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Everything posted by Oville

  1. It will be CBS or Fox. My bet is Bengals Steelers at 1:00 on CBS and Chiefs Cardinals at 4:25 on Fox.
  2. Unless it has changed they air the game of the week for CBS and Fox on Sunday afternoon. That means the Tony Romo feed for CBS and the replacement team for Fox. Also Sunday and Monday night and they are aired in your cabin.
  3. Ken, got a chuckle out of this when I saw it in today’s newspaper end of week quiz.
  4. Do it now, if you get a great deal while onboard just cancel the first booking when you get home. If not don’t book onboard.
  5. What is your agenda? We get it you didn’t like sailing in an IV. Guess what, you never have to again.
  6. This has become ridiculous. We get it, you don’t like them. You are quite wrong that people don’t use them as verandas. We’ve taken 2 cruises in this style veranda and spent hours out there. One big plus is they are very private and quiet. No on is making you cruise in one, let it go.
  7. I’m pretty sure you can make a reservation if you are going to there for lunch. If you just want to pick up a sandwich to go you can do that also. Unless things have changed reservations for lunch are a good thing if not necessary.
  8. If it's like the Edge beware because it was $20 whether you ordered a sandwich or an entree. Having said that, I great place for lunch, we’ve eaten there a number of times.
  9. Ha, ha Jim, all of my grandparents were Irish immigrants, the word eejit was well installed in my brain at an early age, still use it. Have a great cruise. Katie
  10. Since you lived in Ireland for a while you might enjoy Seamus O’Reilly’s “Did Ye Hear My Mammy Died”. Obviously not a happy title but a story about a dad raising 11 children alone written with great Irish humor. On another note, we’ve stayed in 6 Hilton properties since late May, and unless you ask for it your hotel room will not be serviced. Katie
  11. The IVs are are more open than the old hull balconies. We felt like we were outside and it was breezy while sailing.
  12. Nope, we don’t have any Celebrity cruises booked in the near future and don’t plan on anymore for a while.. Your comment is a bit mean.
  13. Sorry you didn’t like the IV cabin, not sure about your anger. I just suggested reading the reviews.
  14. As I said, people who haven’t tried this cabin are the biggest haters.
  15. Read the reviews on the Edge sticky and please don’t comment before trying an IV.
  16. And I have spent a lot of time on an IV balcony and you?
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