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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! Again I'm rushing this morning. We will be babysitting the grandsons today while DD and DSIL go diving and then later to a concert tonight. So about 12 hours or so.....it will be good to be home tomorrow and doing nothing 😉 Then I remind myself that we won't see them for about 6 weeks this fall (self quarantine and then 30 days cruising)! Yesterday was a very good day for us, 21 of the family together for the first time in many years. Great food (a lot of it) and great company! DD is kneeling in the front and our DS is standing in the back on the left. Will check in again later, I hope everyone has a good day!
  2. Bon Voyage Colin and Ellen! I loved the photos of the Hotel New York. We had that hotel booked for a cruise that was cancelled so have only seen the exterior on a previous trip.
  3. Good morning all! All good days today, I love the quote by Audrey Hepburn, and like the meal, drink and wine. We were in Mykonos in 2011 on the Celebrity Silhouette. My sister and BIL were on that cruise with us. No surprise, but I loved Mykonos and loved all the beautiful cats there! I think I drove my BIL crazy stopping to talk to each and every one. I love all of Greece, but especially love Mykonos and like it more than Santorini. Trying to hurry this morning, we'll be leaving in an hour and a half for DD's for the big family picnic. I'm so happy that all but 2 can be there 🙂 So I think there will be 21 of us today, and even my nephew who will drive up from Oregon. We haven't seen him or his Dad in a few years. @Cruzin TerriI'm glad you are getting the issues with your friend resolved. I know how much that hurts when things are left like that. I recently went through something similar with my dear cousin who has always been very close to me. Things may never be quite "normal" but it's much better. @cat shepardhave a wonderful trip and cruise! Yes, you will see a lot of changes in Seattle from 30 years ago -- @marshhawkSending prayers for your friend Jesse that he tolerates the treatment. So sad and frustrating that it took so long for the diagnosis. I immediately thought Lymphoma, as a lump in the throat/neck is the first thing my sister had when she went to be checked. @JazzyVgreat news that you're feeling better! Here are some of my photos of our day in Mykonos. We browsed around and also took the tour to Delos. It was a very nice day and I'd love to go back. The Silhouette in Mykonos I sat very still next to Petros, the resident pelican.. Mykonos windmills Hundreds of cats, each one beautiful and healthy looking. Delos The lions of Delos A couple murals in the Museum of Delos A gorgeous sunset leaving Mykonos
  4. Good afternoon all, It took most of the morning, but the 10x13" apple pie is all done. I plan to relax the rest of the day, the next two days will be busy. A few weeks ago I saw our Ukrainian neighbors' small children playing with sidewalk chalk and realized we have a lot of it that our grandsons aren't interested in playing with. 🤷‍♀️ So today when I happened to see the Mom in their yard without the children I took it over to her (didn't want to bring it in front of the children in case she didn't want them to have it). She was very appreciative and I hope to see them playing with it soon. 🙂 Sandi @StLouisCruisersoh my on those accident photos, so horrific and terribly sad. 😞 Graham @grapau27your previous dog's name was perfect -- Domino! Jim @irishjimthat's great news that the results your surgeon gave you are all clear. Celebrate! Jo @jodi58Welcome to the Daily!
  5. Good morning all! We're going to have a cooler day today and that's welcome because I'll be baking that huge apple pie today for tomorrow. We're cat people but love the dogs from our past (we were both raised with cats and dogs) and the dogs in our extended family now. Both TP and women's equality are important -- funny that TP has its own day though. I'll pass on all today (meal, drink and red wine). Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor the awesome photos!! As bennybear said, I almost felt like I was there. The last dog I had, Riley. Mom and Dad named him Riley because he had the "life of Riley" after having been abandoned. Here they are on a CA beach some time in the 60's. And our current grand-dog, Rogue. Our DS and DDIL's pup. She's very sweet and loving.
