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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Welcome @fruitmachine! I hope we hear more from you!
  2. Very true, Roy. As someone once said, quit giving these people free rent in your head. Realizing that the situation won't be resolved and bearing no ill will is a form of forgiveness. Resuming a relationship with someone who has done this to you would be foolish.
  3. Happy Birthday to Ellen! You can forgive, but that does not mean you welcome them with open arms. Forgive and move on.
  4. @smitty34877 Terry, I thought of you and your household when I posted today's meal. This is one that is easily done for the vegetarians as well as the carnivores. MIss Camilla is as cute as they come! Thank you for posting an updated picture! @marshhawk No, you were not inappropriate. I share your concern about Chuck and that may be why his oncologist is telling him to eat what he wants. When my dad was in the hospital once he was losing weight and the nurse was concerned. She asked what he liked to eat and encouraged us to bring him his favorite meals even if it was KFC. We brought him St. Pauli Girl NA and creamed herring. She kept it in the fridge in the office behind the nursing station with his name on it.
  5. Good morning, everyone! We are expecting mostly sunny skies and a high of 67F here in mid-Michigan. I'll take it! Nothing on the agenda today except PT. @Quartzsite Cruiser and @Overhead Fred's DW Mitzi @Nickelpenny I'm sorry for the loss of Martina. I know she was a good companion to you and will be missed. Today's meal has way too many carbs for me, so I will give it a pass as well. I'm doing salmon on the grill with veggies for tonight. I do think I would like the jalapeño dumplings. They sound intriguing. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/250669/slow-cooker-pinto-bean-stew-with-jalapeno-corn-dumplings/ This next recipe is an adaptation of the first one done by Kaiser Permanente. Who knew Kaiser was into cooking? https://about.kaiserpermanente.org/health-and-wellness/recipes/pinto-bean-stew-with-jalapeno-corn-dumplings This is a one of a kind recipe and all the others were essentially the same. I'd be tempted to throw in some bacon or ham for flavor. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  6. @marshhawk Oh, my on your trip to Los Angeles. How frightening for a young woman. I am sorry to hear about Fran. I remember you telling us all about her when the incident happened. Sue did enjoy the last hours of her birthday. Thank you!
  7. Welcome ! I hope you join us often. It took me a long time to feel comfortable just posting on CC. When I was new there were a couple of people who jumped down my throat. I took a year off after that. @Quartzsite Cruiser I laughed when you said you and Steve were together, but you still felt isolated. At one point I called a friend and said I was feeling pretty lonely and she replied that I shouldn't. I should think of our friend Anne who had to be with her long term boyfriend, Jim. Only Anne liked Jim. @Cruzin Terri Glad you made it safely to Jacksonville. I hope you can get some help tomorrow.
  8. Perhaps they are confused with food and beverage. The food has always been complimentary, but we've always paid for beverages.
  9. Please forgive me for not listing everyone who wished Sue a happy birthday. I know I would leave someone out and I don't want to do that. Thank you all, so much. She was shocked that people on the Daily would wish her a happy birthday. I explained to her again that we are kind of like a family here. She is utterly amazed. @Cruzin Terri Your DBIL Eugene has good company for birthdays! I'm sure there is a big celebration for him above. Good luck with your appointment tomorrow and safe travels. @ger_77 I hope all went well with Maurice's tests today. @JazzyV I'm glad you are getting some relief from your pain. I sure hope it is sustained over the long haul. You may need repeat injections now and then, but if that let's you sleep and function, so be it. @Denise T I'm glad Fiona is doing better than you feared. @kazu I'm sorry about the pain causing sleep disruptions. Too many of us know that battle. I was up at 2 last night rubbing Aspercreme on my legs. Like many of you have mentioned, when Covid was declared a pandemic and we went into lockdown, finding the Daily was a lifeline to me as I lived alone. You all helped me get through that time period without feeling too isolated.
  10. I just checked my reservation and I can continue to change my flights for a couple weeks after final payment. A little over a year ago I had flights booked through Flight Ease for First Class. Then the airline changed equipment on one flight and I was bumped back to economy. Then they changed equipment on the second flight and I was bumped back to economy. No change in price, though. This was well after final payment and the deadline to change flights. I called FE and they approved changing my flights. I not only changed the flights, but also changed the airline.
  11. I have many more choices now as well. I did book a flexible fare in the class of service I wanted to make sure I have flights, but will continue to check options up until final payment. The nice thing about flexible fares is that they can be changed.
  12. Good morning, everyone! It is a cold start to the day here in mid-Michigan. Currently 27F, it is supposed to warm up to 58 with full sunshine. The sunshine part sounds wonderful! I haven't seen the birthday girl yet this morning, but she is surely going to be surprised to receive so many birthday greetings from the Daily. @StLouisCruisers I'm happy Morgan gets to move into her new apartment and can feel safe. @smitty34877 How wonderful that DS and family are enjoying Farkel. It is an easy game to learn and lots of fun. The language sometimes flies around here when the dice don't cooperate. But, that is part of the fun. Not much on the agenda today. I'm going to the pool for water fitness and Sue is going to walk the track. We're supposed to go out to dinner with DS Mary Jo tonight to celebrate the birthday girl. The first recipe today has some interesting twists to it - dried apricots, for one. I'm not a fan of lamb, so would probably never attempt this, although it looks good. https://www.themediterraneandish.com/moroccan-lamb-stew-recipe/ Here's one for the instant pot. The spice blend in this one sounds fabulous! https://www.feastingathome.com/instant-pot-middle-eastern-lamb-stew/ This recipe was devised with the Daily in mind. The secret ingredient is butternut squash. I knew I had to include it. https://themom100.com/recipe/moroccan-lamb-butternut-squash-stew/ Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  13. I'd be really upset if mine went bad that quickly.
  14. According to this article, LG rates highly for the product, not so great for customer service. I think the biggest consideration is what can you get that will fit the space and the price. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/the-best-refrigerator/
  15. I would wait on this for a while. Flights for my cruise next January just became available. The first day there were only 5 to choose from and none were flex fares. The next day had more choices and some flex fares added in. Give it some time.
  16. I hope you are feeling better now. No need for apologies. Roy has your back!
  17. Good morning, everyone! It is a snowy morning here in mid-Michigan. We got a heavy dusting of snow on the ground. The driveway is mostly clear as are the roads. Most will melt off this afternoon and definitely tomorrow. By Tuesday we are back in the 60s. But, today is a day meant for wrapping up in a quilt and watching movies. I echo everyone's concern about @kazu. I hope we hear from her soon. Pork Zuppa is a pork soup. It is made with ground pork, potatoes, and kale and has a creamy broth. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/263203/slow-cooker-pork-zuppa/ That is a perfect meal for a day like today! Zuppa Toscana, a pork soup, is a favorite at Olive Garden. This version has bacon in it. Mmmmmhttps://selfproclaimedfoodie.com/zuppa-toscana/ This one is similar to the last one, just a little different on the seasonings. https://www.themagicalslowcooker.com/slow-cooker-zuppa-toscana/ Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  18. That is good to know. Thank you. I really like cumin. I add that to a lot of dishes.
  19. I'm glad you enjoyed both recipes! I think the chicken stroganoff would be good as well. I may make that for the next Farkel Friday. Yes, leave the mushrooms in large pieces and let him pick them out.
  20. The Daily 4 took the recipe for the Chocolate Chicken to Ocean Bar and they made it for us. They charged extra - $12 - for it because it had so much alcohol in it. We didn't care as we were on a mission and doing research for the Daily. So, print out the recipe and take it to the bar. The worst that could happen is that they say no.
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