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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! Today and tomorrow will be cooler, low 70's, then heating up to mid-high 80's for a few days. On the warmer days we've been using our new A/C and love it! I would love to have a hammock, but not sure it would be a pretty sight when I try to get in and out of it! Most days are days of leisure for me, but not today. I'll be driving a lot today, to meet my BFF for her birthday lunch. I enjoy spoonerisms, we all got a kick out of my Dad's unintentional spoonerisms. The wine and drink both sound very good, but will pass on the meal. Last night I made the Pesto Chicken Meatballs and DH and I both loved it. Since we both like pesto a lot, I made the recipe with more rather than less of the pesto, but added the marinara sauce. So mix and matched two recipes. Yum! There's enough for leftovers tonight. We weren't able to get to Kauai on our 2010 Hawaii cruise because of high winds, I appreciate all the photos from Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, Fred @Overhead Fred, and Graham @grapau27. I'd love to get there some day. Thank you Jacqui @kazuand @ottahand7for the photos of your beautiful flowers. Sandi @StLouisCruiserscongratulations to the Tigers!!! And I saw the cat's face in the clouds immediately after you mentioned it.
  2. Thank you @kb4683, @summer slope, @durangoscots, @JazzyV, @4966and556, @smitty34877, @Vict0riann, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @StLouisCruisers, @cat shepard, @SusieKIslandGirl, @57redbird, @Btimmer, and @srdancerfor your responses to my informal poll. I have passed on the results to my cousin-in-law. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‚
  3. As @Quartzsite Cruisersaid, I have two "official" junk drawers. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
  4. Question of the day: How many of you have a "junk drawer" in your home? The reason I ask is that today one of my Southern in-laws posted one of those "southern memes" on Facebook that says only southerners know what that is....I countered with I'm not Southern and I have 2 drawers I call junk drawers. πŸ˜‰ She was surprised. What surprises me is that anyone would think that's only a Southern term! I have heard it all my life. Canadians and other nationalities please chime in too! πŸ™‚
  5. Happy Birthday to your BFF tomorrow! I'm also taking my BFF (since 4th grade) out tomorrow (for lunch) for her birthday. Her birthday isn't until the 29th, but she'll have jury duty then (!!!) how cruel on her birthday!
  6. Good morning all! Another beautiful day in the PNW. Today will be spent doing some chores with DH around the house and garden. Interesting collection of days. I'll just be myself today and always, try to avoid junk food but it isn't easy, and Day of the Dog is celebrated every day by our Grand pup Rogue. She's presently the only dog in the family, and DS and DDIL dote on her and have her well trained. The grandsons are loving having their aunt and uncle living nearby (and Rogue!) I'll pass on the drink and wine (sweet and $$$), but the meal sounds SO good. I think I'll mix and match from the first two recipes. Do love pesto. @marshhawkAnn so glad to hear that you're feeling better today. That booster really laid you flat! @Sharon in AZSharon Happy Birthday and retirement to your DH Craig! @bennybearBrenda prayers for a successful outcome of your DH's surgery. @HeartgroveJack safe travels and enjoy the wedding. @aliaschiefBruce safe travels. @ger_77Gerry welcome home and wow on the fish! We were in Avalon on a Pacific Coastal in October of 2014. We didn't do much, walked around a bit and did the glass bottom boat ride. The casino
  7. I'm actually relieved to find out that espresso isn't the only pods supplied to the Neptune Suites. Since it was our first time, I really didn't know and I was really looking forward to using that coffee maker lol. We were also in an aft wrap but actually had two of the best cabin stewards we've ever had. They were wonderful. I think since this was during Covid, it was a matter of the dreaded supply issue --- the Concierge tried to get some in port and I know he did try.
  8. It sure is! Our guide told us that it's the most (one of the most?) expensive Christian churches in the world. I thought she said "the most", DH thought she said "one of the most".....
  9. We must have just missed each other! We were onboard Oct. 18-Nov. 13 (TA)
  10. I was disappointed when only espresso pods were available in our cabin (our first Neptune Suite) last fall. The Concierge tried without success to get regular coffee. I love my morning coffee, but not espresso.
