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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good morning, everyone! We are fortunate to have another beautiful day in store for us here in mid-Michigan. The high is supposed to be 80F with sunny skies. Today I am hosting a luncheon for former classmates. I'm grilling spiedies and they are all bringing a dish to pass. It should be a lovely time. Tonight is Farkle with DB Bill and DSIL Lauren. They are bringing dinner with them. We alternate on providing dinner for Farkle. Today's meal sounds really good. It is another one from Bon Appetit, so it is behind the paywall. I did manage to find it elsewhere. https://summersetgrills.com/blogs/recipes/grilled-halibut-and-bok-choy-with-coconut-lime-dressing-sizzling-summer-series There were similar recipes available. This one says it was inspired by the Bon Appetit recipe and is slightly different. https://www.amenuforyou.com/grilled-halibut-and-bok-choy-with-coconut-lime-dressing/ And this one is halibut and bok choy, but a totally different preparation. https://hapanom.com/miso-glazed-halibut-baby-bok-choy-sake-butter-sauce/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  2. You want the salmon to have been frozen. Salmon is particularly known for having tapeworms. Unless it is cooked to a high enough temperature or frozen for a long enough period of time, the tapeworm can survive and be passed on to the person who eats it. Having a tapeworm is not pleasant and the meds to kill it are expensive.
  3. I was thinking the same thing as well. Once a new Daily is started they expect the conversation to move over there. Kind of like what Jacqui wanted to have happen with the Future Cruise List.
  4. Good morning, everyone! It is another beautiful day in mid-Michigan. We expect sunny skies and a high of 82F. Tomorrow I am hosting a luncheon for former classmates. Today is dedicated to getting things in shape for them. The chicken is already marinating and ready to go on the grill. I got a new gas canister the other day, so we'll have plenty of gas to do the cooking. @Cruzin Terri mine needs a new ignitor, but I just use a torch. Today's meal probably tastes divine, but is a bit too sweet for me. I'd give it a pass due to the sugar content. Ahead of Thyme has easy to find ingredients and an easy recipe to follow. These might be good for a party appetizer. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/sticky-honey-garlic-meatballs/ This recipe uses a ginger chicken meatball. The meat is more highly seasoned, but not hot spicy. https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/honey-garlic-meatballs/ Here is one last variation on the recipe. A suggestion is to use store bought meatballs to save time, but they would miss the flavor these have from the seasoning that goes in them. https://www.theendlessmeal.com/honey-garlic-meatballs/ Wishing you all a wonderful day no matter what you have for dinner!
  5. The thing that gets me is that they had detailed information about what was covered and to what extend on frames and lenses and then claimed they couldn't get that information about the exam. Liars! I can understand their confusion over the deductible, but my policy doesn't inflict that on me for this exam. I'm giving it a few days and then I'll call their billing office and tell them to note in my file tht the refraction exam is covered and there is no deductible. And, I'll tell them I am not paying them upfront ever again and waiting for them to reimburse me. Who knows how long that will take.
  6. I'm glad you have a date set and that they can do so much for you. They will often check for and repair other issues once they are in. They like to avoid future surgeries. You don't have to convince me!
  7. Good afternoon! Well, what an experience at the eye doctor's today. It always comes down to the money. They had all the specifics on my insurance for frames and lenses and were able to calculate to the penny what I owed for them. However, they weren't so knowledgeable when it came to the exam portion. They charged me a $25 deductible which does not apply to this exam. Then they charged me for the refraction part of the exam (where they test the different lenses to figure out your prescription) because they said Medicare doesn't cover it. I explained that I had the exam coverage for eyes that went with the glasses and it was covered under that. They said they had no way of knowing that and that they only submitted to Medicare. So, I have Aetna and my vision insurance company calling them to explain preventive coverage, co-pays, and coordination of benefits. Grrrrrr. It will all work out and is a first world problem in the scheme of things. Relax, Deb, and have a glass of wine to celebrate no diabetic retinopathy, no glaucoma, and no macular degeneration. Ok, now I have a Zoom meeting to get ready for. I might get dinner in here sometime.
  8. As others have said, we will hold you close, Melisa. You are doing an exceptional job holding things together. I think these golden years are the most difficult to navigate. You'll always be a HAL Sailor and your Daily family will always have your back. @ger_77 I'm happy to hear that your DH is recuperating so well! I hope he enjoys his day out with friends. And, I hope you enjoy that shrimp dinner very soon.
