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Posts posted by Bettyboop66

  1. Live on Oahu. Got a groupon for snuba. Had to try it, it looks like soooo much fun. Had a great time because we were with family and all in a good mood. But snuba, at least the one we did, sucks!

    Got some really cool pics. Everyone that sees them thinks we had an amazing time. But the pics are deceiving. No way to tell that the scooters are SLOW. Fish only come around because you have a bag of bait on your snooter.

    They took us out to an area with absolutely nothing to look at. Those of us that did round 1 were ok. But they spray disinfectent in the helmets between people - a great practice. However, that meant that those in round 2 breathed fumes the whole time. Made 2 of us actually feed the fishes their lunch, and i had to get out early before it got too bad for me to handle. Swimming with mask and snorkel was MUCH better.

    Take a snorkel excursion to "Turtle Canyon". I promise you'll enjoy it much more.


    Thanks you so much!! I usually have a bad reaction to strong cleaning smells so I feel like this would have been awful. We will look into Turtle Canyon and see what we can do. We have been snorkeling other places and love it. Thanks again!!!!!

  2. I used the brush from Bed Bath and Beyond and the Arnica gel I bought at Target. I brushed in the morning and at night after my shower. I started at my toes and brushed upwards. I just went over the entire foot area and over my ankles twice. I did put on the gel first then brush. I had great success. I've never tried without the gel, so I can't say if it would work without. One other thing, I only ever have the swelling no rash. I hope that this helps. I know that I will never take another cruise without both of these items. I'm going to Vegas next month and I think I'll take them there too.

  3. My DH and I will be cruising from LA to Hawaii in November on the Ruby Princess and we're interested in trying Snuba. We've done snorkeling on past cruises but have never been able to give this a try. Our ship doesn't offer this as an excursion so I'm looking for any recommendations of private companies that any of you may have experience with. Thanks in advance for any help.

  4. My husband and I are also going to be sailing over Thanksgiving this year. We will be sailing on the Ruby out of San Pedro going to Hawaii. I was wondering if anyone knows if they will make Thanksgiving a formal night? We will be at sea on that day. I really hope not because we won't be bringing formal clothes because of flying, and my husband LOVES turkey. Thanks in advance for the help.

  5. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and your first cruise.This cruise is one of my favorites. My husband and I are going in November for the 3 time. We've also gone snorkeling in Maui and you will love it. Lots of good advice here already. Anytime dining is great, we always pick this option. But if you'd like to set have a certain time for dinner you can call in the morning to the dining reservation line and make a reservation that night for dinner. You can request a table for 2 or a bigger table if you want to meet new people. Sitting with other people gives you a chance to learn more about cruising since I would imagine at least one of the couples you will be sitting with will have cruised before. You will find that most experienced cruisers love to share their tips with new cruisers. Make sure to read the Princess Patter that will be delivered to your stateroom every night. It is a mini newspaper that will give you the events planned for the next day, information about the ports you'll be visiting, bar times, restaurant times, and lots of other useful stuff. Hope that you have a great time!! Post when you get back and let us all know how you liked your first cruise.

    I almost forgot, we love your little town of San Pedro!!!

  6. It normally comes with vanilla ice cream, but you can have it made with any other flavor on the menu that evening.




    That looks yummy, but I have to say mine was different. It had chocolate and vanilla ice cream and had pineapple, hot fudge and strawberry toppings also.

  7. Not sure if it's a secret but I didn't know about this until I read about it on the 2014 Secret thread. If you like ice cream in the main dinning room you can order a Volcano, from the kids menu. It's a banana split and it is WONDERFUL. I ordered it on my last cruise and people at tables that were around us actually came over and asked what it was. Absolutely worth a try!!

  8. I'm sad as well, the first time we did the 14 day cruise to Hawaii, we had Eula and Dave Cole, "The Dream Team" and it was one of the best cruises we've ever been on. We've done the cruise twice since then with no luck. And now it looks like our Ruby cruise in November will be without them as well. Maybe we'll have better luck next time.......

