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Everything posted by Cruisercl

  1. What? You need to review the safety procedures. What other things than safety are you looking for? Your observations about exposed decks and ineffective lecture are pretty unreasonable. Maritime saftey laws are made for a reason. It is not the cruiselines fault that people do not want to listen or believe they do not need to listen to the safety policies. These are the desparate people during an emergency. Is this you? Maybe you have cruised to much and seen too many drills that you believe they are not necessary. If you have not had to use the safety procedures you are lucky, not everyone has. People have died. It is not for entertainment. There are lots of new cruisers that need this information; even if you already know this information it may save other lives. New cruisers do listen. Let it go. Safe cruising all!
  2. My Mom bought a fake Rolex on vacation somewhere and she loved it! It ran for at least 10 years. She got a bit braggy...lol! She was in her early 70's and loved the trip she bought it on.
  3. I am hoping she is doing well; no update here on CC that I have seen on how she is doing. Prayers for her.πŸ™πŸ™
  4. Hi Everyone, All of the days are good IMO. Used a thesaurus professionally, all of the time as I am a writer, Winnie the Pooh one of my favs from childhood and now is part of Disney (somewhat a Disney geek here) and love, love coffee. Waiting for another Winter storm here tonight, number 4 this Winter. Bleaahhh!!! Did not know about the $1 deposit for HAL cruises, will look at them. I read it will go through today too. Can't say enough on how much I love the memes everyone posts! Hope all are well, prayers for everyone. πŸ™‚
  5. Hi Rich, Looks like things are going really well, lots to do for at sea days. Relaxing is also good, IMHO. I really like looking at all of the menus and the daily program. French Polynesia looks beautiful. Hope you have fun 'on land'. Hope all is good for you.πŸ™‚
  6. Oh my gosh, look how grown up she is!! Absolutely adorable....
  7. I like watching males...they are nice to watch, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. JMO and I'll leave it at that! 😜 My favortie cruise was a full PC transit from San Pedro to Tampa, in the original locks. The pictures here are great of the 2 (sister?)ships lined up together. My next cruise, coming up in February, will be a full PC transit from Miami to San Pedro, in the new locks. It will be interesting to see them and see the difference. The word is that thery aren't as interesting as the old ones. I'll see, still on a great cruise. Nice Winter day here in Minneapolis, sunny but cold, 19F. Typical January weather though we got 4 feet of snow last week and it is still around. Prayers for all in need. Be safe all.
  8. Kathi, Prayers and virtual hugs for you. πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒΊ
  9. Oh my gosh, the whole mask thing is intertesting on how they are doing it. Thanks for doing this; I have enjoyed your reports. Good to see they have more things to do on board than the NS cruise last Fall. Continued safe sailing and negative testing. 😎
  10. Bon Voyage Rich! Hope your cruise is amazing. I will be following along. Take care and have fun.😊 Safe travels......
  11. A very Happy and Blessed New Year to all here! Also, a huge thank you to everyone who contributes to the wonder and greatness of this thread; especially to the consistent daily contributors. I always enjoy and learn something from the posts. I am a grateful person. 😊 Safe travels ....
  12. Hi Rich, What ship are you on? Did I miss it in the posts here? Not a HAL follower all of the time so don't know this. Have a great time! Appreciate your indulging my lack of kmowledge. 😊 Caron
  13. We loved Priscilla on the Epic, pre-pandemic. We saw it twice, very good talent, IMO. Sad to see it go.
  14. IMO, NCL does have the best entertainment department in comparison to the other cruise lines I have sailed on; this includes Princess, Celebrity, RCCL and HAL. I did sail on a Disney cruise; the production shows were good Disney quality but the adult bar entertainment was weak. The options on NCL entertainment are better quality and more is available to enjoy. The bar entertainments, atrium entertainments and bigger production shows are great with good variety and strong talent, you can certainly tell the difference. I have sailed on the smaller, the medium and the large NCL ships; the entertainment was always good quality. There are different types of entertainment day and evening, lots of choices. Something for everyone. I just recently sailed on the Prima and the Bliss. Hope this helps! Safe sailing!!
  15. Good point but not communicated to the passengers. Is what you state here is what actually happened? Did NCL let you know this? Did you ask them? Not stressing, just stating facts. I did not ask NCL about it.
  16. Nope, this does not make sense and is not reasonable. Just because you express an opinion does not make it true. Happens all of the time here on CC, people spreading false information. Please educate yourself.
  17. We were on the Prima transatlantic (Sept 2022) and did not go to the Orkney islands due to weather, so did not go to the port. We were not refunded the port fees. Is this legal, we were not even told why we did not get a refund? Seems like a money grab. Other NCL cruises I have been on, when we missed a port, we were refunded the port fees.
  18. It was available on the NS Coastal cruise that disembarked in FLL, Oct 8th. Best thing. Does anyone know if it means it is available for all HAL cruises disembarking in FLL? Should we assume it is? Just wondering....thx! 😊
  19. Agree. We thought the food was meh to not good. We ordered a variety of dishes, 5 people, and no one thought it was really good. Not much flavor. YMMV.
  20. Just got off HAL NS coastal cruise; disembarked in NYC. Luggage Direct worked like a charm, no issues. Cost was $25, well worth the cost, IMO. 😊
  21. Yesterday was a city trolley ride. Learned alot, the ride was beautiful and included historic places in the city. The weather was beautiful so it was a good walk around day. My TV hasn't worked for 2 days either. They know but haven't seen repairs done yet. Lots of fog when sailing at night. The fog horns have been sounding the last few nights.πŸ™ƒ Today we must each see immigration before getting permission to go ashore or even if not going ashore.
  22. Yesterday's day at sea was low key again. Spent some time donating to the casino and reading on my balcony. The weather was pleasant enough to read outside and the ship was moving very slowly. Watched line dance lessons on the pool deck, at lunch time. People were very fun to watch. They were quite good.😊 Eating too much....IMHO. πŸ˜‹
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