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Everything posted by DrHemlock

  1. I remember probably those same casino bar pix from our first Riviera cruise in 2014. Picasso lithos (or faux copies) from what one might call his "priapic" period. We weren't offended by them but.....one needn't be a prude to sense they were out of place aboard an Oceania ship. There are about a jillion pieces of art extant that could be hung without actively offending even a few passengers. We did not venture to find out during our second Riviera cruise in 2022 whether they are still on display there. But as they were B&W, it wouldn't be surprising.
  2. True dat, but wonderful is in the eye of the beholder. Based on our post-"Oceania Next" cruise aboard Riviera last October, one is compelled to mention that at least PW's stuff has some color to it. FDR has clearly gone down the "grey/white/black is the new color palate" rabbit hole. Yes, it's au courant, but it's like being inside a 1930s B&W "Flash Gordon" episode.
  3. I would add, as a person who has booked via the same small-but-connected agency the past 20 years, that my agent is coming off of virtually no commissions during the Covid disaster. My pension and SS kept coming throughout, but her bookings did not. She's now in catch-up mode and it's my turn to help her by not expecting rebates or other financial goodies after all the great service she's provided (and continues to provide) for so long. As Lyn said, YMMV. If I were seeking a new agent for a first-time booking, my attitude might be different.
  4. Hey, that's my money! I remember leaving it there...repeatedly.
  5. I took "First cruise for us, day 1, at sea" to mean they are coming up on their first cruise and their first day ever at sea. (Apparently, I wasn't the only one.) If, in fact, the OP is already aboard ship, then as Emily Litella used to say: "Never mind!"
  6. First, deposit the cash into your bank checking account. Don't take it with you on the cruise, as exchange rates these days are terrible since almost no one wants to deal with physical money anymore. For expenses that you incur aboard ship (especially the luxuries you wouldn't necessarily pay for yourself but your FIL wants you to enjoy), they will be charged to the credit card you present upon checking in. Keep track of those special purchases and let your FIL know how much you enjoyed them. For cash money to spend ashore, it's a good idea to have a separate checking account with ATM debit card into which you deposit only a certain amount that you can then convert into local currency as needed at an ATM ashore. DO NOT use the ATM card that's hooked to your regular checking account, as a lost card or compromised password can easily lead to your main account being emptied. By having a special "travel only" checking account with debit card, you limit your potential loss in case of lost or compromised card.
  7. Someone who cruises on permanent waves?
  8. Brooks makes a men's shoe called Glycerin 18 that weighs next to nothing, is available in solid black and will pass any but the closest inspection as an informal dress shoe. I've worn them with sport coats and dressy slacks for years; never a problem and they're super comfortable. (I could provide a link but I don't think that's allowed. Just use your favorite search engine.)
  9. Like pinotlover above, I always wear either a sport coat or sweater to dinner. Not just to appear high-class and sophisticated (a disguise, I assure you) but because my old bones get cold quicker than some of you younger whippersnappers. If any of you share that trait, then trust me: bring a jacket.
  10. For Americans of a certain age, it's what we used to call "good school clothes."
  11. Be aware that 8006 has a connecting door to 8008. Many of us eschew connecting door cabins due to real or perceived sound bleed-through from neighbors. And vice-versa, of course: "Can they hear what we're doing?"
  12. "Time and tide wait for no man." (Or any other gender, either.)
  13. Terms & Conditions on O's website. Scroll down to the very bottom and click on Legal, then Terms & Conditions in the left margin of the new page.
  14. Not even then. Go to O's website; scroll down to the bottom & click "Legal"; then click "Terms & Conditions" on the left; then scroll down to "Air Transportation." The cruise line accepts no responsibility for airline performance and none if you miss sailing due to late arrival. They will do their best as a matter of practice to help you reach the next destination where you can board, but that's not necessarily the next destination on your itinerary because some countries won't allow new pax to board within their jurisdiction. This has been discussed many times in other threads, including a current one: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2922509-what-does-oceania-consider-premium-economy/page/2/#comment-65016924 Start at post #29.
  15. There was a first-timers event when we were aboard Riviera in October. Problem was, they held it in Horizons which is our bar, and closed the room to everyone else. Well, gosh, we "failed to notice" the signage and "accidentally" got into line with other newbies for the party -- and waltzed right in without being questioned. (One advantage of not getting too well-acquainted with staff except for bartenders.๐Ÿ˜Ž) We did, however, get a couple of funny looks from the officers upon entering the repeaters party a few days later, wearing our bronze, silver and gold pins. Some people (us) will do anything for free drinks.....
  16. A simple web search for "flight path Chicago to Zurich" reveals that you do not "overfly Barcelona" or anywhere else in Spain. The route from Chicago takes you over eastern Canada, the North Atlantic, Ireland, southwestern England and northeastern France to Switzerland. (Sorry...I'm just a geography nut. ๐Ÿ˜Ž)
  17. Perhaps...but nowhere in the Terms & Conditions on the Legal page of their website does there appear any promise of such care should you miss your embarkation due to late flight arrival. What they do say is: "In making these arrangements, Oceania Cruises acts only as an agent on the Guest's behalf, and does not operate, control, or supervise any airlines and is not responsible for carriers failing to meet schedules." Plus, even if they have an unofficial unwritten policy to "pay your expenses until they can get you to the ship," it may not be possible. Per the T&Cs: "Due to government regulations, if you are delayed or unable to board at embarkation, you may not be able to board at a later time." In which case, you are probably on the next flight back home while a paid-for cruise sails around somewhere with your money (but not you) onboard.
  18. Terrace Cafe and Waves are buffet for food items; table service for beverages.
  19. They didn't, as was already corrected by 1985rx1 above for which thanks were expressed. Clearly, it was Willemstad (the other major Caribbean "--stad" town) lurking and asserting itself in what remains of my brain. Mea culpa!
  20. OMG...I'm so embarrassed. Thanks for the correction! I'll go sit in the corner now.
  21. Just FYI so you don't fly to the wrong departure island. The March 20 Sirena crossing to Lisbon departs from Oranjestad located on Curaรงao, not Aruba. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  22. So many potential answers to that question --(Aruba is considered a party island, after all)-- and not a single one in good taste.
  23. Seconding pinotlover on that. Been there at that big circular table; couldn't hear a thing from the other side. Of course, if everyone in the group sits next to the peeps they like and across from the ones they hate, then it could work out.
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