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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good morning, everyone! It is cloudy and 35F here in mid-Michigan. It will stay above freezing until after we fly out, which makes me happy. I checked us in for our flights, paid for our bags with miles, which is nice, and printed boarding passes. So, we just have to finish packing and get to the airport. We caught a critter last night, so part of today is going to be going around the outside of the house and caulking any suspected entrances. We suspected we had the critter when a pair of earbuds disappeared off the table. We found them all chewed up under the couch. We'll set a few more traps today because where there is one critter, there tends to be more. Today's meal is a good one any time of the year. This first one is a slow cooker recipe. That is great on a work day because you come home to dinner all ready and waiting. You can use any vegetables you wish with these recipes. The veggies and potatoes will be especially tasty basting in the turkey juices. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/268937/rosemary-turkey-roast-with-vegetables/ This one is a little more work, but I had to include it for Paul @kochleffel because it calls for butternut squash. https://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Roast-Turkey-with-Root-Vegetables-and-Gravy/ This recipe is just the turkey part, but you can easily add in the veggies to the pan. I liked the addition of the orange. https://www.pasolivo.com/orange-rosemary-roaster-turkey.html Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  2. Good morning, everyone! It is a balmy 35F here in mid-Michigan this morning with a projected high of 38F. Almost tropical! We are working on getting a new battery for Sue's car today as the old one gave up the ghost yesterday. We tried jumping it, but nothing. The repair place said it sounded like the battery and he had three other cars at the shop with the same issue. He was supposed to call back yesterday afternoon, but didn't. Nothing definite on baby's name, but the mother says it is leaning towards Beckett. The dad wants Beau, but the mom hates it, so she's standing firm on her no. We shall see. Good news about Pat @Vict0riann. I hope you enjoy the cruise! @ger_77 I hope you hear something definite about plans for Maurice today. It may be time to be the squeaky wheel. Keeping you close in my thoughts. I was supposed to go to Punta Arenas on my South America/Antarctica cruise back in 2011, but there were strikes by the dock workers. I'm hoping to get there next year when we go back. I am enjoying the pictures as it will help us decide what we want to do. Today's meal is a bit carb heavy for me, so I'll stick with my fish and vegetables. This first one isn't too bad as some of the potatoes have been switched out with cauliflower. https://www.skinnytaste.com/baked-potato-soup/ This next one would probably be great, but the calories and carbs are way too high for me. https://sugarspunrun.com/creamy-potato-soup-recipe/ This one looks easy and delicious. https://damndelicious.net/2013/10/14/loaded-baked-potato-soup/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  3. @ger_77 I am so glad Maurice is getting in today. Holding you close in my thoughts today. @HAL Sailer Thank you for the good news. We always like that! Still no name for baby here.
  4. Good morning, everyone! It is a balmy 33F here in mid-Michigan with an expected high of 38F. Baby grandson still has no name as the parents can't agree. Father wants Beau or Weatherby and mother wants Beckett. We don't care for any of them, but are thankful they aren't considering Puddle or Pond to go with River and her half sister Ocean. Today we have pedicures and hair cuts so we will be bee-you-ti-ful when we board the Koningsdam next Tuesday. I also have to stop by the pharmacy and pick up my prescription, go to the ATM, and stop by the Credit Union to get ones for the bus in Honolulu. Today's drink is a health drink. My grandmother swore by her scotch sours - scotch and orange juice. The orange juice with all that Vitamin C will ward off evil spirits. Today's meal is a good one. It would be great with company and you could combine it with the roasted vegetables and some garlic mashed potatoes. This first recipe has you roast the veggies right in the same pan as the chicken. All those chicken drippings would make the veggies taste wonderful. https://www.afamilyfeast.com/perfect-herb-roasted-chicken/ Here is a concoction from Food and Wine magazine. You can also roast the potatoes along with the chicken. That would be good! https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/herb-and-lemon-roasted-chicken This one is a garlicky herb roasted chicken. Bring on the garlic! That's another health food so between the drink and the dinner, what ails you will be vanquished! https://feelgoodfoodie.net/recipe/roasted-chicken-garlic-herbs/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  5. Thanks, Mary! I wish you were coming with us as well. We will raise a toast to you once we are on board. We have a great group to travel with.
  6. Good news about twin sister and niece. Let's hope DBIL improves quickly as well as DB. Wow! Now, that is excitement! Our excitement is driving on icy, bumpy roads. Well, a step in the right direction to get scheduled, but I am sorry it is so far in the future. At least there is light at the end of the distant tunnel. We had such fun this afternoon. We met with a counselor about Sue's Medicare options and got her all signed up so she will be ready to go as soon as she is eligible.
  7. Why couldn't you pre-pay the crew appreciation and internet? While it will show up on her statement, you can always say it was part of the booking package and have no idea why the accountants do it that way.
