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Everything posted by Cruisercl

  1. Thanks, I find the people on CC more reliable than Google, most of the time, when it comes to cruising info.
  2. Hi, Sailing out of Seattle on the Bliss soon. Can anyone tell me which Terminal (91 or 66) the Bliss will dock at? It has been a big while since I have cruised out of Seattle and the search capability on CC does not seem to be working. Any help is appreciated. 😎 Stay safe!
  3. Very interesting isn't it that NCL can't do this. My NCL rep sent me a final statement with the final total, with the Vibe charge included. Now, I did call back and ask if I could pay for the Vibe pass now; I was told yes and paid for it. I was then sent another final statement with the vibe pass removed and it was charged to my CC. Thanks for your good info, I should be set. 😎
  4. No free laundry service here as part of my cruise package. Soooooo......
  5. Thanks for the idea but I have used this and was not very happy with the results. This is me being OCD about this. 😎
  6. Ok, I drank the kool-aid, took the advice or maybe I am just a leming or paranoid. I called NCL and pre-paid for my Vibe pass. I told the guy why and he did not dispute it but couldn't say if it was true; not sure if that means anything. Now I can rest. Thanks for the heads up. Have a good one!
  7. I would like to believe that NCL would honor the Vibe reservations that have payment in the final cruise payment. It is pretty far in advance of the cruise itself. Maybe they wouldn't open it up online until after final payment to see what they have left. A girl can dream. 😎
  8. Hi!, I called yesterday to get a pre-cruise Vibe pass for the same cruise as @kapper. No problems. I paid $289, still ok imo. I did not have to pre-pay; she just added it to my cruise final payment. She said I could pay for it either way.....it was easy.
  9. I am another success story in getting the Vibe pass pre-cruise; going on the Bliss, PC, Feb 2023. My thanks for this information! Isn't CC great for things like this? Stay safe all!
  10. The are cruiselines that do offer irons/boards for use in the staterooms. I use them all of the time........it is more stressful to me to be wrinkled. 😊
  11. This is good advice. I have done this and it does promote conversation. Just to be clear, when I went to the RCL CC arranged get together, it was for sail away but not a solo only event.... NP but I was surprised that it was well planned yet that's what happened, it made me laugh actually. I also waited for awhile, had one drink, then left. I found the RCL people to be a tough crowd, JMHO. 😛 Yes, I am stereotyping...lol.
  12. Hi, Solo cruise booked....NCL Bliss, PC; Miami, FL to San Diego, CA 25 Feb-12Mar, 2023 - 15 days Looking forward to going through the PC the 'other way' and in the new lochs. 😎
  13. I'll put my experience here too. OP, it is not you. RCL, IMHO, is not good for solo travelers. I was on the Allure and ran into the same things you did. People were rude at times, not sure why. My cabin steward yelled at me for not leaving my cabin when he thought I should.....what? I also went to meet-ups planned on CC and no one showed. I have cruised on other lines and nothing this extreme happened; there were always nice people to talk to. As a solo traveler, again IMHO, we do not expect to attach ourselves to others but no reason to be rude. So sorry this happened to you too. Safe sailing!!
  14. Just missed it...shoot!!! Can't see Ziudy but I can see everyone else, so bummed. Very busy port today.
  15. Hi, Question: which category are the Vibe passes in for booking? For example, shore excursions etc. I did not see that information here, though I may have missed it. Thanks!
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