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Everything posted by BWIVince

  1. I'm so used to hospitality carpets that the color (in the context of the new furnishings) and pattern look really nice to me... It's only when I read everyone else's comments that I realize how warped my reality is by my experience. 😄 I will say though, if any of your/anyone's bodily fluids manage to stain a carpet that color, you need to proceed to a doctor immediately! Vince
  2. I see the same in mine — it’s another value that’s pulling over through the API because of the way the field is used in the reservation system, it’s not a stateroom number. I agree with Keith, your agent may be able to get more info about what it means from their contacts at Crystal, but the stateroom number shouldn’t show until closer to sailing. Vince
  3. You’re not alone…. I’m not attacking anyone else’s traditions — I’m glad that they offer it and that people enjoy it, but a Cobb Salad is always the dead last thing I personally would pick from that menu. 😊 More power to everyone that got exactly what they craved though! Vince
  4. The story has always gone that the layout of the room was the least disruptive that Kirk Nix and Tillberg could come up with given where the columns needed to be, but I’ve always questioned how much weight having the circular bar had in the equation, and how much it became “where can we stick this circular bar that will make it less of a disaster.” As I’ve mentioned before, Serenity had a bunch of undo’s of Symphony “improvements” over Harmony, and a return to a hollow wraparound bar like Harmony had in her Avenue seemed to be one of those priorities — at the cost of the flow. Personally, I can set the flow problems aside, I just never liked the decor of Serenity’s Avenue as much as the other two…. And it never benefitted from a redesign, that helped both of the other two repeatedly. Vince
  5. Regarding cabin size in the regular staterooms (window and verandah), there has only ever been a minor difference between Symphony and Serenity (like a linear foot)…. But is it weird that they now list the window and verandah staterooms on both ships as the same when the footprint hasn’t changed on either? Where Symphony’s were 202 sq ft and Serenity’s were 226 (both without verandas, which varied), they now list both as “up to 215 sq ft,” which would seem to be inaccurate in both cases. The “up to” also seems odd for these categories, because I don’t believe either ship (unlike Harmony) had any one-off standard staterooms that were exceptions to the standard modular units that were different in size, outside of the ADA rooms which aren’t 215 sq ft either. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m totally confused on how they came up with those numbers…. Or that number. Or that number that shouldn’t be one number…. Or whatever? Vince
  6. Those are also base salaries as well, and not total compensation. Work rules, amenities/inclusions, hours, and other forms of compensation (which a built-in gratuity component would usually fall into) are also examples of factors above bae pay. Vince
  7. Unfortunately the wire transfers are a whole different type of process than an automated batch check run…. Both require the same proof work to set up the batch, but instead of everything being automatically processed, every transfer then requires 30x the work of the auto-run because each one needs to be touched and reviewed again manually. It’s not that each wire transfer takes a long time in itself as a single transaction, it’s that they have hundreds of them in a batch. I would just set expectations that this is probably weeks away, IME, but be pleasantly surprised if it comes quickly. Vince
  8. Secret??? Oh geese, I didn’t realize I was supposed to hide my breakfast beverage of choice. 😁 Jon Ashton once served a cornflake cocktail on one of my cruises…. IIRC it wasn’t just infused, though. im not surprised about the salted caramel cocoa nib though…. Cocoa nibs are usually used more for texture than flavor, IME. Vince
  9. I thought it was the other way around? “You know you can afford to sail on Crystal, if…”. LOL Vince
  10. It’s not a universal push yet…. On the groups side, which usually goes in tandem with the guidance cruise lines like Crystal would get from local authorities, we’re getting a big “hold off for now, please, but keep in touch.” Hopefully it won’t be too much longer though, because the groups and events world is happy to start pumping money back into Maui when they don’t need so many of the resources (rooms/staff/vehicles/equipment/etc) for local efforts anymore. Vince
  11. I've been wondering the same thing... I don't know if they bothered to install a room-specific mic/audio setup like they have in the Stardust given the temporary nature of the room update, but even if they had to use a portable setup that would seem to still make a little more sense in Serenity's case. Even that space is still not as ideal as Symphony's setup though. 😞 . Vince
  12. Not knowing Vicki, that was my initial reaction. I couldn't think of a single female CD in all of Crystal's history, unless I'm missing someone (which is always possible)... But I was thinking all the way back to David De Havilland. The added diversity is always a nice bonus to her experience and reputation. I'm looking forward to hopefully sailing on a cruise she's on in the future. Vince
  13. Was this for a theme cruise, maybe? I’ve been sailing Crystal since the beginning, and most of them on Symphony, and I’ve never seen them use the Galaxy for dancing on any regular cruises, on any ship, ever. I could maybe see them do it on a big band cruise, or something like that though? As Patty and Keith mentioned, on Symphony the Starlite is primarily the venue used for dancing-focused events (with the Plaza used for theme and special events now), but the dance floor was more than doubled in the Palm Court when they did the Kirk Nix refit in 2012 — I’m not sure I see them ever making it significantly larger than it is now, given the other dancing limitations of the venue. Vince
  14. I’m a witness to the 2005 one! 😁
  15. I wouldn’t assume that answer is incorrect — every email blast can have different target criteria. I was receiving emails painfully frequently, but the last email I received was on September 1st (about Symphony). Their answer was definitely 100% accurate for some of us, so I suspect subsequent emails were targeted differently. Vince
  16. @TravellingW — Sorry this took so long, but as requested in the Symphony on Song thread, here were Harmony’s first and final deck plans in her service with Crystal, before she was transferred to Asuka. These seem ok to share under CC’s copyright policy, especially since the entity that published them is defunct. First, the pre-inaugural plans: …and then the final deck plans for her Crystal career. Please let me know if you have any questions. Vince
  17. I listen to a local radio station in the shower each morning (since local TV hasn’t reached my backwater yet), and the Christmas music caught me off-guard for some reason this morning when I hit the button. Not sure why it did though — it’s been three full weeks since I heard Mariah belt out All I Want For Christmas Is You over the PA at Target…. I should be well adjusted by now. Vince
  18. In cruising there are direct competitors and indirect competitors…. A direct competitor is someone in your market segment that offers a product similar in quality, price and features, whereas an indirect competitor is literally any different product that people are buying instead, including different forms of vacations. There is nothing wrong with preferring Oceania — I can make plenty of arguments on certain people sailing Oceania over Crystal, but Oceania is definitely not a direct competitor to Crystal. Oceania selling drink packages, like most lines, definitely doesn’t make them a direct competitor either, even though it may be the perfect blend to meet certain needs of some of Crystal’s target audience. I understood your reply to Patty’s a lot more than your original message since you had specific complaints that made a lot of sense…. But my reply was to your previous generalizations. Vince
  19. WOW, that’s a lot to unpack…. Let’s see… Manfredi Lefebvre d’Ovidio and Christina Levis are two of most seasoned leaders in cruising, with more experience than the top execs that come to my mind at Crystal's competitors. Similarly, almost all of the ops people under them also returned from old Crystal, so I’d hardly call them inexperienced. Funny though, talk about inexperienced, when NYK launched Crystal, they hadn’t operated passenger service for GENERATIONS. Similarly, when Carlson branded RSSC, they also had never touched a ship. Lastly, for giggles, I was wondering about how I had missed what a “mess” Crystal’s website was in comparison with Regent’s (their biggest competitor)…. Imagine my shock when I didn’t find any more voyage-specific info in Regent’s voyage template than Crystal’s. 🙄 Same ship info, standard service info, excursions, itinerary, etc. Shocker. Vince
  20. BWIVince


