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Everything posted by dfish

  1. It is all because of you, Rich. You set the tone. Thanks for checking in, Sandi, to let us know you arrived safely. You know all the Daily Moms would be fretting if you didn't. Glad the stitches are out and the kitties are cute! You need to go visit them as they would be great medicine for you. Glad to hear you are back in your cabin. What an ordeal!
  2. Good morning, everyone! Today is kind of gray with a high temp of 35F. But, we are heading towards a glorious weekend with temps in the high 40s and sunny skies. I'm game! Today I have a lunch with fellow grads from high school. The group meets for lunch once a month. The meal today looks wonderful. The exact match for the recipe comes from Bon Appetit and I got a message that the kitchen was closed because I've exhausted my free recipes from there. But the recipe can be found elsewhere, just not the directions. https://www.punchfork.com/recipe/Grilled-Red-Snapper-Bon-Appetit Doesn't that look amazing? Here are directions: https://theallotmentmarketstall.org.uk/project/grilled-red-snapper-with-green-beans-and-lime/ This one has the green beans with it and an olive salsa. I know this isn't one for @Cruising-along, but maybe the next one will be hers. https://www.food.com/recipe/red-snapper-with-olive-salsa-and-green-beans-483089 Here's one that looks delicious. Just add in the green beans. https://canadianhometrends.com/grilled-red-snapper-with-lime-butter/ Rachael Ray offers this recipe: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/rachael-ray/grilled-spanish-style-snapper-with-tomato-and-green-olive-salsa-recipe-1939949 This last one looks really good to me. I think this is the one I'm going with. https://www.grillagrills.com/recipes/red-snapper-los-grilla Healing thoughts and hugs to all our wounded and ailing Dailyites. Wishing @StLouisCruisers Sandi and Dennis a wonderful cruise. Wishing all the Dailyites a great day.
  3. So glad to hear the surgery went well. And, yes, it will hurt when it wakes up. I'm glad you got something that will be effective against the pain. For my knee replacements they were walking on eggshells prescribing pain medication and the legislature tied their hands on how much they could prescribe. It was a nightmare. Daytime wasn't too bad. I could distract the pain. But try to sleep. It is a good thing I measured before I ran off to buy the light fixture. The one we want has a 6 ft. cord and a 3 foot chain. We figured we could just buy more chain. Not quite. We will need at least 9 ft. of cord and the same amount of chain. We have to swag the light over to the middle section of the ceiling, install a hook, and hang it from there. To go underneath and install directly in the part of the ceiling we want will cost us $1500. I think we'll swag it. Here's a shot of the UFO light fixture. Not exactly my style. Am glad to read @Scrapnana's update. She is getting the care and treatment she needs. Thank goodness she got off the ship in Ft. Lauderdale and didn't have to be evacuated in a distant port.
  4. @StLouisCruisers I hope your cruise is fabulous! Relax, enjoy, and know the Daily is in capable hands. I decided not to paint today and did laundry instead. I may head over to Lowe's and get the new light fixture for the dining room. The one we have now is hung at one end of the dining room leaving the other end in the dark. And, it looks like a bunch of UFOs hovering over our dinner.
  5. Good morning, everyone! Not much on the agenda today so I think after I hit the gym I'll paint the trim in the upstairs bathroom. It isn't in the best of shape. That may morph into painting the bathroom. We shall see. This first recipe does not have @kochleffel Paul's dried mushrooms, but I think one of them does. The soup sounds good, but the barley might be too much for me carb wise. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/vegetarian-mushroom-barley-soup/ This next one has a mix of dried and fresh mushrooms. I'd probably use a vegetable broth with it instead of plain water. I can still add the seasonings. The more, the better. https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/mushroom_barley_soup/ This last one also does not have the dried mushrooms in the recipe, but there is no reason why you couldn't add them. Just like I leave out the carrots, I'd add the dry mushrooms in their place. https://www.themediterraneandish.com/simple-mushroom-barley-soup/ One of these soups would go perfectly here today as it is rainy and cold. Not as cold as it has been, but rain always makes it feel colder. @rafinmd Good news that you can do a bit more as time goes by. I know how something like this can set you back. @kochleffel Wishes that your Covid case is mild and fleeting. I hope the Paxlovid helps. @kazu We miss you. @Seasick Sailor I hope you hear from that doctor today and that he has some suggestions for you to make your trip more enjoyable. @grapau27 I hope Sarah is doing better and the injection is finally helping. @smitty34877 Warm hugs out to you and Tana. @luvteaching I'm glad DH is getting settled in the rehab facility and that it was a smoother transfer than before. @Cruising-along So sorry about the kidney function news. Kidneys can rebound. My dad's did. He did dialysis for a couple of weeks to give them a rest and then was fine. Hopefully the doctors can find something to help. Hugs. @marshhawk Hoping Chuck is coming along and your nursing days are few in number! Sending the best to anyone I may have inadvertently left off my list. I always hesitate to start a list like that because I know someone should be there that isn't. It isn't intentional. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  6. Carolyn, I'm so sorry. I'm sure they'll figure out what is happening. No kidding! Maybe the doctor needs to be replaced. I am so glad you got help with the luggage. No heavy lifting!