  9. Good morning, everyone! It was a busy day yesterday. After the gym and lunch we went to the big box store. We were going for paper products - toilet paper and paper towels. We came home with so much more! I also filled up with gas and did a cylinder exchange for the grill. Then we came home and packaged up ground beef, chicken, and fish into individual sized servings. And made dinner. Today is Farmer's Market, grocery store, eye doctor, and a Zoom meeting. Thanks to @Sharon in AZ for the lemongrass suggestion. I've never used it, so never looked for it. @rafinmd It sounds like you are going since the suitcase is in the car. I'm thrilled for you. @Cruising-along Carolyn looks like she is having a great cruise to Alaska. Stay warm! @mamaofami How wonderful that Sam is coming home! That is best for everyone! Today's meal sounds good to me. It is low carb and instead of serving over noodles, you can serve it over riced cauliflower. This first recipe looks pretty easy and tasty. https://cafedelites.com/creamy-garlic-shrimp/ This next one is decadently rich and sounds so smooth. The white cheddar is an interesting ingredient. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/creamy-garlic-shrimp/ This next recipe uses both wine and broth, reducing each by half to concentrate flavor. It also adds in lemon. I love lemon. https://thecozycook.com/creamy-garlic-shrimp/ This last recipe has the same creamy shrimp, but gives it a Tuscan touch with spinach and sun dried tomatoes. https://therecipecritic.com/creamy-tuscan-garlic-shrimp/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  10. Yippee! Go and enjoy. Rest and relax all you want and rebuild that strength! I'm glad you've taken that step.
  11. When I first started reading and posting on The Daily, as it was known then, I noticed that people were talking about this wonderful Tomato Pie that was the meal of the day. Several had made it and they all wondered what recipe the other one used. Wanting to contribute more than just what boring tasks I was completing each day, I started posting a recipe link for each meal. That was early in 2021. When I went on an Alaska cruise in September of 2021 @kazu Jacqui took over for me. For a later cruise @0106 Tina took over. Tina has become my go to person as the next time I needed coverage Jacqui had her hand full at home. What is nice about this thread is that it is a place where all can belong, not just the popular kids. We've gotten to know each other through the information we've each shared, some more, some less and we have recognized the strengths and warm, loving characteristics each poster has. During the height of Covid, when no one was going out, it was a source of regular human contact for many of us. During that time we laughed with each other, worried with each other, cried with each other, and held the hands of those who lost loved ones. Since this thread some of us have cruised together and met each other. Last fall was a repo cruise from Quebec to Ft. Lauderdale and several of us regular posters were on that cruise. It was so nice to meet in person the people we had come to know and care about on the thread.
  12. That might work except I would have to dust it. What wonderful news! He must have done very well if they have to decide between rehab and home. Let's hope it is home. I am Bowman Creeper Chumbucket. Had to get that in before I forgot it. Thanks for the tip on lemon zest. Saves me a trip to Florida. I know where I can find that! Oh, Terry, I am tearing up just reading this. Don't worry about thank yous. Just know we are thinking of you and holding you close.
  13. How cool! We should get a trophy except we'd fight over who got it. A little long on the commute, otherwise I would. Thanks for the offer!
  14. Good morning, everyone! @mamaofami We have another nice day in store here in mid-Michigan. I'm going to go to the gym and following that, the fish market, the coffee shop, and exchange my gas canister for the grill. I found a lamp that I want for the outside post. Now we just have to figure out how to get the old one off. The new one will have a photo eye on it so I won't have to remember to turn lights on and off outside. @StLouisCruisers Wishing you safe travels today, Sandi. I hope Ren is all better quickly. I am glad that @aliaschief Bruce made it home safely yesterday. It looks like @Heartgrove is really enjoying his cruise. The lemongrass chicken sounds good to me. If I can find lemongrass anywhere in town I just may try it. Here's the first recipe: https://www.aheadofthyme.com/pan-fried-lemongrass-chicken/ That recipe is nice as it doesn't require any difficult to find ingredients outside of the lemongrass. The cilantro is just for garnish, so it can be left out by those who don't like it. This next recipe calls for fish sauce and it comes with a dipping sauce as well. There are directions for air frying it. https://christieathome.com/blog/vietnamese-lemongrass-chicken/ This one is a bit more complex, but most likely worth the effort. It looks fabulous! https://carlsbadcravings.com/lemongrass-chicken/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  15. Hah! @0106 Tina, we were right! We had Classic Falafel on May 31 and today we had just normal old Falafel. No wonder I had all the pictures.
  16. I am so sorry for Lou's passing, Terry. You were his hero being able to bring him home where he wanted to be. Rest assured we are all holding you and your family close in our hearts during this time and sending you all the virtual hugs possible.
