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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Although Rich's shorts were gone, I would still fill out the forms for lost items. If your friend fills out the forms, he may get those items returned and he may not. If he doesn't report it, he definitely won't get those items returned.
  2. Good morning everyone! It is a cold, snowy morning here in mid-Michigan. The plow guy hasn't been here yet and I didn't get the trash out so I guess it will wait until next week. Thank goodness it is cold out! The only thing on my agenda today is exercise class at 11:00. I signed up for the later class to give the city time to clear the roads and my plow guy time to show up here. I think I agree with @Crazy For Cats Jake about today's meal sounding like salad in a bun. Some of them sound like good salads, but I'd leave off the bun. I like the artichokes in this first one. I often put them in salads. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/252443/vegetarian-italian-hoagies/#nutrition This next one has roasted eggplant in it and it reminds me of a sandwich I had in Florence, Italy. I bought it at a corner market and sat on the curb to eat it. It was so good I would have bought a second one but they were all out. https://scrummylane.com/roasted-eggplant-pesto-bocconcini-panini/ This last one sounds interesting with the olive mixture, roasted peppers, roasted eggplant, etc. https://vanillaandbean.com/italian-pressed-sandwich/ I'm not sure these are all vegetarian Italian subs, but the last two look like very tasty sandwiches. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  3. At first we were supposed to get the ice as well, but that didn't happen. From what I see outside, we will be on the lower end of the snow predictions. I hope! When Spectrum bought Time Warner my rates went up. I called about a special offer they had sent me in an email, but they said I wasn't eligible for it. So why did they send it to me. They looked and said the best they could do was to increase my rate by another $10. I said thank you and hung up. I next disconnected the cable box, got in the car, and went to the office. I gave them back their cable box and said I no longer wanted that service, just the internet. They processed the termination very quietly and immediately tried to court me back as a new customer. I told them they didn't want to deal with me when I was a customer, so I didn't want to deal with them now that I wasn't. Thanks for that information. I think I'll go get some tests when the weather clears.
  4. The snow is really coming down here. We are now in the 4-6 inch range. I'm not sure I'm taking the trash out tonight. It is supposed to be at the end of the drive, but it will interfere with my plow guy. I think I'll take it out tomorrow morning when I get up. That should be soon enough. If not, it can wait until next week.
  5. Good afternoon, everyone. It is snowing lightly right now and they've upped their prediction to 3-6 inches of fluffy stuff. It is supposed to end before daybreak so that will give the city time to clear the main roads and for my plow guy to come out before my exercise class at 11 tomorrow. I have no need to leave the house before then and if it is not clear enough tomorrow morning, I have an exercise routine I can do here at home. I cut the cord several years ago and didn't regret it at all. When I moved to Michigan I decided to try Spectrum's streaming service because the price was locked for two years. I'll probably go to another service then because I don't get Smithsonian channel with Spectrum. But, even with their streaming service, the cost is still almost $100 a month less than what I was paying before I cut the cord. I have been to Barcelona a couple of times. I'm glad I went back when you could just walk into Sagrada Familia and Park Guell. There is an area near or in Park Guell with a housing development Gaudi started. The houses all look like Smurf houses. All my pictures are pre-digital and since the move I couldn't begin to locate them. @rafinmd Sometimes the medical industry is totally maddening. They keep sending me the same questionnaire to answer over and over again. Apparently, if I answer it for Dr. A, it doesn't carry over to Dr. B, even though they might be down the hall from one another. At least that was electronic and they aren't killing trees to do that. @marshhawk Good for you and DH taking a day off together just for you! @grapau27 Hope the cough goes away. @Quartzsite Cruiser Yes, walking through the grocery store does count. Even if you're pushing a cart, that takes the place of trekking poles or a cane. Go for it! Ok, time to go make the marinade for the London Broil we are having for Farkle night. My turn to provide dinner.