  6. Wow!! Four nights at the Chateau Frontenac! I'm so excited for you! Yes, Debbie is staying there one night. Our flight won't get into Q.C. until 8:30 pm the night of the 7th, so it looks like you and Debbie will have to start the party without us 😉 We're staying at the Hotel des Coutellier. Good reviews and a tenth of a mile from the port. I'm getting very excited for this cruise (and staying on for 2 weeks afterwards). I think we're pretty much ready, other than the worry about the testing for Canada! Yes, the roll call is growing!
  7. Oh, that's not good 😞 In the past the PCCs always had someone else take their calls and emails -- sounds like that isn't happening now? Almost as excited as their Nana! 😂 You sure have our 26 National Parks beat! We need to get to it! 😅 Looking forward to meeting you and Craig! 😄😉 Not long now!
  8. Good morning all! Kiss and make up is always a good idea. Not crazy about banana splits, I would order a hot fudge sundae instead 🙂 and I salute the National Park Service Founders. We have been to 26 of the national parks, and have a few puzzles showing each one plus a couple games about them. Our favorite, of course, is the first national park (Yellowstone) and we visit it every year. We have our reservations for next year. The quote has a grain of truth. I'm another one who savors my alone time -- but it isn't because people have disappointed me. The meal would be more of a side dish, but I think it sounds very good (minus the cilantro please!) The drink and wine both sound good too. Have never been to the port. Today DH is working at the Mariner game, I'll be making the pickled beets for our picnic this weekend and may (depending on energy) shop vac the garage while his car is out of there. Sandi @StLouisCruisershow sad about your neighbors. 😞 Prayers for Linda's full recovery. Gerry @ger_77I'm glad to hear you aren't a quitter re the wine lol. I hope the metallic taste goes away quickly! Do let us know, inquiring minds.... 😉 A couple photos from some of our visits with DD, DSIL and the DGSs to Yellowstone. DD likes to take "shadow photos" like this one. Shadows in the steam. This year the grandsons went up a level in the Junior Ranger program. They are now "Bison" Junior Rangers.
  9. Good morning all! I'm not sure I've ever been to an iconic American restaurant -- or maybe I have. It seems that the description can apply to any restaurant well-known in an area (?) My first thought was the 59er Diner in Leavenworth, WA. https://www.59erdiner.com/ It's definitely well-known here. We'll be going next month with the grandsons for an over-night stay in one of their cabins. We've been to Pompeii, Herculaneum and other areas. On one tour we did what @4966and556did. I'll add a few of my photos of that day. I think I consider any music that came after my generation's music (50's-60's) to be strange 😉 Will pass on the red wine, the drink sounds good and I would try the meal (minus the egg on top) if someone else prepared it for me. Have never been to the port, looking forward to photos! Today will be catch-up day after all the canning. The yard needs attention as does the pantry and wine rack 😉 Climbing to the top And the steam in the crater -- awesome sight!
  10. I’m finally done with the applesauce, yay!! 27 pints. My feet hurt! I’m saving some apples to make a huge pie for the family picnic on Saturday, otherwise I’m done with apples for the year. 😁
  11. We head to the Lido, we love the hustle and bustle and excitement of the first day. But most of all I can't wait to get my first big Lido salad from the salad bar.
  12. Oh, that could be fun! 🤣 Thank you for the great photos today. It makes me excited to see it in '24 (other than the "VERY hot" part!
  13. Good morning all! Another pleasantly warm, sunny day here in the PNW. We're having a great summer! With my fear of heights I'll pass on riding the wind. Will definitely hug my sweetheart, and love daffodils but will have to wait another 8 months to see them here. The drink sounds yummy, will pass on the meal and wine. There are very few drinks I can drink from a can....not sure why. I even prefer beer from a bottle. Have not been to the port, but hope to get there on the '24 Grand Australia. I hope we have some photos today. Yesterday we had a fun afternoon with the grandsons and today it's back to those apples. I'll finish the applesauce today, it will be nice to get the kitchen put back together. It's always a mess when I do canning. Speaking of messes, I'm also a messy painter and definitely get it in my hair too -- especially when painting ceilings! I don't know how anyone could not. Another reason I hate to paint ceilings lol. @Vict0riannAnn Happy Birthday!! @rafinmdRoy I hope the low sodium level will be easily treated -- maybe they will have you take daily sodium pills. @kazuJacqui enjoy those fur babies, they're adorable. When we had our DD's kitty here for a week recently we covered all the couches (2 are new, one is leather). I never saw the cat even go near the new couches lol. He did get on the covered leather couch a few times but really preferred the guest bed. 😉 @HeartgroveJack thank you for the photo of Lily -- she's so cute!