  7. Sometimes it helps to get out and do things. Something. Anything. Sitting around the house can tire you out as fast or faster than running those errands. And, the social connections at the fire house and just talking to the pharmacy people and grocery check out clerk help as well. Good for you! @Seasick Sailor I'm sorry your physician did not find the time to get back to you with a positive finding on your x-rays. As @cruising sister advised, get help with the luggage and don't do any heavy lifting. Hope you feel better soon.
  8. Good morning, everyone! I had another good night's sleep last night. I did wake up a lot, but was able to get back to sleep. Too often, I can't. I haven't heard anything from DB so he must be doing ok. I'll stop by and check on him today. This honey mustard chicken dish is a succulent and flavorful chicken recipe that’s made with honey, dijon mustard, and whole grain mustard, a combination of spices, and baked to perfection. The homemade honey mustard marinade is so easy to make that’s then smothered over the chicken breast and baked to perfection. https://healthyfitnessmeals.com/honey-mustard-chicken/ This honey mustard chicken is just what you need to jazz up weeknight dinners. The baked chicken thighs are sweet and savory with an herby kick, have crispy golden skin, and are extra juicy. https://downshiftology.com/recipes/herbed-honey-mustard-chicken/ Baked honey mustard chicken is packed full of flavor, and uses a handful of ingredients that you likely already have in the house. https://www.dinneratthezoo.com/honey-mustard-chicken/ This delicious grilled honey mustard chicken recipe has quickly become a favorite summer dinner recipe. It is extremely easy to prepare and make and still produces a wonderfully tasty and flavorful piece of grilled chicken. https://www.sixsistersstuff.com/recipe/grilled-honey-mustard-chicken/ There are several recipes to choose from and even one for the grill. I think that is the one I want. Or maybe #1. Hmmmm Healing thoughts going out to all our Dailyites who are injured or ill. The days are getting longer and we all want to be able to enjoy the better weather that is coming. Prayers for the victims of the earthquake in Turkey. Wishing all of you a wonderful day.
  9. There is something similar on my roll call for this summer. They didn't include the interesting and fun part, just the mobility, flexibility, and smoking parts. I hope they find a lot of fun people to go with them.
  10. His friend, Bev, met us at the door and will take him downstairs and outside for his smoke breaks. He knows I won't. LOL Amazing and gut wrenching at the same time. I'm kind of glad to be going through the surgery because the calcium won't be leaching out of my bones. This is an easy surgery - about an hour and outpatient. If I'm first on the docket I could be home by noon. That would be better than a hip fracture. Most of those nodules go unfound or are found accidentally when looking for something else. It is very small, just under 2 mm.
  11. Good afternoon! My DB is safely home from the hospital. No problems transporting him and he got to his apartment with no issue. I set him up with a couple ice bags, so he should be good to go for a while. Things went well at the surgeon's office. He did an ultrasound but couldn't see the parathyroids. He said that isn't unusual. So, we're doing another scan in two weeks. Surgery is tentatively set for March 8th. During the ultrasound he did find a nodule on the thyroid, but it is very small and he said they will just monitor it for now. He may biopsy it when he removes the offending parathyroid glands. He said it is nothing to worry about. I forgot to tell him he couldn't find anything new until we resolved the issues I have now.
