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Everything posted by SophieM

  1. I tuck mine in the top of my bra. Works like a charm and never demagnetizes. :Of course, that doesn’t work so well with a turtleneck. 🙂
  2. Oh, totally. She was pretty aggressive on that and booking another massage. I included that in my end of cruise comments.
  3. Ah, I should have looked more closely at my receipt. That probably makes a little more sense. Though I did enjoy my massage, I probably won’t do it again, unless I have loads of shipboard credit.
  4. Actually, when I asked whether the service fee was a gratuity to,the masseuse, I was told by reception that the service fee does not include the gratuity—something about that it goes to Oceania as their cut of the spa. May have misunderstood, but I’d love to have someone else ask the same question.
  5. Hi, Guys!! We are currently back on the Riviera after having second thoughts and canceling our Mumbai to Singapore. We hope you’ll be able to make your lemur tour and hope to sail with you again one of these days. Jane & Ed
  6. Thanks for the reply. Sadly, I’m not seeing an accessible HDMI port, and I don’t have a cable, anyway. We’ll just have to watch on the tiny screen. 🤪
  7. I’ve been able to get part way there. The title will show on the TV, but the video doesn’t play. Do I need to be on a special channel? Someone posted how to earlier, but I can’t find the post. 😟 Thanks!
  8. AK, I really don’t mean to be rude, but it doesn’t seem that you are really interested in a solution, even though several very doable ones have been offered. I agree with others that Oceania may not be the cruise line for you.
  9. We had the same situation with no confirmation from O and nothing showing when I went into our booking. I asked our TA to check, and he confirmed the credit was there. It will show as a “gift.”
  10. Hi, Jan! We highly recommend Pamela Marchetti as a tour guide in Civitavecchia, if you are lucky enough to catch her when she has availability. We did a walking food and history tour with her in August. By the end of the da, we felt like old friends! She is on FB, so you can message her. Looking forward to meeting your daughter soon on the Riviera!
  11. Oh, Shep, then people would just complain about that. Always something.
  12. I appreciate the updates on ship arrival and departure times and will be interested to see if or how our upcoming cruises will be affected. In the meantime, I wonder if it would be possible to stick to the facts that are known and not make political speculations? I am specifically referring to the use of the term “woke.”
  13. The pit boss’s name in August/September was Malvin.
  14. Oh, dang, Karen—if only we’d known. We board on the 14th. Do you get off then? Tell Mark way to go at the table and to get it warmed up for me. 🤣 We were on the Riviera in September, too, and I think the dealers were on a 9 month contract. I wonder if it’s still the same group? We are also doing a transatlantic Miami to Barcelona on 4/6, Reykjavik to London on 8/22, another TA Lisbon to Miami on 11/20, and Rio to Santiago de Chile on 1/21/24. I think we’ve gone a bit crazy. We’d love to catch up, too!
  15. Hi, Karen! It’s Jane (& Ed) from the Tahiti cruise last year. Happy New Year!
  16. We love it just the way it is, too. It sounds like Celebrity might It sounds like Celebrity might be a better alternative for you, at least on a transatlantic cruise. We just completed one and had no (major) issues keeping up with friends and family, and we even had to share the logon. Our dog sitter sent videos, which we were able to download. Also, as a backup, I always make sure family has the emergency number to call the ship, if they can’t get ahold of us.
  17. I am with ORV & Pinot. We just did the TA on Sirena. Was the WiFi sketchy at times? Yep. Is it a bit of a pain to have to share? See above response. Has the food always been perfect? Same answer. Is the bathroom tiny? I could go on, but, until I have good reason not to be, I am inclined to give Oceania some grace. We have done 4 cruises since last October with another next month. We are thankful the line is still sailing and think they are doing a pretty darn good job of trying to manage cash flow; staffing, hiring, and training; and, of course those pesky supply chain issues. Please, folks, count your blessings and look at all of the positive things about Oceania. That’s the same thing I tell my husband about me. Fortunately, he gets it.
  18. Maybe they did us a favor on our Sirena TA. The “Reuben” wasn’t even available.
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