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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good morning, everyone. Thank you to @StLouisCruisers Sandi for getting us started this morning. And, yes, we definitely need to put Roy on the Care list. I always worry when I hear of people in my age group falling as it can be so dangerous. I hope he is currently at emergency getting treated. @smitty34877 What a gorgeous picture of Miss Camilla! Getting in trouble is just what she should be doing at her age. @Seasick Sailor Joy, you need to be careful as well. It may only be a skinned knee this time, but @kazu is living proof as to what it could be! Let's all be more careful, not just with data, but with ourselves. The painting is all done except for the closet doors. And, there isn't much to finish up there. I'll have it done in a jiffy. The room looks so much better! I have new curtains ordered that should arrive on Monday so they will complete the look. Today's meal is a great side dish. I suppose you could add some sausage or ground beef or turkey to it to make it a complete meal. How about some chopped chicken? This dish is carb friendly for those of us watching the carbs. I don't think it is calorie friendly though. Our first recipe comes from Ree Drummond. https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a11888/broccoli-cauliflower-casserole/ That looks really good! The next one adds bacon into the mix. Bacon goes well in this dish, but then, bacon goes with almost everything. https://www.eatwell101.com/loaded-cauliflower-broccoli-casserole-recipe This next recipe roasts the vegetables first and also adds some garlic into it. I thought of adding a dash of cayenne, just to give it a bit of a bite. https://www.mamagourmand.com/broccoli-cauliflower-casserole/ Here's one with directions for the air fryer. They also suggested adding a little ham to increase the protein and make it a main dish. https://twosleevers.com/broccoli-cauliflower-casserole/ Here's hoping that one of these strikes your fancy! Wishing you all a wonderful day and special prayers for our injured and ailing Dailyites. Cheers to those who are celebrating, especially @mamaofami Carol for fining her glasses.
  2. @rafinmd Oh, Roy! I'm glad it seems nothing is broken, but worry when I hear of falls, especially among my age group. Rest up and please be careful. @JazzyV I sure hope you feel better tomorrow.
  3. That looks so good but it would probably put me in a sugar coma. Glad you could enjoy it. I think I am done painting the bedroom except for a little touch up here and there. That will come tomorrow. Then I can put the room back together.
  4. Such an important remembrance for all of us. The last my great grandmother heard of her brother was that he was seen being forced into the back of a truck by soldiers with rifles.
  5. Good morning, everyone. Welcome back @ger_77 Gerry and DH! Glad you had a great time. @kazu I'm sorry the pain continues. @marshhawk I'm glad you got in with a new doctor. I hope all went well at your appointment. Such sad news about Fawn. All the trim work is done on my latest painting project. Today I'll do the walls and be done. I ordered new curtains as the ones left behind by Previous Owner are really awful. Then, I am moving on to the bathroom! The origin of falafel is controversial. The dish most likely originated in Egypt. There is a legend that a fava bean version was eaten by Coptic Christians in the Roman era as early as the 4th century during Lent, but there is no documented evidence for this. It has been speculated that its history may go back to Pharaonic Egypt. However, the earliest written references to falafel from Egyptian sources date to the 19th century, and oil was probably too expensive to use for deep frying in ancient Egypt. As Alexandria is a port city, it was possible to export the dish and its name to other areas in the Middle East. The dish later migrated northwards to the Levant, Iraq and Bahrain, where chickpeas replaced the fava beans. This first recipe uses a chickpea base for the falafel. https://thefitchen.com/falafel-stuffed-peppers-2/ This one uses a prepared falafel for stuffing the peppers. The sauce sounds really interesting. https://www.cauldronfoods.co.uk/recipes/falafel-stuffed-peppers And this one has pickled onions with it. http://www.thelovelycrazy.com/blog/2019/9/17/falafel-stuffed-peppers This one sounds interesting with the artichokes included. https://www.bobsredmill.com/blog/recipes/artichoke-falafel-stuffed-peppers/ I hope one of these piques your interest. If not, use your trusted stuffed pepper recipe and enjoy! Wishing you all a wonderful day. Prayers for those who are ailing and cheers to those who are celebrating.