  6. Good morning, everyone! Our string of good weather is over and today is bringing a snow storm to us this afternoon. We are supposed to get 2-5 inches of the white, fluffy stuff. My plan is to hit the gym early this morning and then the grocery store right after that. Then I'll be ready for whatever Mother Nature brings us. Today's meal is a great one. I have made similar with salmon and it was really good. If you follow keto, this would work for you. It is a great low carb dish as well. We'll start with this one: https://downshiftology.com/recipes/creamy-tuscan-chicken/ This one has slightly different seasonings. https://www.spoonforkbacon.com/tuscan-chicken/ This next recipe adds in mushrooms and green onions. I love both, so bring it on! https://natashaskitchen.com/tuscan-chicken/ This one adds a little tomato paste to the sauce. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/creamy-tuscan-chicken/ This is a rich dish and a small helping goes a long way. You can put the sauce over rice or pasta, but if you're looking to keep it low carb, make it riced cauliflower or zoodles. A good piece of rustic bread would be great for sopping up the delicious sauce. Prayers for all who need them today. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  7. Given the medical professionals in my family and who are friends, I would guess it is pretty common that they don't behave after surgery. How can you be a respiratory therapist who refuses the CPAP for sleep apnea and smokes? I sure hope your niece finds a job where she is understood and appreciated for what she contributes. Documenting everything is a great strategy and I've told people not to be afraid to whip out a little notebook and to take notes right then and there. When my sister was documenting I told her the standard response when asked what she was doing was to say her attorney advised her to document all interactions. I tried to look up what was considered "classic" lasagna and got nothing. I think it all depends on the region and there are definitely regional differences depending on local produce and such. The same for "traditional" and "authentic" recipes. Many people are familiar with the hot German potato salad. OR at least warm. My great grandmother never made it that way. Hers was cold with a dressing of bacon drippings and vinegar. I loved hers and don't care for the warm version. His argument is that they have to have a positive on two out of three tests with the three tests taken at different times. That, he said, is because the dexamethasone suppressant test can give a false positive. But, since my results came back over twice the upper limit it seems unlikely that it was a false positive and he agreed. Last year my cortisol was elevated but I was one point low on dexamethasone absorption, so they said that negated the high cortisol and we'd wait a year and check it again. Meanwhile, I have a lot of the symptoms of high cortisol. I told him I was done waiting. I hope I can be in the next cruise dream. Last night I dreamt that I was being chased by Prince William and Kate Middleton because they had decided, for some unknown reason, that I should be part of the royal family and I wanted no part of it. I was hiding under fallen trees in the forest to get away.
  8. Very interesting information, Paul. Thank you for posting it. I didn't get any flowers either, so we're in the same boat. I have friends in the area. It has been horrible for them. I always wanted to eat at K-Pauls, but never got the opportunity. I did buy a couple of his cookbooks and one of my favorite recipes is Fried Chicken Salad with Green Onion Dressing. Mmmmm Oh, my goodness, that would have been so scary. Especially since there is nothing you could have done. My appointment with the endo went well. He said we can make an argument for taking out the adrenal tumor and I said go for it. He wants to do a CT scan first and that was one of my goals as well. So, moving along.
  9. Good morning, everyone. It is a gray and rainy day here in mid-Michigan. It is supposed to stay warm today, but tomorrow we will start cooling down with a chance of snow Thursday night into Friday. Snow around 4 inches. We shall see. Today's meal is wonderful. I have made the chicken and sausage gumbo recipe from Commander's Palace in New Orleans as well as from Paul Prudhomme's recipe. Paul Prudhomme is the one that coined the name Gumbo Ya Ya for chicken and sausage gumbo when he worked at Commander's Palace. I am also proud to say that I did master the roux technique and was able to get my roux very dark brown. What a nutty rich flavor that gave the gumbo. Mmmmmmm Will start with this first recipe that gives some information about gumbo. https://www.jessicagavin.com/chicken-andouille-sausage-gumbo/ The above gumbo is a little pale compared to mine. This next recipe from Emeril gets the color almost right. https://www.emerils.com/127540/chicken-and-smoked-sausage-gumbo This recipe has reviews saying it is too bland. For beginners that may be a good place to start. You can always add seasoning, but you can't take it out once it is in. I like mine with a bit of heat, but I like the heat to be subtle, not in your face hot. I also like my roux darker. https://www.southernliving.com/recipes/chicken-and-sausage-gumbo This last recipe comes pretty close to what I do. Instead of cooking the chicken and sausage in liquid, I always sauteed them first. That gave the chicken a nice brown crust that added flavor to the gumbo. Same with the sausage. There is an excellent tutorial on making the roux. One of the tricks is when the roux gets to the color you want, you add the chopped vegetables to it and stir them in. That stops the cooking of the roux and prevents burning. And the aroma it produces is amazing! https://sunsetandsewanee.com/chicken-and-andouille-sausage-gumbo-aka-gumbo-ya-ya/ If you haven't had it, try it! If you want the ultimate, use Paul Prudhomme's recipe. Healing thoughts and hugs going out to all who need them. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  10. The Meal of the Day for Wednesday will be slightly delayed as I have an early dr. appointment.
