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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! I heard from our friend in Ft. Meyers, her house came through fine but some of her trees didn't fare as well. I hope we hear from more of our Dailyite friends soon. I have never had a mud pack, and don't know any vegetarians to hug. Funny, just this morning I decided to pack my English/French dictionary to help with my rusty French so that's my way of celebrating translation day. I would like the meal if it isn't too spicy, and know I would like the wine and drink. We were in Nafplion a year ago on the Eurodam. We took a tour to Ancient Nemia and wine tasting. Today will be spent doing more cruise prep, folding laundry, and housework. I hope everyone has a great day! Sunrise off our balcony in Nafplion The stadium seated 30,000 people "Locker room" for the games Temple of Zeus Temple of Zeus I love how friendly the cats are in Greece At the winery A cemetery by the road And a small fort
  2. Yippee!! Now that we're on the Bon Voyage thread this feels REAL!! Thank you Jacqui, cannot wait to board my favorite ship and meet up with friends. I agree with others -- any substitutions won't bother me. 🙂
  3. Good morning all! Prayers for all who are suffering from the devastation of Ian. I've been watching for updates on FB from a cruising friend who lives in Ft. Meyers. Nothing from her since yesterday... and I hope we hear from @MISTER 67soon. Melissa @HAL Sailergreat news that your family home was spared. 🙂 Sandi @StLouisCruisersthank you for posting your daughter's Halloween tree, it looks great! Jacqui @kazuGood luck in finding a Ft. Lauderdale hotel. I'm not surprised that the reviews of Embassy Suites have gone downhill. We've stayed there twice and thought it was overrated. Our room was a dump -- bugs everywhere, fixtures falling off the wall, smoke smell, stale pastries at breakfast, I could go on. Needless to say we haven't considered that hotel in a long time. I know many people love that hotel, but we've stayed in hotels half the price that were much better. @HAL4NOWthank you for the latest update on the fire. I was hoping you got some of that rain we had yesterday, just sorry it wasn't very much. Safe travels home. I'm late getting here today, no sleep last night. I have nothing to blame other than myself and my usual pre-cruise racing mind. It just would not turn off last night, and was around 4 am before I dozed off. Off to make another pot of coffee 😉 have a great day everyone!
  4. Thanks Joy, I see that now 🙂 Trying to do too much at once today 😉
  5. Thanks, Rich. The way it's worded it sounds like there's a limit of (1) gift card per person?
  6. Thank you. It looks like only the $100 cards are available? I was able to purchase my 5 cards for the month just before everything shut down but when DH tried minutes later it was down. We're going to wait a couple days (the 30th) to try again and hopefully they'll have the $500 cards back.
  7. Good morning all! I don't like beer unless it's dark beer but I do love that. Especially with pizza or Mexican food. As we've been saying this week on the Daily, good neighbors are worth their weight in gold. I'm fortunate to have good neighbors all around me. Here in WA state we have 19.8 million acres of public lands. I love the quote, will pass on the meal, red wine and drink. DH was in Viet Nam, but not Nha Trang, at least that I know of. Prayers for all in the path of Ian -- our friends here on the Daily and my family and friends in the Savannah area and Florida. Terry @smitty34877oh shoot about the aide with Covid. Prayers that you all don't get it. You don't need this worry. @Lady Hudsona big Congratulations to your nephew for joining the Space Force! You must be so proud. 🙂 Sandi @StLouisCruisersgreat photos, thank you for sharing! Debbie @dfishsince learning your news earlier I'm still giggling with joy for you. But you left out what is probably my favorite part of your new house -- the hot tub! Besides the great kitchen, back yard and lots of space, I love that hot tub!
  8. Debbie the best news ever and a wonderful way to start my day with your news! Until the cruise when we can celebrate together, let's celebrate across the country! "There's a party going on, we're going to celebrate with you!"
  9. Lenda please thank your DH and thank you for posting this. I really wished we had a telescope last night. Binoculars and I just don't see eye to eye (pun intended!) Gorgeous photo.
  10. Thank you Gerry! Thank you so much Terry. That IS good news, I'm excited for you! More good news. That's great Lenda!
  11. Thank you Roy! Thank you Charlene 🙂 Thank you! Thank you Sandi! Laura @Horizon chaser 1957Bon Voyage, and have a wonderful time!!! @RedneckBobplease stay safe! @fatcat04Enjoy the NS! I was so happy to see that your Captain is Noel O'Driscoll. I was hoping he's Captain because we will board the NS on the 8th and he was Captain on the NS when we sailed in 2019. He also performed our 50th wedding vow renewal then.
  12. Thank you for the anniversary wishes @JazzyV, @Sharon in AZ(prayers that you can get some relief from your psoriasis, you need to enjoy our cruise!), @bennybear, @Quartzsite Cruiser(very glad your DH was able to get an appointment with the spine surgeon today!), @dfish, @puppycanducruise, and @grapau27. It's all very much appreciated! Oh my how fast 53 years can pass!!
  13. Thank heavens for good neighbors. Three years ago when we were cruising for 75 days, I got a PO Box at the post office --- I thought. I paid for it, got the keys, and left on our vacation. Fast forward a few weeks, and our mailman left a NOTE on our house complaining that we needed to get the mail out of our box. This note was where anyone could see it, advertising that we weren't home. Thankfully my neighbor saw it and took it down. She told him that we had a PO box and he claimed "nobody told me"....🙄 When we returned home I went to our local post office, very upset, and put in an official complaint against that carrier (he'd had many complaints besides mine). Also I couldn't get my $$ back for the PO box.