  12. Good morning, everyone! I'm up early and have a somewhat busy day ahead. Fortunately, I slept a lot better last night. I went to bed at 9 pm and slept soundly till 6 am. I have an appointment with the surgeon this morning concerning my hypercalcemia. I'm planning to get to the gym for a short workout and then I have to get DB home from the hospital and settled into his apartment. Some woman he has befriended in the complex is supposed to be there to help him out. After that, I head to the grocery store. What we have come to know and love as Italian Wedding Soup, is actually an ancient Neapolitan soup called minestra maritata, which translates to “married soup”, not wedding soup. It refers to the ‘marriage’ of bits of inexpensive meat and leafy greens which make up the main ingredients. Minestra maritata makes the most of simple ingredients and is the perfect example of la cucina povera, the no-waste “poor cooking” tradition from rural Italy. You can read more about the origin of the soup and get the first recipe here: https://www.sandravalvassori.com/italian-wedding-soup-minestra-maritata/#:~:text=to serve it.-,Origin of Italian Wedding Soup,make up the main ingredients. That looks good to me! OR you can try this one instead: https://www.cookingclassy.com/italian-wedding-soup/ Of course the one above has my dreaded carrots in it. They look pretty, but we learned in the first recipe that they aren't authentic to the recipe. At least, that's my story. And Giada De Laurentiis from the Food Network agrees with me. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/italian-wedding-soup-recipe-1915916 Ree Drummond didn't get the carrots memo, but she offers a slightly different recipe. She doesn't add the egg like Giada does, but does add in lemon juice. She also uses a combination of chicken and beef broth. https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a40810110/italian-wedding-soup-recipe/ I'm going with recipe #1. @kochleffel Paul, welcome home and I hope you slept well last night. @rafinmd Looking forward to progress for you in your recovery. @Seasick Sailor I hope we get good news concerning your x-rays. @Cruzin Terri Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful cruise. @Cruising-along Is the painting all done? @kazuHoping today is a better day for you. You have a ton of people caring about you, even when it doesn't feel like it. @marshhawk Healing thoughts for your friend Fran. Warm thoughts to anyone I inadvertently left out. It wasn't intentional - just a need for more coffee. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
  13. I was wondering if there was some strange magnetic disturbance that affected the whole earth since even Rich @richwmn was affected.
  14. I'm with you on that and I don't have any injuries. When I am home I wear pajamas. I got home this afternoon and that was the first thing I did - put on jammies. Now, I just hope DB doesn't call and want me to bring him a bag of chips.
  15. A friend of mine fell off her porch coming home one night and broke her hip. It was January and pretty darn cold out. Her purse went flying and she couldn't reach it. She pulled some drain pipe off the house and tried hitting the side of the house with it to get her SO's attention, but that was a no go. She was calling for help for about 45 minutes when a neighbor heard her and called 911. That could have been a long, cold night. So, that inspired me to get the Apple Watch. I'm not going to hold my breath on that one.
  16. I went back to bed and did sleep for about an hour. I don't feel any better for it. But, I am forcing myself forward. I went to my exercise class despite not wanting to expend energy. It was good for me and it felt good to get outside even though it is cold out. DB is in recovery now. Surgery went well. I'll head over this afternoon sometime when he is settled in a room. @rafinmd Glad to hear you slept better. Sleep is healing, so sleep all you want. @cruising sister Oh, my on the tumble in the airport. Not only is it painful, but so embarrassing! @StLouisCruisers Excellent advice that those of us who live alone should carry our phones with us at all times, but especially when going up or down stairs. Last year for my birthday I bought myself an Apple Watch because I can call 911 from it. If my phone flies out of my hand, I can still summon help. @Seasick Sailor I am anxious to hear the results of your clinic visit.
  17. Good morning, everyone. It was a long night and will be a longer day, I'm afraid. I woke up at 4 am and couldn't get back to sleep. I made myself stay in bed until 6:15 am, but at most I dozed during that time. Oh, well, this happens now and then. Taco soup sounds good. This recipe provides the basics and also gives great ideas on how to control the heat and what substitutions you can make. I am intrigued by the idea of adding the dry ranch dressing mix. https://www.cookingclassy.com/taco-soup/ There is no ranch dressing in this recipe: https://www.aheadofthyme.com/beef-taco-soup/ This one looks to be the easiest so far. It does call for the whole package of ranch dressing mix. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/simple-taco-soup/ And to top it off, we have this recipe from Ree Drummond. https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a40410810/taco-soup-recipe/ Here's hoping everyone got a better night's sleep than I did. Wishing you all a wonderful day. @Seasick Sailor I'm concerned about the pain in your ribs. I hope you didn't break one and it is just a nasty sprain. Glad you are calling the clinic.
  18. My condolences on your loss. I hope you have her recipe for peach pie. We enjoy making my mom's recipes in remembrance.