  11. Good morning all! An ice cream soda sounds good, but I prefer an ice cream sundae on the rare occasion I have ice cream. And that will be today, to celebrate my lower A1C the other day. My favorite, Peanut Buster Parfait. I was waiting for a warm day (to enjoy it to the fullest) LOL. It will reach almost 80 today, heading to mid-high 80's next week. I know that isn't much compared to what a lot of you are going through! Hot dogs also sound good, maybe we'll make a trip to the grocery store. Not a fan of lollipops, other than Tootsie Rolls when I was a child. The quote is a good one, will pass on the meal and drink. The wine sounds very good. We were in Valletta in October of 2019 on our long 65-day anniversary cruise(s) on the NS and the Koningsdam. We took an all-day tour that day, starting with a 90-minute walking tour of Valletta, then visited St. John's Co-Cathedral, to the Tarxien Temples dating from 3150 B.C., a glass blowing factory (I rarely buy anything at the shops but fell in love with a few pieces there). Then lunch, and on to Mdina where we had a huge thunderstorm and had to dodge the driving rain. Even still, it was a great day! @smitty34877Terry great news that your niece and her DH have tested negative now. @kazuJacqui thank you for posting photos of some of your gorgeous flowers. @cat shepardAnn congratulations on the "all-clear" from the dermatologist. @StLouisCruisersSandi thank you for your photos of Valletta, great photos. Also a big cheer for the Tigers' win! @durangoscotsSusan so glad that your eye is better. @ottahand7your sunrise photo is frame-worthy! So beautiful. Here are some photos from our day in Valletta -- The weather wasn't the best (and terrible in Mdina) so I don't have many outdoor photos. The Koningsdam in Valletta Valletta I had to pick just a few of the many, many photos I took inside St. John's Co-Cathedral Tombs underneath the floor of the church Next 3 photos are from the Tarxien Temples Unfortunately I got very few photos in Mdina because of the thunderstorm. The rain was pouring off buildings and we spent a lot of time running from shop to shop just to stay somewhat dry.
  12. Thank you for the correction, Ray! I learned something πŸ™‚
  13. Good morning all! We're having a slow warming trend after a couple cool drizzly days. It's supposed to get up to the mid 80's F by next week. I like to make new friends, especially on a BHB. Raspberry cake sounds delicious, and our local berries are ripe right now. Have never played Words with Friends. Both the drink and wine sound great, but will pass on the meal. Thai food doesn't agree with me 😞 Love the quote. We have been to Saguenay several times and will be there again in October. I do hope they're continuing their amazing greeting of costumed dancers, blueberry pie, chocolates, etc. @smitty34877Terry thank you for the adorable photo of Camilla -- she's as cute as ever and growing so fast! Very good news that her Grandpa is expected to leave the hospital today. Some photos from 2012 and 2016. Love their old-time costumed greeting! This fellow was riding a unicycle. And their generous helpings of blueberry pie πŸ™‚ I also didn't turn down their gifts of chocolates as we returned to the ship later that day. One visit we rented a car and drove to the National Park. An uphill hike but beautiful. Aluminum bridge A few churches And even costumed locals in a gift shop.
  14. We spent 24 days in that cabin on the Eurodam last fall. We loved the cabin and it was our first-ever Neptune Suite. The balcony was well-used! Here are a few photos.
  15. Good afternoon all! I'm late getting here today, I was waiting for the results to come in for my A1C. Blood was drawn at 9 am, I had the results 3 hours later -- not bad! But more importantly, I'm thrilled.....instead of being worse, my number went down from 6.7 to 6.4! I'm in shock. Under 6.5 is ideal. Waiting on some other tests, but this is the one I was worried about. I think I'll celebrate with that ice cream I put off yesterday! I'd love to hug my kids, but won't be seeing any of them today. Will pass on the sour candy, and we all need to try to listen more. Will pass on the Guacamole too, it's the texture of avocado that turns me off. The wine sounds good but pricey, and the drink sounds very good. Have never been to Kodiak -- thanks to all for sharing photos! I'm happy to see that so many are getting some much-needed rain. We had some sprinkles here this morning (no huge surprise for us, but it has been dry for at least a week) πŸ˜‰ @aliaschiefBruce thanks for the tip about Turmeric, my hands are getting worse and worse so I'm always looking for something. Ann @Vict0riannthank you for letting us know it can make acid reflux worse. I already am prone to that, so better not try the Turmeric. 😞 @Vict0rianngreat photo of you and Pat! @HAL SailerGreat news that your DB is improving, but sorry to hear that your DSIL has now tested positive. Congrats to your nephew on his race finish. @dobiemomI'm so sorry you've gotten caught up in all the airline mess and hope you can get home soon. @bennybearthank you for the photos of your lovely flowers.
  16. Thank you and I feel your pain about the deer. I had deer problems when we lived near Bremerton. Here I battle the slugs but no 4-legged pests.