  8. I had a Nanaimo bar when we were in St. Johns, Newfoundland. OMG was that good! You did well to get all that wrapped and in the freezer. That sounds really good. We have broccoli and cauliflower for tonight with our fish.
  9. Good morning, everyone! Not much variation in temperature here. It is currently 33F with a projected high of 36F. As long as it stays above freezing, I am happy. I have doctor appointments this morning. One is the annual "wellness" visit where I get to count backwards from 100 by 7s, recite stupid word lists and discuss dead presidents. I told my doctor I would do that once, but that was it. A physician friend calls them fishing for diagnosis exercises. I don't need any new diagnosis, thanks. Let's deal with the ones I have. That should keep them busy enough. The second one is a regular appointment. Sue found out today that her son and his wife had their baby. They didn't bother to call her, but she saw it on Facebook. They didn't mention the name, but the baby was 4 pounds - a little early at 36 weeks. Today's meal sounds good to me! I'd go for these for the avocado dressing. That sounds tasty! https://www.skinnytaste.com/baked-salmon-cakes/ A friend and I once made something similar to this with tuna and then we grilled them. This recipe looks pretty straightforward and easy. https://keviniscooking.com/salmon-patties/ Lastly, we have Ina Garten's recipe. This one isn't baked, but I think you could do that. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/salmon-cakes-recipe-1916217 We are in the mode of eating up what is in the fridge so we don't come home to a lot of spoiled food. But, I will hang on to these recipes for when we do get home. @Cruising-along Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  10. Hmm, that has me thinking. After my surgery in May I developed a rash on my left shoulder near where they had attached one of those square things they use to hook you up to monitors and things. I used some cortisone cream on it and it cleared up. After my surgery a few weeks ago I found one of those adhesive pads on my left shoulder and sure enough, a rash. It was really angry but the same cortisone cream cleared it up. Could just my left shoulder be allergic to the adhesive? It seems so strange. Welcome to world, Ryan Charles. You must be so excited! I'm glad all is going well. I hope tomorrow's trip home is uneventful and boring. That is how you want it to be.
  11. Thank you all! With Lenda joining us the Daily will be represented very well and we will have a Daily good time!
  12. Good morning, everyone! I slept in this morning as it was pretty late when I finally fell asleep last night. Then I woke up every hour. Not a good night. We did get Christmas put away yesterday. The last tree is down, the wreaths are down, the lights are down outside, and the Christmas knick knacks are all put away. The suitcase is out and ready to fill. We'll work on that today as the weather is not conducive to being out. Schools are all closed in anticipation. It is supposed to snow all day and possibly glaze a little with ice depending on the temperatures outside. Currently, it is 33F. @smitty34877 @DWAliaschief I hope both of you ladies have a fantastic day today. Today's meal would be a good one for today if I had the ingredients. Instead, we are having fish and roasted veggies. I would make this soup without the carrots sometime. Maybe when we get home after our cruise. We'll still have some cold weather. Here's one for the slow cooker, but I'm sure it can be done stovetop as well. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/263085/spaghetti-lovers-soup/ A little different seasoning in this recipe and lots of good ideas for tweaking the recipe to your specific tastes. https://www.southernplate.com/spaghetti-lovers-soup/ @Cruzin Terri Safe travels today. Hopefully the spots on your legs will be easily cared for. @RMLincoln Healing thoughts to Richard for his surgery today. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  13. Yes, ma'am! You are a good neighbor. Something like that happened in my neighborhood in Ohio except that it was the postman that demolished the neighbor's mailbox. Vanessa, I am glad that things are finally moving. It is way past time for a solution to your problem. Pain makes me cranky. Aw, Terri, I'm so sorry. Here's hoping they can take care of the problem easily tomorrow and that the thundercloud over your head moves on. @ger_77 Thank you for giving us the update on Deb. It is so sad that she has passed away. Cancer is a cruel disease.
  14. Good morning, everyone! It is much warmer here in mid-Michigan with a temperature of 22F and projected high of 32F. It will be nice to get above freezing this week. Our neighborhood party was a smashing success. Previous owners of our house came to the party and were thrilled with what we've done with it. They didn't know the people they sold it to, but they had heard stories. They are now living at the same retirement village where our friend Ellamary moved, so we now have two visits to make. I also found out from one of my neighbors that Senior Services will come out and install handrails on the porch free of charge. We will be calling them when we get back from Hawaii. Now that the party is over, the suitcases are coming out! Today's side dish is an easy and flavorful way to make vegetables. I think it is more of a technique than a recipe. I pan roast most vegetables including brussels sprouts, green beans, asparagus. If I liked carrots I'd roast them as well. I bet it would give them a great flavor. Roasting brings out the natural sugars. This first one is a basic recipe. I often put a piece of fish or chicken on the sheet pan and roast that along side for a complete meal. https://www.skinnytaste.com/roasted-broccoli-and-cauliflower/ This next one uses some Italian seasoning on the vegetables. You can use whatever kind of seasoning you like on them. Taco seasoning is good as is ranch seasoning. I used to sprinkle a little cayenne pepper on mine, but Sue won't eat it. So, I have switched to garlic powder or onion powder. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/7870627/roasted-broccoli-cauliflower/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  15. Bruno, hugs to you. This is a difficult time for you and your dad. Hopefully, hospice will be able to provide some help and assure that your dad is comfortable. It still isn't easy. I went through this with my mom and it can be brutal on the family. When things get tough remember you have friends who care about you here. More hugs.
