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Everything posted by Cruisercl

  1. Good afternoon everyone, Pretty busy day on the Daily today Thanks to everyone who continues to post the Daily and contributing to the wonderfulness that the Daily is (poor grammar I know but that's what my brain came up with). @dfish, prayers for a succcessful and pain free surgery tomorow. @superoma prayers for you and your family at the funeral tomorrow @marshhawk welcome back! awful that your are sick but it sounds like you all had a good time. Hope you feel better soon. Prayers for those struggling and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Take care all! Caron
  2. Good afternoon, The morning has gone by so fast! Thanks to all contributors to the Daily thread. @cat shepard, I have had the "The Butterfly Effect" wine. I have also had their Chardonnay, my go to wine. LOL. They were both very good. I do not know if is is sold in retail shops, but can probably get it through the Naked Wines wine club online shop. I got them from the wine club, I belong to it. This wine club financially supports small vineyards as small businesses so thy are able to produce wines. Good wines overall, IMO. It is a nice day here today, 80F which has not happened much this year. Have a wonderful day and take care. 😊 Caron
  3. I just found this! Yay, another live review... Will be following along; I am on the Zaandam on one of my upcoming cruises so I am very interested in this. Have a great cruise, relax and enjoy! 😎🍹😊🍻
  4. @Horizon chaser 1957, thank you for the lesson. How awful all around! Yuk!!! Stay safe.
  5. J, safe travels and Bon Voyage!! Rest and enjoy.....😎
  6. @superoma, I am so sorry about the passing of your father. The loss of a parent is difficult no matter their age. It appears he lived a nice long life, good for him and you. My prayers are with you, your family and all those who knew and loved him. May he RIP. Caron
  7. Good afternoon everyone, Not much going on this week for me, a couple of appointments but that's it. Low key week. We have had rainy and cold weather here in addition to major smokey skies from the Canada fires. Weather air alerts/warnings all week. @Crazy For Cats Bon Voyage!! @Horizon chaser 1957 welcome home, what a nice long trip! Can you tell me what tent catepillar nests are? They soundcreepy...😬 My thanks to all who contibute here each and every day; lots of contributors. I enjoy all of it. Take good care and have a great weekend! Caron
  8. Following along. Two more days of the rug place and you are good to go, hang in there! 😊🍸🍻
  9. Yourcruise so far sounds wonderful, a nice combination, IMO, of busy at times and relaxing. Glad you are enjoying it. I have not been to Normandie, it is on my list. Your shore excursion yesterday, sounds great. I agree the big bus shore excursions tend not to be as good as a smaller group especially when it is a long day. Having to deal with a big crowd can be exhausting. How is your injured toe behaving? Continued fun on the next part of your cruise. 😊 Caron
  10. Hi Denise, I just found your live review thread today. I will be following along with you on the cruise.I have been to Alaska and look forward to hearing your impression of it. I loved it. Very exciting! Glad you are feeling better and can get to packing! The time until you leave will go by fast. 😊🛳️✈️ Caron
  11. Hi Everyone, Home from FL, took a fews days for a small getaway. Had fun but it was very hot; downside is that my flight was 6 hours delayed, got home at 1230 am this morning. Not fun hanging out in an airport as many of you know. Slept in this AM. Enough of me whining about that!😎 Continuing thanks to all of the Daily contributors. The Daily has a lighter tone today which IMO means things are improving for people having challenges; Yay! So glad to hear good news in these difficult and disheartening times. All of the other departments have had a good showing this past week...F&B, Comedy, Gardening, Care and Celebrations, general information givers etc. Prayers for all; for those who are struggling and in gratitude for the goodness we have in our lives and good news we've received. As a RN, I want to thank everyone who expressed their appreciation for nurses this week. 💓 Welcome home to @richwmn, (the Daily guru) and everyone who is returning home from a vacation or an obligation, it is always nice to sleep in ones own bed. Celebrations to those still cruising, cruising soon, on vacation, living life as you wish or just because you want to.😊 Thank you to @StLouisCruisers for the excellent job of filling in to post the Daily and Fleet report, while @richwmn was cruising the World. Greatly appreciated. Hope you all have a good and enjoyable weekend. Take good care, Caron
  12. Hi Rich, Welcome home...! Your live review was a job well done; I appreciate that you were reporting to us daily. Not always an easy feat on a cruise. I read all of it! Glad you enjoyed the cruise; enjoy FL before you head home to do laundry and get back to your real life.😊 Caron
  13. No kidding! One year when I was working in a hospital, we got mugs, paid for by the hospital and they had a raffle for 1 prize (can't remember what is was but nothing overly immprssive) for about 1500 nurses employed there. So I get what you mean. Kinda sad. Pizza for lunch paid for by the Nurse manager, not the Docs or the hospital. It does really go with the lack of respect for the profession, IMO. Hope you had a great day!!!