  6. Two steps forward and one step backwards. That always seems to be the case, doesn't it? Hopefully he will get what he needs to lick this and will be home in even better shape. I did manage to get the bed moved away from the wall and am now working on painting the trim. I got the trim I could do standing up, so after this break I'll go do the stuff down on the floor. I have my handy dandy tool to keep the paint off the carpet!
  7. Good morning, everyone! Wow, so much has happened since yesterday. @kazu I am glad that they found the pin and bone fragment. No wonder you were in pain. Let's hope this is it and it is all systems go for recovery now. @rafinmd so happy you had a good night. Don't overdo today and hopefully you will be back 100% shortly. @Copper10-8 Thanks for stepping in and getting the Daily started. We are a community and need to start the morning off with each other. @grapau27 I hope Sarah's procedure goes well today and helps her. I had to look that up as there was nothing about it in the local newspaper. It is a global action, with the majority of layoffs in Europe. Today's meal is another good one for the dark of winter. This first recipe looks easy and the ingredients can be easily found at the grocery store. Well, except for possibly the eggs. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/slow-cooker-asian-beef-noodle-soup/ In this next recipe I don't know where you'd find coriander root. It is specifically the root that is called for and that is quite uncommon here, but a staple in Thai cooking. You can check Asian groceries or look for a substitute. This article may help: https://onthegas.org/food/coriander-root/ https://www.marionskitchen.com/slow-cooker-thai-beef-noodle-soup/ This one includes crimini mushrooms. That sounds pretty good to me! https://neighborfoodblog.com/slow-cooker-asian-beef-and-mushroom-noodle-soup/ I hope one of these looks good to you. Wishing you all a wonderful day and prayers for all who are ailing. Let's get well, folks!
  8. Roy, let me add my wishes for a quick recovery. Don't worry about us!
  9. Good afternoon! I did make it to buy the paint! So, as soon as Sue gets here Thursday and helps me pull the bed out from the wall, I can get started. Table pads arrived today and they are really nice. After spending that much for a dining room table, I wanted to protect the top of it. We are just waiting on four more chairs to arrive and that will be complete. Winter has finally arrived in Midland.
  10. There are hot spices and then there are flavor spices. If it is the hot spice that irritates his mouth, just leave it out. Then he just has the creaminess of the peanut butter, which should sooth his mouth. I was thinking of Snowbound, which is a white, but not a stark white. It is a lot softer. I used that to paint the old house in Ohio to get it ready to sell. But, who knows. I might find something I like better. I want to lighten it up a bit as it seems kind of dark and dreary. You wouldn't think that of a pink, but this pink is just that.
  11. Good morning, everyone. Fortunately, most of the bad weather is occurring to the south and east of us. We're supposed to get a couple of inches, but not much more. Some are getting a lot of snow followed by freezing rain. I am going to make it to buy my paint today. This painting project is going very slowly. I need help moving the furniture away from the walls. The good part is I only have the bed and one end table to move out. There wasn't room for my dresser as two walls are taken up with closets. Irish coffee is my go to drink on cold weather itineraries. I'm sure I'll get my fill of them in Greenland and Iceland this summer. On warm weather cruises I have a Bloody Mary. A spicy one! Sometimes it is a Virgin Mary. I don't care about the alcohol in it, but I want the veggies and spice. I have had African Chicken Peanut Soup and it is wonderful. The soup just has more chicken broth in it than the stew does. This is a great meal for a cold winter day like today! https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/african_chicken_peanut_stew/ This dish is adaptable. You can add as much heat to it as you like or leave it out altogether. I find it very satisfying due to the creaminess and richness of the peanut butter and roasted peanuts. https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/west-african-style-chicken-peanut-stew.html This next one shows the chicken still on the bone, but I like to cut the meat off the bone after cooking and put it back into the stew. It just makes it easier to eat that way. https://lowcarbafrica.com/african-chicken-peanut-stew/ Give it a try! It is delicious! Prayers for all who need them and cheers to those who are celebrating! Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  12. My question was what if I wanted something different?
  13. Sounds like a great deal. And, yes, the Daily is a great place to post that as we all like to hear about what others are planning and be able to congratulate them!