  14. That was HAL's policy the last I knew. As far as I know, it still is. Sadly our great PCC has left HAL, and now we're stuck with his replacement. I say stuck because I think this policy is still in effect. Otherwise we would transfer our bookings now.
  15. Good morning all! Another warm, sunny day in the PNW. I'm taking a break from applesauce and will spend the afternoon with the grandsons. We may take them to a splash park or pool. Then it's back to the applesauce tomorrow when I should be able to finish it. Saving some for pies, especially for a large family picnic this weekend. Our family kept the tooth fairy very busy this year. At one time grandson #2 had 5 missing teeth! It was a challenge for him to eat much 🙂 There are lots of angels here. I'll pass on the meal and wine, but the drink would be good. We were in Cartagena 3 times in 2019 when we were on our 75-day anniversary trip. Still, we found something different to do each time, always on our own, no tour necessary. It was easy to walk to everything. We went to the Roman Theater, the Roman Forum, walked the Punic Wall (3rd century BC) to the House of Fortune, and took the 45-minute tourist bus around the city. Not sure what we would have done if we'd gone there a 4th time that trip! As you can tell, ancient ruins are why we love the Med. Debbie @dfishglad you found that paint hardener. @superomaHappy Birthday to your DH! Gerry @ger_77I'm glad you're starting to feel more like yourself -- take it easy and don't try to do too much. Graham @grapau27Happy 41st anniversary to you and Pauline! First photos are from the 45-minute Tourist Bus and other walks around the town. Our ship the beautiful Nieuw Statendam, can't wait to sail her again in a few weeks! Next are photos from the Teatro Romano Cartagena Part of the stage And the Roman Forum This was an oven for baking bread. Some from the House of Fortune. Amazing how the colors are still so vivid. And crypts The ones on the left have been uncovered (photo above) and the ones on the right have not.
  16. Sounds like a plan! We can talk between now and then. We sure wouldn't mind walking the Freedom Trail again too. 🙂
  17. Good morning all! It's an overcast morning, heading for high 70's F again. I'll be doing more applesauce today so my day will be like yesterday! DD, DSIL and the grandsons got home from Crater Lake late last night, it's good to know they're safely home, especially after that scare with the tire. It sounds like they had an amazing trip. Makes me want to get down there again, I know I went once as a child. I don't know yet if DD will be coming to get their kitty today or if she'll ask us to bring him down when we go down there tomorrow. He's been a perfect houseguest. 🙂 I like Spumoni ice cream, but have never had the dessert. I don't think I'd like it as much. Like others, I may be a senior citizen but in my mind I'm still in my 40's. The quote is so true. Nothing like a good belly laugh. I'll pass on the meal, spice in any amount doesn't agree with me. The drink and wine both sound very good. We've been to Boston several times and will be again in October. My photos would be too much like others already posted (thank you for them!). I think we've done all the touristy things there, but I'm thinking of visiting the Paul Revere House this time and just walking around (weather permitting). Debbie @dfishis that something worth seeing? I would think it is... Gerry @ger_77 My condolences on the loss of your good friend. May she rest in peace.
  18. Hi John! Both Saguenay and Gaspe are on the Quebec City-Fort Lauderdale 14-day itinerary in October. We've enjoyed both ports several times when taking that cruise fall and spring.
  19. I've gotten about a third of the applesauce finished, I guess it's going to take 3 days to get it all done. I've gotten to the age that I won't push myself, not worth it 😉 That and even though it's cooler today, the humidity is higher (nothing like some of you get, but we aren't used to it here). Melissa @HAL Sailer I'm sorry your DH's sister's melanoma has spread. Prayers for successful treatment and that she can be cancer-free.