  11. @JazzyV Beautiful flowers! I hope you and BFF had a great dinner tonight. @Quartzsite Cruiser Good looking cake. Worth the messy baker designation! @tupper10 Congrats on booking the cruise! I'm glad your son is home now, but sad your back is still giving you problems. I hope the Dr. can figure it out. @rafinmd Hang in there. Sending you hugs. @kazu I'm glad the therapy went well. It sounds like you are making forward progress with the elbow, just in slow motion. You'll get there. DB decided that today wouldn't be good to clean his apartment. He wants me to come late tomorrow afternoon. I asked about the state inspection and he said it is every two years and they just make sure everything in the apartment works like smoke detectors, emergency pull cords, etc. They won't care if he hasn't scrubbed the toilet. He does make it hard for people to help him sometimes.
  12. How adorable! DB has always been stubborn. He has to do everything his way and rarely takes advice from someone else. After all, he knows best. Unfortunately, he often takes the long and difficult path for most things. He's doing that now, but as you said, you can't make them listen. So, we just shake our heads and move forward. It is hardest on him in the end. I'll see this afternoon where he is. I know by this time with the last knee I was pretty close to 90 degrees flexion and 0 extension. I ended up being released from in home therapy early and had to wait two weeks to go to outpatient. I just kept doing the exercises they had given me and made people go on walks with me. I'm so sorry to hear that yesterday's visit was depressing. Hugs for Tana and you. I donate blood every other month. I have type O negative and they really want my blood. @rafinmd Hugs to you today. I'll be thinking of you. @StLouisCruisers I'm sorry to hear of your DB's illness. @Cruising-along I hope all ends up well with the ultrasound.
  13. Good morning, everyone! Happy Valentine's Day to all who are celebrating. I'm spending the day by going to the gym and then going over to DB's to help clean the apartment. He's worried about state inspection on Thursday, but unless he has obvious mold and rot issues, I think he'd be ok. He's normally pretty neat and clean. @smitty34877 I guess he's frustrating his physical therapist because he has his own way of doing things. He's relying on a wheelchair the apartment building is letting him use rather than getting up and walking and the knee is pretty stiff. You can't tell him anything! Today's meal may not be very romantic, but it is comfort food for those who celebrate solo. This first one would have been good for Sunday's game. https://thymeforcocktails.com/chili-cheese-meatball-skillet/ This next one looks pretty good, too! I can feel the pounds packing on just by looking at the picture. https://thecuriousplate.com/one-skillet-meatballs-with-chili-sauce/ This one is slightly different, but I had to include it after our discussion yesterday of names. It comes from HEB, so let's see what Mr. Butt has for us. https://www.heb.com/recipe/recipe-item/skillet-green-chili-meatball-alfredo/1399005988616 This recipe from Fustini's uses an infused olive oil. If you have a Fustini's near you, try it out. Other spicy infused olive oils would also work. They have an olive oil/vinegar combination of Persian Lime and Coconut that I love for fish. https://www.fustinis.com/recipes-nav/recipes/skillet-chili-meatballs I'm sure there is one of these that can appeal to almost everyone. Healing thoughts and hugs to all who are ailing in any way. Cheers to those who are celebrating. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  14. We lived in Texas for a couple of years when I was in 2nd and 3rd grades. I remember visiting the Hogg home while we were there and learning about Ima Hogg.