  14. Good morning, everyone! Today is going to be errand day here as we are expecting snow tomorrow. The best they can give us as an estimate is 1-4 inches. One would be enough for me. But, best to be prepared. I had a beer can collection in college. Haven't had a beer in years, so none here now. There is one lone bottle of St. Pauli Girl Non Alcoholic waiting to be turned in for refund. Maybe today. Today's meal would be a good one for a day like tomorrow. For the carnivores among us, just add ground beef. Or ground turkey. Chili mac is a combination of Mac and Cheese and Chili. Sounds good to me except for the mac part (carbs). Here's a quick and easy version to get started. https://www.budgetbytes.com/cheesy-vegetarian-chili-mac/ There is a slow cooker variation available for the next recipe. Sounds good to me. Turn it on and let it go! https://kristineskitchenblog.com/one-pot-vegetarian-chili-mac/ This might be a good thing for this coming weekend's football games. It just screams touchdown, doesn't it? https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/one-pot-vegetarian-chili-mac-and-cheese/ This last recipe makes the Chili Mac true vegan. You can also make it Gluten Free, Soy Free, and Oil Free. But, hopefully not Flavor Free. https://rainbowplantlife.com/one-pot-vegan-chili-mac/ That's it for today. So, make up a big pot, wrap up in your favorite quilt, and turn on the Hallmark channel for some great chick flics. What a great way to hunker down during a storm. The only other thing you need is a good glass of cardboardeaux. Warm thoughts for all who need them and cheers to those who are celebrating.
  15. The base boards have already been painted, so they need to be freshened up.
  16. @AncientWanderer and @Quartzsite Cruiser Maxine and Lenda, I think I have one of those. I'm going to have to look through my boxes. I thought it was for smoothing down wallpaper. But, if I still have it, I'll put it to good use!
  17. Thanks for all the suggestions on the paint job. In my old house I was working with hardwood floors, so I just taped them off and painted away. I think the tool that @Rowsby showed is the way to go. I really don't want the hassle of taking off baseboards and putting them back up. I'm guessing these are wood if they are original to the house. So, I am ready to banish the puke pink from my bedroom!
  18. @Cruising-along May Patricia rest in peace and may her family find peace and healing through all their wonderful memories of her. Calling all members of the Messy Painters Guild: How do you minimize the amount of paint that gets on the carpet when you're painting the baseboards? I mean other than taking them off. I'd have to replace them all. Of course, that might not be a bad thing.
  19. @smitty34877 Mrs.@aliaschief, Susan, @Vict0riann, sorry to hear about Jenny's difficulties. Healing thoughts to her.
  20. Good morning, everyone. I am getting a late start today. I couldn't get to sleep last night and ended up sleeping in this morning. Every once in a while I have those nights and I know I'll pay for them the next day because I am dragging this morning. London broil was a favorite in our house. Dad would marinate the steak and then cook it on the grill. This was one meal he didn't burn on the grill. Mostly he burned chicken. This first recipe is a lot like Dad's marinade except his had sherry in it. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/london-broil-with-herb-butter-recipe-1972708 This one has a different marinade that sounds pretty good. We never had an herb butter with the steak. I would probably skip that due to calories, but this one sounds like a great one. I'd use it on my veggies! https://carlsbadcravings.com/london-broil/ And here's one more for the good of the cause. It has been a long time since I've made this and I think it is time to resurrect the recipe. Maybe for the next Farkle Party where I do the food. https://manmeetsoven.com/london-broil-with-herb-butter/ Wishing you all a wonderful day. Prayers for all our ailing Dailyites and family members.
  21. @RMLincoln Welcome to the Daily and thank you for your wise words.
  22. Hugs to you, Carolyn, and to your entire family. Hold each other close during this difficult time. Patricia's spirit is guiding all of you.
  23. Welcome to @crystalspin! Hope to see more of you on the Daily. My DBIL had that same surgery the week after Thanksgiving. He was in the cast at Christmas, but still seemed to enjoy himself. He's now in a splint that is not too confining and says he's doing very well. He is managing to get back to some of his regular activities. He is able to cook meals again and he's a great cook. Wood working will have to wait a bit. His furniture is beautiful. He is worried he won't be 100% for golf season, but he can always start late. Good luck with it!
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