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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Well as it turns out it is still Friday and we have not crossed the international date line. We just set our devices wrong. It’s another cloudy day with a little ship movement. The internet has been pretty useless this morning. IT is working on it. So back to enjoying “Friday.”
  2. Good morning, I guess we crossed the International Date line as my Pad and phone are showing Saturday Feb 10. In that case the ship will be celebrating Chinese New Year today. Will have to see what they have planned. We do know they bought Chinese New Year decorations in Papeete. Super Bowl Sunday will be Monday and we will get to watch it early in the day. They are planning a big party onboard for that. We had a nice dinner last night with 3 other couples that we have met since the beginning of the cruise. We then attended a high energy well choreographed show by the ships singers and dancers. A repeat but good enough to watch again. For the first time WiFi is really slow this morning. We have been able to Face Time and watch movies but that is not possible this morning. Time to get up and head for the coffee machine. Very good coffee onboard. Enjoy TGIF as it appears it never happened here. Bruce
  3. Clocks back another hour last night so it’s just turning 6:00 AM here. We still have some movement but I just looked outside and the ocean has calmed down a lot and there’s some blue sky. We had a fun time attending the Liars Club where we the audience got to choose whether the Captain, HD, CD or Human Relations Officer got to give their definition of a word and who was telling the truth. There replies were hilarious at times. Never have seen this but it was fun. Seeing it was Italian Night in buffet we ate there for a change and it was very good. I believe we are having a group dinner of around ten of us for dinner tonight.Should be fun. Singer and dancers tonight and if the weather holds maybe pool and reading time today. Time for coffee will catch up with post later. Bruce PS Just got a text from DW. She read the Insider (Daily) wrong last night. Tonight we turn back clocks. No wonder I’m awake and in need of coffee. 😁LOL
  4. There are many of us still staggering around the ship. Captain G’s noon hour report that the ocean will quiet down some starting later tonight. My FDA approved Eme Term pulsating wrist band is doing it’s job of keeping me free of motion sickness. Time for Captain and HD Q&A. Life continues on Onward.
  5. @JazzyV Vanessa the Captain’s noon report revealed the ocean should start calming later tonight. In the meantime we stagger around. Do pray your upcoming procedure provides you some relief.
  6. Thanks Bob. This staggering around like a drunk is getting me to think it’s Bloody Mary time!
  7. We are rocking and staggering but so far no nausea. 🙏 it’s too early for a report from Captain but the Pacific is challenging one’s balance. Ate in the dining room last night then we enjoyed a guest entertainer who put on a great show of playing piano and singing. Have not looked at todays events but I’m betting it all there will not be much Outdoor activities or dance lessons. Coffee or go back to bed is the question? Thanks for the reports and post. Bruce
  8. Onward update. We arrived back In Papeete this morning and will depart at 4:00 PM and will take a southern route straight to Bay Island with no stops along the way so six days at sea. It’s now a named Tropical Storm with possibility of increasing. First few days we will encounter rough seas and high winds. Feel sorry for folks on this segment as their cruise is mainly an all sea day cruise.
  9. The latest. We will depart Tahiti at 4:00 PM today and take a southern route to Bay Island, New Zealand. We will not have any stops in Cooks Island which means for those who joined on this segment it’s basically going to be an all sea day cruise. First few days are going to be through pretty rough seas around 4-5 meters and strong winds. It is now a named tropical storm with possibility of strengthening into a cyclone. It is going to be an interesting six straight days at sea.