  17. Thought I would share what’s blooming now in NW Washington. I’ve had a lovely afternoon working in the garden. Astilbe and Sweet Peas A minute ago a hummingbird was in this Bee Balm. Of course when I raised my phone for a photo it flew off.
  18. Right, thanks for the correction about travel agents and tip about doing a search. We're getting it on the Grand Australia for booking a Vista Suite (to get a balcony on that ship) so I'm interested in answers too.
  19. That's what makes mine go up too, bread, pasta and rice. Especially pasta. Stress also makes it go up. Just driving to the clinic mine goes up from what I tested at home minutes before. My concern is that for some reason my fasting numbers have been higher than a few months ago, even though I'm doing everything right (most of the time). Treadmill, desserts only on special occasions. Darn family history. πŸ˜‰ Thank you for the good luck wishes!
  20. My guess would be that you won't know for certain until you're onboard and ask. What HAL tells you here is usually different from what they will tell you on the ship. I plan to ask on our Grand Australia cruise. We drink more wine than hard liquor. πŸ˜‰ I see you'll be going before I will, would you let us know?
  21. Good morning all! It will be another cool day here today, only in the mid-60's F and slightly overcast. Good weather for planting, and I've been doing some of that this week. After removing those Boxwood shrubs, I decided to get some ground cover for that spot. Unfortunately I won't be having ice cream today, I have my A1C diabetic blood test in the morning. 😞 Maybe after the test! Wrong way Corrigan is my day. I have no sense of direction and get lost constantly. Although I agree with others who think he meant to go to Ireland all along. I have no problem with emojis, and usually they add clarification to what someone is saying in the written word. Will pass on the drink (not a fan of gingerbread), love fried chicken but like the ice cream, can't have it today because of the carbs. I need to think of a low carb dinner for tonight. The wine sounds great. Have never been to Japan. The quote is a very good one. DH and I both downloaded ArriveCan today in preparation for our October cruise out of Quebec City. As for testing requirements, a lot can change between now and then, so will just wait and see what is required then! We also need to get new Air Tags. @1ANGELCATWow about your DB's car and how horrible! @Vict0riannenjoy your cruise on my favorite ship with my favorite Captain! Rich Fielder (who we met last fall on the Eurodam) is also on the cruise (and has been for a long time) and is doing FB updates. @Crazy For CatsHappy 18th Anniversary! @smitty34877I'm so sorry your nephew in-law is in the hospital with Covid. Prayers for a full recovery.
  22. I must live a sheltered life, LOL! I had never heard of this. Thanks for bringing me up to date!
  23. Good morning all! It will be a bit cooler today, down about 10 degrees from our high 70's F yesterday. Perfect gardening weather! I like fresh spinach in salads, avoid snakes whenever possible, and don't know if I've ever seen a Woodie Wagon other than in photos. The quote is SO true today. I might like the 3rd recipe today (great job @0106) with lower carbs and no mushrooms. Have been to Alaska but not Whittier. Thank you @StLouisCruisersSandi and @Quartzsite CruiserLenda for the photos. Will pass on the red wine, but the drink sounds yummy. @HAL SailerI'm so glad to hear that your DB's Covid symptoms are lessening. @marshhawkprayers that your DH's biopsy results will be negative. @StLouisCruisersI'm so sorry to hear that your leg pain continues. @marshhawkI have never heard of people driving in circles for attention, it sounds like something bored teenagers would do (or very immature adults) πŸ˜‰ @richwmnthat was one of many great cruises we've had with you. And here we are on that cruise, celebrating your birthday in the Pinnacle Grill. 😁Looking forward to cruising with you again in October! πŸ™‚
  24. Good morning all! Another beautiful sunny morning in the PNW, heading to a comfortable 75F. It's always a good idea to have a sticker letting firefighters know there's a pet in the house in the unfortunate case of a fire. Living close to the Canadian border, I have respected Canada all my life. We seem to always have a box of items waiting to be given away, but I need to add to it! Will pass on the meal and drink, but the wine sounds good (I seem to say that a lot) πŸ˜‚ Kangaroo Island is on our Grand Australia itinerary for 2024, I look forward to any photos. Yesterday I got those Boxwood shrubs all dug out, now to plan what to put in their place. πŸ˜‰ DH has a colonoscopy this morning, so a lot of my morning will be spent transporting him back and forth. Then hopefully a quiet afternoon of gardening and visiting with neighbors. Have a great day everyone!
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