  15. @AncientWanderer No, I don't think there is a bad lasagna. Just different. @Cruising-along I'm glad you feel better after your visit with your doctor and that you are following up with a nephrologist. Sounds like your doc has it all under control. Relax and breathe deeply a few times.
  16. Forgot to include this from @cruising sister Good afternoon, It is a lazy day for me today. My niece goes home today and I must do for myself. It will be ok as the pain turned around yesterday. My grandkids came yesterday to watch the game (Go Chiefs!). Their mother must have lectured them on the way over a little too much. They both were initially afraid to come near me. By the end of the game and with the fireworks going off all around they were better. I always wondered why my dad never changed his name. I asked my grandmother why she named him that and she said he was named after an uncle. So there was at least two men named Harry Head. Prayers and good wishes to all. Glad to hear the pain has turned around. It can be miserable when you are in pain. My uncle named his first son Abraham Stanley and his initials were A. $. $. Son went to court as soon as he was old enough and changed his name to Richard.
  17. I met a guy in college named Chuck Itt. He wanted to have a son and daughter so he could name them Chuck Jr. and Maggie. My Italian friend in college said to use a little bit of ground pork for that. Then you don't need sugar or carrots.
  18. I keep forgetting to post the picture of my chicken wings for the game last night.
  19. Good morning, everyone. Well, that was certainly a good game last night - right up to the last seconds. Both teams played well and deserve recognition. We are looking at sunshine and mid to high 40sF here in mid-Michigan. We've had a string of beautiful days and I'm afraid they'll come to an end. Not sure what a Wingman is, I'm keeping my name as I'm too old to learn to answer to another one, and I should clean out my computer. Today's meal is a favorite of mine. I love lasagna. I don't have it often because of the carbs, but occasionally I'll treat myself. I'm not sure what makes a lasagna "classic", but the recipes I'm using today all claim that title. This first one has us make our own tomato sauce. I would leave out the sugar as the Italian sausage should help to sweeten the pot a bit. https://www.thewholesomedish.com/the-best-classic-lasagna/ This next one is a bit different. I've never heard of putting carrots in the tomato sauce for lasagna or spaghetti. I know in a lot of processed food carrots are used as filler because they are cheap. https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/classic-lasagna.html This next one isn't a classic lasagna, it is a traditional lasagna. At least it doesn't put carrots in the sauce. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/traditional-lasagna/ And, we have one more to choose from. Subtle differences, but sometimes they make a big difference! https://themodernproper.com/classic-lasagna-recipe I hope one of these finds its way to your table soon! And, if it does, please invite me! Healing thoughts to our ailing Dailyites. Cheers to those who are celebrating. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  20. Plus it takes up an electrical outlet!
  21. 3 hours should be good. I do want to hear how it turns out with the bourbon. Most movements start small. One step at a time. Little by little, great change can be made. Just a nice smile or a kind gesture to another can change the course of their day. And, they are more likely to do that for others. Another and more potent form of pay it forward. The guy behind you in line doesn't need you to pay for his coffee. Someone else might benefit greatly by kind words.
  22. Thank you for posting this, Lenda. In our own way, we have come together as the author writes in the section with the hearts. The Daily is that kind of community. Now, we need to spread that beyond the Daily and out into our communities. Any suggestions on how we do that? More humanity and heart is the #1 need. I think that is why the Daily has continued so long. It is one place on CC where we can find humanity and heart. We are all in this together. Glad you like the chicken wings, Sharon. Mine are on hour 4 now and it is time to go baste them again! I want to try Garlic Parmesan wings sometime.
