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Everything posted by DrHemlock

  1. Also Regent (last time we were aboard, anyway). But then, you've paid more for the welcome.
  2. We can corroborate this as we always book the forward-facing A2 cabins between the Vista Suites, and have done so both on our preferred deck 7 and second-choice deck 6. On 7, there's never a sound from above. On 6, one can hear the show below (especially if there's loud heavy-beat music involved) and one can also hear afternoon rehearsals which can be annoying while trying to nap on a sea-day or after returning from a morning tour and lunch. Go with 7.
  3. And their Parmesan is the real stuff from Italy; not the facsimile from Wisconsin.
  4. Sorry...I forgot to add that there is no such door on the port side where 8000 and 8002 are located.
  5. Absolutely, especially in Saigon and Hanoi. Vietnam's economic progress over the past 50 years has changed the social landscape, but it's still a top-down one-party country which new generations find chafing after their exposure to the internet, US (and other foreign) movies/TV and US/foreign visitors. They'd like to try their hand elsewhere but they need hard currency in order to travel so they maintain now-legal US dollar bank accounts in hopes of pursuing their dream. This info is based on my experience teaching conversational English at Hanoi's Foreign Trade University in 2012. I doubt it's changed since then.
  6. I would respectfully disagree with Redtravel's "at least 15 people." Not that 15 wouldn't be a boon, but just a couple of brave young people (because they know the drill) or fragile older people (because their presence will be respected) will suffice. Go with them and do what they do. However, if no locals appear for you to cross with, then do exactly what Idubs said for exactly the reason given: it's important to maintain a steady pace for predictability. Hint: start watching locals crossing as soon as you arrive, before you need to cross; see how they do it so you'll be prepared with a plan when it's your turn.
  7. We have cruised in both of those cabins on R ships. They are the best of the PH3 category for the reasons you describe, whereas 8001 and 8003 are not recommended for exactly the reasons WildWanderers describes -- plus the fact that they're beneath the gym. Weights being dropped and the bunka-bunka-bunka of an early-morning aerobics class over your head could be annoying. The drawback of 8000 and 8002 is that they're nearest the bow, which some cruisers find uncomfortable in bouncy seas. Well, shoot, we find it uncomfortable, too, but that's what ginger extract tablets (or seasick meds) are for. If you're a good sailor, you'll love it there.
  8. I had no trouble getting a double Absolut on the rocks at the captain's party aboard Nautica in late October '23. And the captain was there, too...which had not been the case on our previous cruises during Covid.
  9. Me, too. I occasionally have to ask my DW to remind me of her name.
  10. Never been asked for our name in GDR on any of 17 O cruises; only cabin number. Perhaps, based on reading the above, it's because we don't have pre-stated and arranged dietary restrictions. If we did have, then they might want to verify name with number just to be sure.
  11. If you check the itinerary on their website, it shows that Oranjestad, Aruba, is the final port of arrival on Nov. 22, with a disembark time of 8 AM. https://www.oceaniacruises.com/caribbean-cruises/new-york-to-oranjestad-INS241108/?sr=%2Fcruise-finder%23time_frame%3D2024-11%26ship%3DINS%26sort%3Dfeatured%3Adesc%26page%3D1%26pageSize%3D10 Sometimes, in some locales (e.g., Tokyo on Insignia this coming March), the ship arrives early on the next-to-last day of the cruise. Thus, pax have a day in the city before disembarking the next morning. But I've never seen that in the Caribbean on our half-dozen or so cruises there.
  12. Happens at beach resorts, too. One of you has to wake up at 6:00 and head to the beach to grab two loungers -- then enjoy the sunrise without coffee. The other wakes up whenever she wants, moseys down to the shore to park, holds yours while you go to breakfast, then you return and hold hers while she goes to breakfast. Since the beach resorts we frequent tend to be in foreign locales, residents of those countries also staying at the resort have no compunction about dropping stuff from "saved by a book" loungers onto the ground and taking them over, so there's always gotta be one of you there to attest that the other will be right back Would that work on a cruise ship? Maybe not. On the one hand, it's a hassle. On the other, it seems only fair as the resort (or ship) is simply unable to provide a lounger for every guest because there's not that much space. (Looks like I was typing at the same time as Harters, and that we have similar taste in vacations.)
  13. That's true (at least for now) and the OP seems to be aware of that. However, his/her problem apparently is that the FF mileage requirement for a new booking is greater than the existing one; hence more expensive and hence wondering whether O will handle the relo themselves. Some interesting comments above about O having done so on previous occasions, even if only partially. Surprising to me, though I guess one learns something new every day.
  14. I do believe that means if your flights were booked through Oceania. We're on our own when we book our own, whether with FF points or money.
  15. Something bad that I missed, or just aging out?
  16. Yes, "serious drinker" may not have been the best choice of words. Let me substitute instead: "...purist blessed and ordained by the Spirit of Spirits to uphold traditional values and principles." That would be myself. 😎
  17. When is a "martini" not a Martini? When it's made with fruit juice and fruit-flavored liqueur (Cointreau). No serious drinker would touch it. Thus spake Zarathustra.
  18. It's the perfect primer for a long, sociable dinner!
  19. Yes, and that's definitely what you want to do. Like any shoreside dive, their "bar pour" tends to be affordable but not so wonderful. For a buck or two more, you can have Hendrick's or Maker's or mostly whatever brand you want.
  20. Aha! Now I get it. I was unaware of the 3-1 statistics referred to above. Yes, a chronic placeholder who cancels reservations as a matter of practice would certainly whine at the new fees. Too bad; so sad. As for the lookers, bookers and hookers: I only care that the cookers stay with us!
  21. Speaking as a person who as canceled or changed a few bookings during our years with O, I don't understand pinotlover's lack of understanding. Not everyone is being frivolous or unethical with their "placeholder" booking. We book cruises we definitely want and intend to take; nothing to do with being unable to decide. And because we always want a specific cabin category in a specific location, we need to book now even if the cruise is two years in advance. I guess that makes us "placeholders." Unfortunately, sometimes stuff happens between booking date and payment date. In the past, cancelling or transferring the booking to a different cruise was free; now it isn't. But the fees are not exorbitant (as long as the cancellation or switch is made before the 180-day mark) and we're willing to pay them just like anyone else. What's not to understand?
  22. "Adequate" is exactly the word, as it has been for us on more than a dozen R-class cruises. To paraphrase an aphorism often used on this board: Any day with an adequate shower at sea is better than a day with a larger shower at home.
  23. Amen to that! The only reason we cruised once in 8002 was that someone had already grabbed 8000. Best seat in the house, in our opinion, except you gotta be okay with motion of the ocean when it gets rocky.
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