad to learn about the cruise cancellations due to staff shortages especially how it has affected McKinley Lodge in Alaska. Don’s Family Vacations yesterday, stated one of the problems is that it’s taking up to six months for staff to get work visas. Stated that the entire industry is about 40,000 short of staff. Jamaica has come out an offered rapid visa application processing and up to 10,000 new workers. Will wait and see how that would work and how do they get trained. Thanks for the Fleet Report and all of your contributions. Have a great weekend and for my fellow Floridians too the South stay safe and dry.
  4. Good morning! I would love to have a donut right now for dunking in my coffee. However, I rarely have one as I try and manage my weight. Rain is in the forecast this afternoon and it doesn’t have anything to do with Tropical Storm Alex which is approaching Southern Florida. Didn’t get my walk in yesterday as my right foot has a strain. I’ll rest it for one more day. Always something! Sure seems to be quite a few Covid cases going on amongst our cruisers. Makes me question how many cases are really happening amongst the Fleet? Thank Rich for the Fleet Report. The following picture was highlighted on my I Pad this morning. It was shot somewhere on the Norwegian Sea in July 2017. Have a wonderful day and Debbie I do hope your recovery from surgery is going well.
  5. @Sharon in AZ Wow! That looks like a relic from ago. A Lido tray! Thank goodness he’s getting real dinner ware and utensils. We had everything brought in styrofoam takeout! Maybe someone listened to my post cruise comments. Eating a Pinnacle steak on disposable dinnerware and wooden spoons did pretty much downgrade a quality dinner. Hang in there!
  6. Terri, My SIL did not test positive but every morning she had to go to clinic and be tested. As long as she continued testing negative she had no restrictions and could go into port. This was on the Rotterdam.
  7. Good morning, We’ll I have tasted real moonshine, been to Dover on the Rotterdam. Not sure I have any pics available. I have a great dentist and staff but after going to the butcher dentist I had growing up I’ll admit it’s not my favorite place to go. Thanks Rich, Roy and today especially our faithful food reporter Debbie. @Sharon in AZ One other tip. If Craig, like us, is in a Verandha cabin have him look down and see what life boat is nearby. If you go to that spot on promenade deck you may be able to wave at each other. My SIL was able to do that when Sue and I were in Isolation. It’s a beautiful morning and will get up in eighties. Though we are not currently affected it appears that Hurricane season is off to a quick jump start. We both received our second booster shots yesterday and other than a sore arm if rubbed no reactions. Have a great day everyone.
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