    I concur that Marketplace really is the next closest option to Waterside, food-wise, despite being furthest in format. In fairness to Marketplace though, it does already have linen napkins and similar silver and china (at least historically on Symphony) to Waterside, so the only thing missing is the tablecloth! I share Ivi’s preference for a composed, plated multi-course lunch, but I’ve been fine with Marketplace in the past when Waterside wasn’t an option. The food is of the same quality and some of the options are similar, it’s just not plated. Dining trends change, we adapt… Vince
  21. BWIVince


    I think that's totally a understandable feeling... I can kind of see how they got there though. The new concept is more of a tasting menu, and usually with tasting menus there aren't a whole slew of mains. (You don't have to do their set menus, but the courses are still kind of teed up that way even if you select your own.) From my experience with similar restaurants around here, four choices for a main is typical since there are so many choices overall... But it doesn't leave you with too much love when none of those four really strike you. That's typically one of the hazards of coursed tasting menus. 😞 OTOH, I could totally see myself doing two appetizers, a pasta, and dessert, and being totally happy with it. We'll see when the time comes for me to actually try it. Vince
  22. Having done a million FAM tours in my career, both on the agent and intermediary side, I can't imagine that the overnight was planned for the agents -- it's always the other way around. (The ship has to be here, turn those lemons into lemonade sales department!) The FAM would have been over long before morning -- there had to be a logistic need for the overnight. OTOH, I have a hard time imagining this was unsafe to the people onboard. If you didn't feel comfortable going ashore overnight (I often don't), then don't go ashore. Problem solved. 🤷‍♂️ Vince
  23. BWIVince


    That’s fair, they just hung/rested in the closet off to the side, with the tie bar…. If they’re not things you use, they’re probably not very memorable. Notably though, both are original Crystal amenities. Back in 1990, as with other luxury brands, both the shoehorn and lint brush were disposable plastic items. With the focus on eliminating single use plastics, the nice metal/wood/leather items came into being. I do too! I generally use the thickest crew socks to stuff shoes, since I only need 2 pairs instead of 3 for each shoe. Haha Re: shoe trees, I admit these are probably more generational…. My father had a pair of cedar shoe trees in all his leather shoes. I only have a few pairs. They are definitely something men still use though. Vince
  24. BWIVince


    I know I’m gay and we”re a special kind of demographic when it comes to accessories and amenities sometimes, but all the gay men I know here locally use shoehorns with dress shoes. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Vince
  25. Yeah, it’s been that way for months with that promo…. I don’t love it, but without a booking engine to calculate those fares on the pages like other companies do it, there is no halfway accurate way that information is going to pull in for every category on every voyage just from the content management system. They would literally have to build out fake promo fare tables for every single voyage not included in the promo as well, because every fare page has to have the same data in order for the content management system to work. It’s not like the old days where you programmed a different web page for each sailing — we now literally have only one or two total web “pages” backing every voyage, and the URL just tells it what content to stuff in each field of the template. Hopefully they can get a booking engine up and running soon, that will fill in a lot of these gaps, even for many of us that would never book directly. Vince
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