  20. Good morning all! I have a ton of honey bees in my yard but have to be careful when I'm gardening because I'm allergic to all bee stings. They love the Hibiscus and Bee Balm especially. I rarely listen to the radio, and hate mosquitoes although they love me and eat me alive. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to their bites too because just one bite and my whole body itches for a week. Because of the woods behind our house, our back yard is full of mosquitoes every spring so I can't even go back there until later in June without dousing myself in repellent. Even then I won't stay out there because they will find me. The quote is sad but true. I'll pass on the meal (not fond of Buckwheat) but the drink sounds good and I'm sure the wine would be very good. My work is cut out for me today and tomorrow if not longer. Yesterday we drove to Lynden and got a box (28 pounds) of apples, so now I have 37 pounds. I'll make a couple pies but the rest will be made into applesauce. Debbie @dfishgood luck with the painting! Did you know there's a product you can buy at the hardware store that you add to the paint and it hardens quickly? No mess and very easy. I don't think it was very expensive either. Sandi @StLouisCruisersthank you for the great photos of Nassau! When DDIL worked for Disney the family toyed with the idea of a Disney cruise with the DGSs but then Covid hit. Even with her discount it still was very pricey though! 😱 @superomayikes about your DD's bee sting above her eye! I hope the pain and swelling go away quickly. How scary that had to be. Debbie @dfishmy Mom did the same, a paste of baking soda and water. It did help! Well one more cup of coffee and then on to those apples!
  21. I was waiting for this and you did not disappoint! 🤣 Smart to wait until after your mammogram. I read in the news last night that they expect the new booster (aimed at this variant) to be available to everyone ages 12 and up in early-mid September so we're waiting and will get that one. Just in time before our October cruise.
  22. Good morning all! And what a morning with the great news about Shadow being found!! Jacqui @kazuI join everyone else in a huge hurrah! What good news. 🙂 All good days. I admire all pilots who get me safely where I need to go even though I do detest flying. I don't think I've ever had cat fish, but would try it. I can take or leave potatoes, and try to limit them because of the carbs. @RedneckBobwe still have Mr. Potato Head here for the grandsons and we all say he's a male -- well at least when he's wearing his mustache. 😉 The drink sounds good, and NZ Sauvignon Blancs are always my wine of choice although I've never seen this one. I woke up to showers this morning -- so funny, we must have had the cloud coming over us from the west as I was looking out the back door. It was drizzling in the back yard, but not in the front yard. A few minutes later it was drizzling both in front and back. We can use the moisture, it's gotten pretty dry. I hope to get more Gravenstein apples today, but will have to call the market in Lynden to see if they have enough. It's an hour+ each way so I want to be sure. But we love the sauce and pies from Gravensteins, so worth it and it's a nice drive. Sandi @StLouisCruiserswhat a beautiful quilt! I'm sure your DGD will always treasure it. We were in Rijeka last year and took a tour to the resort town of Opatija. It was a wonderful day and we enjoyed it a lot. First we walked along the waterfront promenade for an hour, then we were wined and dined at lunch. We had an appetizer similar to Bruschetta, lunch was potatoes and pork roast (delicious), a dessert of an apple pastry (yum!!) and the wine flowed freely. We then had free time to wander the town and/or shop, we did both. From our balcony as we approach Rijeka Walking along the promenade in Opatija So many large resort hotels. Opatija is considered the playground of the rich and famous. This statue is called Maiden with a Seagull. Although when we passed by she had 2. The one in her hand is part of the statue. Isadora Duncan was good friends of the owners of this hotel. They had this statue made of her. It was October and some storefronts were decorated for Halloween. I found a friend and place to sit and rest. 😉 Beautiful sunset as we prepare to leave Rijeka.
  23. If you go to your booking on the HAL site, then on the far left click on "purchase beverages" then "wine packages" which is at the bottom. The packages will pop up. You'll see the prices for each package, and the wines in each package. * But bear in mind* , you may get on your cruise and learn they don't have all the wines listed. In that case you'll have other choices from what they do have. They do their best to get you what you'd like.
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