  17. Good morning, everyone! Right now we have blue sky in place of the clouds all day yesterday. The overcast skies were good for traveling, though. The shower was very nice and it was good to see everyone. It has been a while since I saw my nephew and his family. The men all showed up at the end. Nothing much is on the agenda for today after a visit to the gym. I am sure we had falafel earlier in the year. I have all the pictures for it from May 30. But when I looked it up, that wasn't the meal. I guess I was just planning way ahead. Falafel is a deep-fried ball or patty-shaped fritter of Arab origin, featuring in Middle Eastern cuisine (especially in Egyptian and Levantine cuisines) made from broad beans, ground chickpeas, or both. Falafel is often served in a pita, samoon, or wrapped in a flatbread known as taboon; "falafel" also frequently refers to a wrapped sandwich that is prepared in this way. The falafel balls may be topped with salads, pickled vegetables, and hot sauce, and drizzled with tahini-based sauces. Falafel balls may also be eaten alone as a snack or served as part of a meze tray (assortment of appetizers). Falafel is eaten throughout the Middle East, and is a common street food. Falafel is usually made with fava beans in Egyptian cuisine, where it most likely originated, with chickpeas in Palestinian cuisine, or either just chickpeas or a combination of both in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria and the wider Middle East. It is popular with vegetarians worldwide. This recipe makes the falafel from chickpeas. https://www.themediterraneandish.com/how-to-make-falafel/ Here is all about falafel from the Food Network Cooking School. Recipe is included. https://www.foodnetwork.com/how-to/packages/food-network-essentials/what-is-falafel This website has 15 ideas on what to do with falafel once you make it. https://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/creative-falafel-recipes/ Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  18. Good morning, everyone! @kazu It sounds like you have come through the worst of the storm with little damage to your property. Others may not be so lucky. But, we're happy our Jacqui is safe. It will be a mostly cloudy day with temps in the low 70's, high 60's here. We are driving down to Troy, Michigan for my niece's wedding shower. The good news is that I am not traveling alone. DS Sue and DS Mary Jo with be with me. So, if I get tired, I have relief drivers. This recipe calls for a prepared taco seasoning that you get from the store. The biggest part of the meal is seasoning the meat. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/mexican-ground-beef-tacos/ This one has you make your own seasoning blend. https://houseofyumm.com/best-ever-taco-meat/ This one has a little different preparation of the meat. That is really the only variation of this dish. The toppings you decide on and are based on personal preference. I guess you could make your own taco shells. https://www.dinneratthezoo.com/ground-beef-tacos/ I'm off to get ready to travel! Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  19. I want to echo what @kazu Jacqui and @AncientWanderer Maxine said. If you're feeling sluggish one day, take it easy and just relax. Cruising is the one vacation where you can do as little as you want or as much as you want. I hope you go.
  20. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be another beautiful day here in mid-Michigan. Or at least it is starting out that way. It is a bit on the chilly side at 52F, but will be warming up to the mid 70s. Not too much on the agenda today. I am going to the gym and then I have a Zoom meeting this afternoon and Farkle tonight. Today's meal is a bit strange, I think. The vegan scallops are really mushroom stems. Specifically, you need King Oyster Mushrooms. https://lovingitvegan.com/vegan-scallops/ I don't know. I think I'd just as soon stick to the real thing. Here is a picture of the mushroom. I don't think I've seen it in any grocery near me. This preparation uses white wine. https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/vegan-garlic-seared-scallops/ And here's one that uses white miso and kelp granules. https://wowitsveggie.com/vegan-scallops/ The sear on these mushroom stems looks good. I'm sure that they are very tasty. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  21. I am so sorry to hear of your dad's passing. Bringing him home on hospice was a gift to him and to you in his final days. I'm sure he was much happier to be home than in the hospital. He must have been a wonderful man to have a daughter like you. I'll just do it anyways and then medicate with a glass of wine. How's that sound?
  22. Good afternoon, everyone! It has warmed up to a nice 72F outdoors. The house hasn't warmed up that much yet. It is still 68F inside. It has been a busy day so far. I went to the gym and then came home and made an eye appointment, arranged to have my records transferred up from Ohio, applied for Social Security, paid bills, and made the marinade for tomorrow night's flank steak. I still need to make an appointment to have my teeth cleaned but not until the beginning of November. I also need to make an appointment to see my PCP. I need a referral to the spine and pain clinic for my back. I'm not ready to give up my hikes, but need something or some way to deal with the pain. I think hiking on dirt paths is still ok. It is the pounding on the cement that is the issue. I was doing nerve ablation for pain issues and it is past due to do again. Fingers crossed that I can do that and still enjoy communing with nature. @kazu Jacqui, I'll keep you in my thoughts as Lee makes his way through the Bay of Fundy.
  23. Good morning, everyone! It is another chilly morning here in mid-Michigan, but it is supposed to warm up nicely this afternoon. @ger_77 I hope all goes well with your DH this morning for his procedure. @mamaofami thank you for the update on Sam. Hopefully, he'll get the surgery soon. @Cruising-along Bon Voyage and enjoy your cruise! @smitty34877 I'm glad Lou had a good visit with your DB and DSIL. It was an added bonus that DSIL made dinner! @kazu Stay safe from the storm. It looks like you've done all you can in preparation. Today's meal is one I would make on a cool autumn day. It sounds wonderful. With a crusty loaf of bread for dipping, it would be heaven. The recipe comes from Bon Appetit, a pay sight. I don't have a subscription and I'm out of free recipes on the site for now. I just get the notice that the kitchen is closed to me. But, I did find it on another site that doesn't charge me. https://pacificwest.com.au/recipe/brothy-seafood-chowder/ I could eat that now! Here's a version from Ina Garten that you can make creamy or leave brothy. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/seafood-chowder-recipe-1925488 Here is a recipe for a Manhattan fish chowder. It calls for white fish, but you can easily add in some shrimp or other seafood to make it a seafood chowder. https://www.curiouscuisiniere.com/manhattan-fish-chowder/ Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  24. We were in Corner Brook in July and we docked. We also had great fish and chips at the Crown and Moose on West Street, just up a bit from Main Street.
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