  9. Hi and thanks! What exactly does the brush do with the Arnica Gel? I have sensitive, thin skin? Can I use my hands or a "shower buff puff" instead?


    Thank you kindly!


    I am not sure how it works, but the brush I got is not very stiff so I don't think the brush itself would hurt. If you read through the thread I think there are some people who just do the dry brush and that worked for them. I have just had such a problem with swelling in the past that I thought I would try both together. I hope that this works for you also.

  10. I just got back from a 14 day cruise to the Caribbean. This was my 17th cruise, some have been in the Caribbean, but we've also been to Hawaii, Alaska, Bermuda and Canada/New England. No matter what the weather I have had problems with swelling on every cruise that I've ever been on. I found this thread and decided to give it a try. I bought the brush at Bed Bath and Beyond and the Arnica gel at Target . My total spent was less than $20.00. I brushed and put the gel on every night after my shower and every morning when I first got up. I had absolutely NO swelling at all. It was so nice to walk around in my sandals and not have huge swollen feet. that hurt. Thanks for the tips from all of you. I will never cruise again without both!!

  11. I've had pretty good luck so far fixing the liner for my bag. I should have known that once I mentioned what I wanted to do to my wonderful "engineer" husband, that he would take my little idea and run with it, and luckily I wasn't disappointed. He went to Walmart first thing this morning found the glue, and bought a tan colored (it needs to match he said) shower liner and worked on it for most of the morning. After he measured and cut and measured some more, he even did some sewing on it to make it look better (he's so cute). My new and improved bag is sitting in the corner of the room stuffed with towels and clips all over the top to keep the liner tight to the bag while it's drying. So far it's looking pretty good, I'll give an update when we take the towels out. He's already planning the little touch up gluing he might have to do around the top. I'll try and get a picture when it's all done. Thanks for the tips on what to use, Cruise Critic never lets me down!!

  12. Betty, I just posted to this on the sewing thread. But in case you do not see it, I will copy it to here.




    Betty, E-6000 makes a glue called "fabri-fuse", I would use it for this project. You should be able to find it in Walmart, or just do a search for it online. It is under $5 a tube. It is waterproof, so once you have applied it, you will not have to worry about it letting go if it gets wet.


    E 6000 makes great glues, I use the regular multi purpose E 6000 glue that comes in a 3.7 oz tube for darn near everything, china, handles on pots and pans, glass, wood. Once it cures it is there forever. Not even the dishwasher will loosen it.

    They also sell it in a 4 pack small travel size tubes. I never travel without it. In the past while on cruises it has glued a wheel housing back on a suitcase, sealed a cracked suitcase and taken care of a shoe sole that came loose.


    Sent from my GT-N8013 using Forums mobile app


    Thank you so much for the advice, I will be heading to Walmart tomorrow and hopefully I can get my bag ready before my cruise in 3 weeks.

  13. bettyboop, I have put walmart sacks in my stuff like that before. An hold shower curtain is good too. Plastic can be purchased in the walmart fabric dept - or it use to could be. Different thinknesses too.


    Attach it with glue or wide tape unless it's the thicker plastic. The thick stuff can take some stitches with out tearing off.


    Thanks, I'm embarrassed to say I never thought of just gluing something inside.

  14. I'm looking for a little help from some people with much more sewing experience than me. I have a straw bag that I bought at the straw market in Nassau and was wondering the best way to put some sort of waterproof lining in it. My sewing skills are sadly limited to sewing buttons, and maybe a little hemming. I want to use the bag when I go to the pool or the beach but I don't want to have to worry about things inside getting wet. Any help would be appreciated!!

  15. I'm looking for a little help and I knew that CC was the place to go. A few cruises ago we made a short stop in Nassau and at the straw market I picked up a very cute straw bag, I'm wondering if anyone can give me a little guidance on how I might be able to put a waterproof liner in it so that I can use it at the pool. I always have my Nook with me and don't want to risk it getting wet. My skill with a needle and thread is sadly limited to sewing on buttons. I can sew by hand but a sewing machine would be way out of my league. I've tried searching online and haven't had much luck. Thanks in advance!!

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