  16. @kochleffel Paul, it is no surprise that the Talmud does not mention butternut squash as a health food or cure for what ails you. Butternut squash is a relatively new item, developed in 1944 as a cross between pumpkin and gooseneck squash. Butternut squash, known in Australia and New Zealand as butternut pumpkin or gramma, is a type of winter squash that grows on a vine. It has a sweet, nutty taste similar to that of a pumpkin. It has tan-yellow skin and orange fleshy pulp with a compartment of seeds in the blossom end. When ripe, it turns increasingly deep orange, and becomes sweeter and richer. It is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium; and it is a source of vitamin A. Although botanically a fruit (specifically, a berry), butternut squash is used culinarily as a vegetable that can be roasted, sautéed, toasted, puréed for soups such as squash soup, or mashed to be used in casseroles, breads, muffins, and pies. It is part of the same squash family as ponca, waltham, pumpkin, and calabaza. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butternut_squash
  17. Good morning, everyone! It is a chilly start to the day here in mid-Michigan with a temperature of 10F. We are supposed to warm to 25F for the day with lots of sunshine. I'll take the sunshine! Today is the neighborhood party that Sue and I are hosting. We had no idea when we picked the date that the Lions would get this far and the game may interfere a bit. People will be late to arrive, but that's ok. We'll have the game on here in the family room. I got a giant cookie decorated for the Lions and may make some chicken wings. Today's meal is a bit different. Rapini or broccoli rabe is a green cruciferous vegetable, with the leaves, buds, and stems all being edible; the buds somewhat resemble broccoli, but do not form a large head. Rapini is known for its bitter taste, and is particularly associated with Mediterranean cuisine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapini You can substitute broccolini in the recipe and add in some Italian sausage if you like. https://www.christinascucina.com/rapini-pasta-4-ingredient-recipe-ready-in-minutes/ This recipe adds in a little onion. https://www.savoringitaly.com/rapini-pasta/ This one has some lemon, garlic, and a few red pepper flakes. I'd probably add in the Italian sausage as well. https://itsavegworldafterall.com/rapini-pasta/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  18. We used to say that about my mom. We called it The Muzz Factor. I think I may have inherited it from her.
  19. Welcome, Kate. We hope you stop in more often. Paul, the best known remedy for what you have is butternut squash. Add that to your grocery order.
  20. I'm glad DW is feeling better today. I hope that is a continuing trend.
  21. That sounds similar to what Frankenmuth does to them. They have some onion in it, too. But no gravy. I understand the need to see different walls now and then. When I broke my hip and was at my dad's house I used to make him take me out for coffee every so often. He didn't understand why I needed to go out as he could make coffee at home. But I needed to see a different landscape. Perhaps a coffee house with a good book? I am sorry to hear of the office situation. I'm sure you will find a good solution and in the end it may be a better arrangement. Fingers crossed for you.
  22. Good morning, everyone! It was a very frigid 0F when I got up this morning. 🥶It is now up to 2F with a high forecast of 22F. After today it starts to warm up a bit. We are really looking forward to leaving this and landing in San Diego. It doesn't have to be hot there, just not so frigid. Dinner last night was very nice and DB was surprised and elated that we would do that for him. Food turned out really well and we all enjoyed feasting! And, I actually won a game of Farkel. Now, we just have to get through the neighborhood party we're hosting tomorrow night and then we can pull out the suitcases and concentrate on our trip. @Crazy For Cats how are you fixing your chicken livers? Mom used to make a chicken liver casserole that we all loved. She sauteed the chicken livers and mushrooms in butter and sherry, combined them with sauteed ground beef and onions, and then mixed in sour cream. All that got mixed with noodles and baked for about a half hour, 45 minutes. MMMM This first recipe is for the slow cooker, but can easily be done on the stove top. I might try this one without the carrots. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/267530/curried-chicken-stew/ This one is more like a soup. In fact, they call it that in the recipe. https://www.aberdeenskitchen.com/2016/09/curried-chicken-stew/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  23. That is a thoughtful decision, Roy. Maybe if someone went with you - separate cabins. It is a thought, but your niece/nephew are very lucky to have you as their uncle.
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