  23. Good morning, everyone! It is supposed to be a lovely day here with bright sunshine and temps in the mid to high 40's in mid-Michigan. I had a wonderful evening last night. I drove over to Mt. Pleasant and had dinner with a former student and her family. Her parents were always the most supportive of me as the teacher and their kids. Stacey's kids are absolutely adorable and the baby and I got along famously. He's 9 months old and usually about that age they get wary of strangers, but Elliot came right to me and snuggled in. Jambalaya is a great dish, but too heavy on the rice for me these days. I am making a batch of chicken wings for tonight. I'm not really rooting for either team so it should make the game a fun one to watch. I can cheer for every touchdown! According to this first jambalaya recipe, Creole cooks use tomatoes in theirs while Cajun cooks do not. However, we are going to see a recipe from Emeril for a Cajun jambalaya that uses tomatoes. Go figure! This first one is Creole Jambalaya. https://cafedelites.com/jambalaya/ I want a big bowl of that right now! Among the many unique differences between the two, the most delicious and intriguing are those between their cuisine. Cajun and Creole food are both native to Louisiana and can be found in restaurants throughout New Orleans. One of the simplest differences between the two cuisine types is that Creole food typically uses tomatoes and tomato-based sauces while traditional Cajun food does not. However, the distinction runs much deeper into the history of New Orleans. Over the decades, jambalaya has taken on a multitude of identities in South Louisiana. The classic New Orleans dish with shrimp and ham is among the “red” jambalayas, thanks to the presence of tomatoes in it. In many of the Cajun communities to the west of the city, “brown” jambalayas, with oysters, giblets and lusty country sausages, are more familiar. https://www.neworleans-food.com/creole-jambalaya Creole food is cosmopolitan food, created in New Orleans with European, African and Native American roots. The French influence is strongest, but vestiges of Italian, Spanish, German, and even Caribbean can be found in some dishes. The essence of Creole is found in rich sauces, local herbs, red ripe tomatoes, and the prominent use of seafood, caught in local waters. It is associated with the old-line kitchens of New Orleans, where generations of traditions are carried on today. Think of rich, roux-based gumbo, shrimp creole, grits and grillades, redfish courtbouillon and more. Cajun food is robust, rustic food, found along the bayous of Louisiana, a combination of French and Southern cuisines. It was brought to Louisiana from the French who migrated to the state from Nova Scotia 250 years ago and used foods, right from the land. Think of meals with lots of smoked meats as well as meat-heavy, one-pot dishes like jambalaya or the rice-filled, spicy pork sausage known as boudin. The backyard crawfish boil is also another byproduct of Cajun culture. Though delicious Cajun food can certainly be found in New Orleans, the true heart of Cajun country lies northwest of the city in areas like Breaux Bridge and Lafayette. To read more go here: https://www.neworleans.com/restaurants/where-to-eat/cajun-or-creole/ Here is Emeril's recipe for Cajun Jambalaya that you can use to compare with the first two. https://www.emerils.com/121423/cajun-jambalaya Wishing everyone a wonderful day and may your team win!
  24. Oh, Vanessa, I am so sorry. Is there anyway you can move the trip up a bit?
  25. Good morning, everyone. Today is supposed to be sunny and mid 40sF here in mid-Michigan. I have a morning Zoom meeting and then I'm going over to Mt. Pleasant to have dinner with friends from Ohio. They actually moved up here before I did! Today's meal is an easy one. Put it in the slow cooker and let it go. This first one is pretty straight forward and easy to do. https://houseofnasheats.com/slow-cooker-korean-beef-short-ribs-kalbi/ Now, doesn't that look good? This next one is a one pot meal with potatoes and carrots included. https://mykoreankitchen.com/slow-cooker-short-ribs/ This next one uses an Asian pear (or a regular pear if you can't find an Asian one) rather than brown sugar. Sounds healthy to me! https://nomnompaleo.com/post/3762844557/slow-cooker-korean-grass-fed-short-ribs Just leave the cilantro off, @Cruising-along Carolyn. Thee is no cilantro in this one. What you see is parsley. https://damndelicious.net/2016/03/23/slow-cooker-asian-short-ribs/ And one last recipe with subtle differences. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/slow-cooker-korean-short-ribs/ Healing thoughts and hugs to all our ailing Dailyites. I hope things are moving in the right direction for all of you. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
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