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Posts posted by Bettyboop66

  1. 12 minutes ago, North West Newbie said:


    If the email was deleted from your mail client on a local machine then it may still be available on your mail server that you should be able to retrieve using webmail access.

    My DH tells me heā€™s looked to see if it can be accessed. But it is well and truly gone. I would think he was trying to save money, except he said heā€™d have liked to try the bid for the YC. Maybe Iā€™ll get lucky and MSC will send another email. But Iā€™m not holding my breathā€¦..

  2. 8 minutes ago, AtƩ said:

    The PlusGrade email link is very specific to your booking and incredibly complex.Ā  I know of no way to access the upgrade system without the specific coded links.Ā  I'm doubtful a MSC phone agent could "resend" the offer.Ā  Ā 


    Have you tried logging into your MSC website account to look for the offer, I know NCL does that, using the same upgrade administrator.Ā  Ā Otherwise hope that they send a follow-up email closer to sail date.Ā 

    Thanks, Iā€™ve looked at my booking and unfortunately donā€™t see anything. Hopefully, Iā€™ll get another email.

  3. Does anyone know if there is any way to bid on an upgrade if your DH deleted the email from MSC? And he also emptied the ā€œdeletedā€ folder in our emailā€¦ā€¦ā€¦heā€™s nothing if not thorough.

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