  14. Hi everyone, Not much going on here. Spending a few days in FL for a small getaway. So far its been great. Much nicer weather than at home. Continued appreciation to everyone who contributes here daily; there are lots of them. I read daily and it is always entertaining and often I learn. Celebrating National Nurses and National Teachers week(s) ; have both in my family. All do a thankless but rewarding job, it is a calling IMO. 😊 Continued prayers for all. Take care all, be safe. Caron
  15. Oh my gosh, I just read about the last sailaway. wow. Sad but a nice accomplishment being on a cruise for this length of time. Enjoy the rest of the cruise, hope packing isn't too bad. 🙂
  16. @cruising sister, Bon Voyage! Sounds like you are off to a good start with only a few bumps. I am often also a solo traveler so looking forward to your experiences. Isn't business class to EU the best? You are spolied now! I will be following along, looks like a great cruise. 😀
  17. I always bring some post it notes and a pen. The staterooms no longer have paper or pens. Safe travels!
  18. That is exactly what it is. When I was on the Bliss last August, I had a positive OBC balance and was paid out before I left the ship at a little table on the side. Never had that happen before. They sent me to the table when I showed my card to leave the ship.
  19. Thanks @graphicguy for the fun review though I may be biased as the Bliss is my favorite NCL ship. It is good to know others, other than me, think that the Bliss has alot to offer and the whole experience is really good. (Maybe we should keep it a secret!!) Very happy you had a good time, which is most important. I would so do Bliss Alaska again in a nano-second! 😊
  20. Hi Everyone, It is finally Friday at the end of a busy week. @marshhawk, I am so sorry about your little hunnybunny Irving moving on to the Rainbow Bridge. It is not easy, as you know. I cried for 5 years after my cat died. I also watch Death in Paradise and when Catherine mentioned watermelon curry I wondered what it was; have never heard of it! @durangoscots, I have been to KirKwall, Orkney on a cruise; what a great place to see the archeological sites.One time we couldn't go because the sea was too rough but made it in another time. I loved all of the history especially the ring of stones like Stonehenge but these were much older. Very facinating to me. If people go, I advise to take a tour of the whole island to see all of the sites. @Denise T, I went to the dentist too today; my least favorite thing to do. I am a big dentist baby. Came home with a headache for 3 hours, which always happens to me. Hope your dental work goes well and pain free. Bluberry pie is my favorite - had to throw that in here.😊 Thank you to the keepers of the lists; they continue to be stellar and the hard work of them is certainly noticed by all here. Love all of the comedy on this thread, it is great to have a good laugh a few times a day. Prayers for alll of us; extra prayers for those with health challenges this week. May you heal quickly and painfree. Very happy to hear from those cruising, that always perks up my day and then makes me jealous! Oh well my time will come soon enough. Take good care everyone and have a safe and restful weekend. Caron
  21. Happy Birthday @dfish! Hope your day was great. 🥂 Life is pretty good when we can celebrate another birthday...😊 Take care. Caron
  22. Your intro to the Bliss is great! Brings back great memories from last months cruise. My input from my cruise, YMMV: the ruben sandwich at the Local was really good too the outside Cavern bar is very popular, the bartenders were awesome not a fan of Los Lobas either I am also Sapphire, I did not get a fruit bowl or a bottle of wine but could it be that you are in a club balcony? I was in a regular balcony. I am a bit biased, the Bliss is my favorite NCL ship. 😊 Have more fun, we are jealous!
  23. I just logged on and saw the Apex leaving. I have had trouble getting into the webcam lately but today it worked. Beautiful ship!! Bon Voyage Vanessa!!!
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