  10. It’s around 6:30 AM and last briefing we were headed back to Papeete but have a feeling we maybe making a run for Auckland. That would be bad for folks on this segment as they would basically just have a sea days voyage! Seeing we left early last night I would think we would be back in Tahiti by now. Three meter seas so ride is not to bad. Just have to wait and see. Had dinner in dining room and I had a craving for pasta. None on menu. No problem. I had a delicious spaghetti bolognese. Headed up for coffee and see if I can find out where we are headed. More later. Bruce
  11. Due to deteriorating weather there are some itinerary changes on our WorldVoyage. There are two weather systems that have the potential of developing into cyclone’s or tropical storms. We have had mostly rainy conditions for two days and right now at anchor off Bora Bora wind is picking up. We were supposed to overnight here but now we will return to Papeete, Tahiti and wait out the weather there. All subject to change as these systems have been rather unpredictable on where they are headed. Our tours with Patrick were cancelled and frankly it has been a pretty dismal day here. Feel sorry for the guest on this segment and for those who have never been to this beautiful island in the South Pacific. We stayed aboard. Weather is what it is and we are well aware Mother Nature most likely will effect some ports of call on this 155 day World Voyage. We are on a cruise ship and that is good especially with the great crew onboard.
  12. Our schedule has been changed again. Moorea is now out and we will now return to Tahiti tonight and spend tomorrow there. That may also change with the impending two storm systems and the uncertainty of their strength and way they are headed. It is what it is.
  13. Patrick Tours in Bora Bora rightfully cancelled all their tours for today. It’s raining and wind is picking up. So we will remain on ship for the day and return to Moorea and stay there tomorrow. A Reagent cruise ship has also joined us an anchored. i’m disappointed for those guest who will miss seeing the beauty of Bora Bora. The important thing is we are safe.
  14. Good morning. Have a little movement as we sail to Bora Bora. It will soon be light enough outside to see what kind of weather we will have Our chefs table was just superb. I asked him if he knew what ingredients he wanted on our shopping trip yesterday. He said no. I also asked how long did it take to plan such a meal? “Six hours” was his reply. The meal was delicious and so beautiful to the eye. After dinner we attended the Captain’s Toast followed by two men who go by Coast to Coast who put a great high energy show of classic rock and roll hits. Great entertainment. Time for some coffee and check out the weather. More food porn. Bruce
  15. Yes we are scheduled for Patrick’s tour. However, if it’s still raining cats and dogs like it was here today we most likely will cancel. The caveat to this is we have done this tour before and memories are still fondly remembered. Just a great excursion.
  16. Due to a large storm we have an itinerary change. We will arrive Bora Bora in morning and instead of an overnight we will leave at 10:00 PM and go back to Moorea and hopefully get back on schedule after that. Per Captain this storm would be packing winds over 100 mph and we should expect rain over the next 72 hours and may encounter some rough seas. Hey, we have no wish of sailing through a cyclone but we do love living on a ship at sea.
  17. I’m sure Raitea in the Cook Islands is beautiful but we won’t be checking out today. It’s pouring and weather is deteriorating. Will enjoy a restful day onboard. Bora Bora is very questionable at this moment. Feel bad for those on this segment but one has to be prepared for these moments.
  18. Good morning. We will visit another beautiful paradise today Raitea in the Cook Islands. A peak out the window supports the forecast of a very possible damp day. It doesn’t look good for Bora Bora either. Will see and it is what it is. We had an enjoyable experience accompanying the Food and Beverage Manager and Executive Chef on a shopping trip to the local market. Our F&B Manager is a former executive chef and was also the Executive Chef on the exclusive ship The World. We sure made some vendors happy. Especially the fish monger as we purchased over a hundred pounds of fresh tuna. Those selling fruits and vegetables also were delighted to see us. Many of the items purchased will be on our Chef’s Market Table dinner tonight for the ten of us who went on the Chef’s shopping excursion. Almost seven AM and it’s coffee time. Have a nice day. Some market pics later. Bruce
  19. Great job Rich. I have enjoyed following your cruise and we are enjoying our World Voyage. Thanks. B.
  20. Jane, Sorry to learn about your medical condition. Prayers coming your way. Keep us posted. Bruce
  21. Some pics from yesterday of beautiful Moorea. Photo’s of Cooks Bay and the mountain is the infamous Bali Hai. Just an overwhelming day of enjoying the beauty in paradise.
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