  14. Good morning all! Interesting days - as others have said, I'd rather be called a traveler than a tourist. Not sure about the quote, will pass on the drink but the meal and wine both sound very good. But tonight will be a nice dinner (that I won't be cooking) because it's our anniversary. Hoping we have some photos today of the port, have never been to this one. Debbie @dfishhoping the seller accepts your offer today. Geri @ger_77we also saw Jupiter last night! When I looked the first time, it hadn't risen above the trees across the street so I was looking at the wrong one -- then later WOW what a difference and a thrill to see it so bright and big! Very thankful we had a clear night here to see it. @HAL4NOWthank you for the update this morning. We need some rain! Your news would explain why we smelled smoke later last night for the first time in over a week.
  15. Neighbors who watch out for each other are worth their weight in gold. I have neighbors like that too, and they are all aware of when we're gone (and vice versa). A good home security system helps too.
  16. Oh Debbie @dfishthe first 4 houses sound like some we looked at when we were looking in CA. Unbelievable what they ask for some places. All fingers and toes crossed this one will work out!!
  17. Good morning all! I'll pass on the meal and drink but take the wine 😉 I know some French (4 years in school) but probably have forgotten as much as I learned. When in France I do get to use it a bit. Family is the most important thing in DH and my lives. Have been to Crete but not Iraklion. Thanks for all photos! I'm thrilled to hear about Canada dropping cruise requirements, just in time for our cruise in 12 days. Waiting for HAL to update too! I happily deleted ArriveCan off my phone this morning. We will continue to self-isolate anyway, do not want to get sick before traveling. I'm slowly working on getting the Christmas Village up -- the first of 3 tables is almost done. Other than that I think it will be a day of yard work and generally being lazy. Have a great day everyone!
  18. Good morning all! It's a cool 54 degrees F now, heading for mid 70's and up to the high 70's tomorrow and Tuesday. Summer isn't letting go just yet. Happy Rosh Hashanah to all our Jewish friends! There are several members of DH's family who are deaf, and the only comic books I've ever read were (aging myself here) Little Lulu and Archie and Veronica. My sisters and I would read them for hours. Funny quote, especially since it was written pre-Google days 😉 I'll pass on the wine and drink, but the first recipe looks good to me. Monterey holds a special place in our hearts. DH and I met in Monterey on May 18, 1968. I was living in Los Gatos, DH was in the military. We were married a year and a half later. How fitting to have it as the port today, during the week of our anniversary. My photos are from a Pacific Coastal on Celebrity that we took in 2017. I think it was our first time back to Monterey in 49 years. To help pass our 2 weeks of self-isolation before our cruise, I've started putting up my Christmas Village. I know it's *very* early, but after returning from the cruise on Nov. 5, we'll have a house guest for a week in early December. I'm planning a surprise 75th birthday celebration for DH and am flying his sister out from Savannah. This year I'm putting up all 3 long tables for the Village, in other words, the whole shebang! So it will take the full 2 weeks to do it. DGS requested I put it all up this year, and why not -- I have nothing else to do other than pack! LOL Just hoping I can keep the party a secret from DH (he doesn't read CC)! Debbie @dfishI was SO happy to see that you and Sue found a house that you like. Now to get a quick and positive response from the sellers. 🙂 Annie @marshhawkas others have said, on a TA the ship will change time every few days (or more often). It's so much better than flying, no jet lag and so much more civilized! 😁 Jacqui @kazuI'm relieved you had no damage. Wow on that tree across the street!! Thankfully the branch came down away from houses and not onto them. Here are photos from our time in Monterey in 2017. We took the 17-Mile Drive tour that day. Look at that sky!
  19. I live about 1 1/2 hours from the Canadian border and can attest that people we know (even folks who have family in Canada) just haven't crossed the border like they did pre-Covid. They say it's too much trouble, they will wait until things are better. And it goes the other way. In the past it wasn't uncommon to see Canadian license plates on one out of every 3 cars between where we live and the border. The freeways were full of Canadian cars. Not anymore, it may be one out of every 10-15.
  20. Me three! Glad to hear I'm not the only one! I blame my bleary eyes on not getting enough sleep last night. Pre-cruise mind-won't-stop-whirling-syndrome 😉 Have a great weekend everyone!
  21. Good morning all! I'm feeling less tired this morning after my booster on Wednesday. Yesterday was kind of a "blah" day -- nothing bad, just mild side effects but enough to slow me down. We did get a start on getting clothes laid out in the guest room in preparation of packing for the cruise, so I do feel like I got something done. I never learned sign language, wish I had. When DH was in Viet Nam '69-'70 I sent him love notes every day. Snail mail back then! I googled Teal Talk -- and salute all women who have dealt with ovarian cancer. The quote is kind of funny, will pass on the meal, drink and wine. We were in Qaqortoq on the VOV in 2018. It was a crisp, sunny day and DH and I walked all over town (and up the hill that Sandi @StLouisCruisersclimbed also). The only downside was the millions of flying insects that flew in our faces with each step. Other than that it was a very nice day. Welcome home Annie and Chuck @marshhawk Jacqui @kazustay safe! Debbie @dfishthinking of you and Sue as you're house hunting this weekend. Bruce @aliaschiefyou said not to say anything so I won't 😄🙃😉 And some photos from our walk in Qaqortoq. After stepping off the tender this is the first scene we saw. We walked for a couple hours before heading back to the tender. The yellow building on the far left is the school house. No car stuck in the building when we were there. 😞 Oldest fountain in Greenland. Carvings in the rock I loved all the colored buildings. View from the top of the hill. One of those flies (?) caught in the middle of this photo. And some icebergs seen from the tender returning to the ship.
  22. I'm not having that problem. Yesterday I booked excursions for our cruise in November with no problem and just did a dummy booking now and it's fine. I'm assuming you're logged in...other than that I don't know.
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