  19. I use trekking poles when I am walking distances outside. They help immensely, especially with the stenosis pain in my hips and thighs. I wouldn't go very far without them. Yesterday I took my cane with me when shopping. I was having sharp pain in my left thigh and my leg would start to go out. I wanted to prevent a fall. I may look like an old lady, but I'm not out to impress anyone with my beauty. Aging does have some advantages. As I told my previous doctor, I don't need to be beautiful and sexy anymore. No more diets. I'll just wear muumuus. If I could find one. I think palliative care is something that many people are not informed about. Palliative care is not just comfort care. Patients can pursue curative care as well, but palliative care can make them more comfortable during the course of their disease and prevent hospitalizations. The disease need not be one that leads to death. Hospice is associated with death. Palliative care need not be. Doctors need to be more aware and make it available to patients.
  20. So that is why Henry was so willing to give me his brussels sprouts! I'm sure all will go well tomorrow. They are keeping him overnight and may be able to knock some sense into him. I'm not going to push him on the cane bit. That just makes him mad. But, you're right! Brothers can be maddening. I laughed at the fact that yours would think you didn't know anything. When my dad died, my DB had to find a place to live as he had always lived with Mom and Dad. He claimed he knew a guy who was going to help him. Nevertheless, I suggested he check out Washington Woods, a senior living facility run by the city where rent is based on ability to pay. You have a private apartment and opt in or out of a meal plan, depending on your wishes. He scoffed at that idea and told me it was ridiculous. Well, a couple days later the guy who was helping him said he couldn't do anything for him, so Jeff went down to Washington Woods. They had an apartment available immediately, ran the numbers for him, and it worked out. He moved in and has loved it ever since. Imagine that! Sister Deb had a good idea for a change. That is scary! I am glad that you weren't injured and that the dogs don't seem to have any serious injuries. At least the owner took responsibility. Many wouldn't.
  21. I hope your DH likes the recipes and that you do, too! My brother is staying overnight and I will bring him home on Tuesday. Thank you! I think they are great roasted with just a touch of butter and some parmesan cheese on top. Or, drizzle a bit of a good balsamic vinegar on them. Mmmmm Thank you, Vanessa! My brother's surgery will be interesting. I've had two knee replacements and tried to offer some suggestions for afterwards to him, but he knows more than I. I offered him a cane for getting around the apartment. IT is so small that a walker would get in the way of things, but he is dead set against the cane. Once I came home I only used a cane in the house as it left one hand free for carrying my coffee. I'm thinking a couple days from now I'll get a call asking for the cane.
  22. Good morning, everyone. It is a balmy 33F outside right now with promises of getting up to 41F and hints of the sun. We have our neighborhood party tonight so I'll get to meet most of the neighbors. Winter time is hard for doing that as the weather keeps many inside. Yesterday was a nice day after my Zoom meeting. Went shopping with two of my sisters and our brother actually decided he wanted to join us. I think he wanted to get out of his apartment as he's having knee replacement surgery on Monday and knows he'll be stuck inside for a while after that. We did get him to the grocery store during our travels so he could stock up on what he needed. Today's meal is a great side dish. You could easily turn it into a full meal with the addition of a protein. I love roasted brussels sprouts. Roasting them caramelizes the natural sugars in them and it doesn't stink up the house. I remember as a kid that most vegetables were boiled. Then steaming came into vogue, now roasting. I like roasting the best. Our first recipe combines brussels sprouts, green beans, and potatoes for a hearty side dish. The dijon vinaigrette sounds like a great topping. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/roasted-brussels-sprouts-salad-dijon-vinaigrette/ This next recipe pairs the brussels sprouts with sweet potatoes and goat cheese. They also add in pecans (be sure to roast them first) and it reminds me a bit of Joy's brussels sprouts and cauliflower dish. We sure enjoyed that at Thanksgiving and Christmas. https://www.budgetbytes.com/roasted-brussels-sprouts-salad/ Cooking Light offers us a very simple dish to make. This would be great for a quick supper on a weekday night. https://www.cookinglight.com/recipes/roasted-brussels-sprouts-with-mustard-dressing I hope this gives you some ideas! Wishing you all a wonderful day. Healing thoughts to @kazu Jacqui, @rafinmd Roy, @grapau27 Graham's Sarah, @smitty34877 Tana, @Scrapnana Kathi. I sure hope we hear from Kathi soon. And, @Seasick Sailor Joy, what are we going to do with you! I hope you didn't injure yourself too badly. If you still have a lot of pain, perhaps you should get yourself checked out. Be careful out there, everyone! No more falls! @dobiemom Best wishes for a great cruise!
  23. @cat shepard My condolences on the loss of your nephew. Virtual hugs and warm thoughts coming your way and your sister's. @rafinmd You sounded pretty good today! Glad to hear from you and that you are making progress. It is amazing what a good night's sleep can do for you.
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