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Everything posted by Cruisercl

  1. Took the PEI lighthouse and cellar tour with some new friends from the CC roll call. All wonderfully fun and nice people. 🙂 The tour was ok, I liked the lighthouses the best. PEI is more agricultural than I knew, potatoes are their major crop. Who knew? Charlottetown is a beautiful town. Next time hope to spend more time there. Sailaway was lovely, as always.
  2. A sea day, so it was pretty low key for me. Tried the Grand Cafe for the first time, very good option for AM coffee. It was wonderful to meet fellow CC peeps at the M&G. Thank you to Edi for organizing the meet and for putting together the ice breaker. 😀
  3. Saguenay is a beautiful little town. I did not do an excursion so took a walk about. The greeters and entertainment at the port were very good and fun to watch. Visited the beautiful church, lit a candle and said a prayer. Also visited a couple of shops and bought a few souvenirs. I like to buy chocolate at places I visit to check out the differences. The town was quiet and it looked like some things weren't open because of the holiday. I liked walking about to see the town in general and see how the people live. Rest of the day was usual ship stuff, pretty uneventful and relaxing. 😊
  4. Day 2, in Quebec City I took a ship tour of the city. It toured the UNESCO historical sites of the city. It was very good. Lots of historical military history monuments, buildings and cannons. Also a stop at the Hotel Frontanek (sp). Quite lovely, have not seen it before. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful but did more exploring on this beautiful BHB.
  5. Update to my error....it was a HAL transfer bus at the airport, not NCL. Confusion after a long day, need some wine. Lol.
  6. Hi everyone, I am finally getting to posting here. I arrived in Quebec City last evening at 7pm after a long travel day from MN. I flew Air Canada which I thought was just meh. On the ship by 8pm. My taxi ride was great. Walked right on the ship as there were no other passengers in the terminal at that time, easiest cruise boarding ever!! There was a NCL transfer bus at the airport which looked full. I believe most of them were on my plane. Arrived at the port ahead of the bus, thank goodness. My cabin is great, I have a nice starboard side verandah, deck 8. Room steward so nice when I arrived that late. Went out to explore the ship some, had one glass of wine and it made me pretty tired so I called it a night. Went back to my cabin and the TV wasn't working. Got that fixed this morning. That was my first day. The ship is beautiful! More on my second day later. Take care all! 🙂
  7. Not really rationale IMHO, but this is your opinion....😉
  8. Because a solo cruiser paid twice as much, per person, than you did. A dinner is a small thing to give to a person who is usually paying much, much more (I have only paid 200% when going solo) than you. And not all of us, most actually, get solo cabins, even an inside room costs double. Does that help? 🙂
  9. I would think that the Carnival corporation, which includes several cruise lines, would be able to have one. It would be a good start. IMO. Maybe industry sharing would be in order for passenger safety purposes. Airlines have lists like these.
  10. Just as an FYI... I just was on the Bliss and left about $30 of non-refendable OBC on my bill. They did not allow it for daily gratuities which was allowed for me, previously, on other ships. Had I known I would have spent it, live and learn. I did spend it on room service and stuff bought in the shops. Did not try to buy CruiseNext. Anything else not allowed to be spent on non-refundable OBC? A review would be helpful for those of us not 100% sure. 😎
  11. Thank you so much! Your review is great; you are a talented writer and picture taker/poster. Safe travels. 😊
  12. I have a question, when your cruise was cruising through the 'arms', did you have a naturalist/ranger giving commentary and info about the area etc.? When we were on Princess to Alaska, pre-pandemic, albeit a few years ago there was one speaking and showing us things on the shore etc. It added so much to the cruise! Any help is appreciated! 😎
  13. @BennyBrun, your pictures are great, I could just weep!!! I just got off the Bliss this AM. Very glad to see the weather turned nice for your sailaway. It was cloudy and dreary when we disembarked this morning. Had a great cruise, no complaints, lots of fun. I love the Bliss. I have not been on her before and she is my new favorite ship. A couple of things, the bartenders were told last Thursday, starting Friday they could choose to wear or not wear a mask, their choice. Now, if this is the same on your cruise, IDK. I was told by a bartender that our cruise was 70%full, take that source as you wish. Have a great cruise!!!! 😎
  14. @michael2467 OP, have you ever been on a cruise?
  15. I love the term, flying noisemakers.....that is exactly what they are! Here are some more.
  16. I am thinking that is why it is on your card; usually people have it with them.
  17. IMO, you should keep both. Does your husband normally have a strong voice on your wardrobe and what you wear? They are both very beautiful and very appropriate cruise wear. When I find a style of something I like and fits well I often will buy a couple of them in different colors/patterns. I think this is pretty common with women as clothes don't fit or look the same from designer to designer. All women know what I mean. Keep both and have a great time on your cruise. You will look fabulous! Safe sailing! I forgot to ask, is your husband color blind? It is more prevalent in males. My brother is color blind so that came to mind too.
  18. Not always. The airlines claim to have size restrictions with carry-ons but rarely are they enforced. I imagine they do not want to upset the business traveler; I did business travel and most business travelers do not check bags so often cases are larger and would not qualify to the size restrictions. We have all seen those people. Now with bag fees the tourist traveler does the same thing, I get it. The only time I saw strict bag measuring was in EU, never in the US.
  19. @watson61, I hear ya! I also have had many pretty rude, unprovoked things said to me. I have learned to laugh right at the person. I am sure lots of solo cruisers, especially women have had things said and behaviors that are unbelievable. On a Celebrity cruise, I asked for set dining ( I usually don't); I was at a table of 8. One woman was blantantly rude to me; she did not want me sitting next to her husband because I was probably after him. She said that out loud to me and made him move chairs. He was probably late 80's; she was the kind that was rude to the wait staff and tried to control the table. She reprimanded people all of the time. I did laugh at her which she snarked at too...lol. I left after 3 nights. Another time, she walked up to me and started reprimanding me when I was getting food at the buffet.....I told her to leave me alone or I will call security. It would probably be great entertainment if there was a thread so people could share their solo experiences with rude people. Stay safe all.
  20. Kindness goes both ways. We all bought a ticket and are entitled to the onboard luggae space equally. The entitlement by the 'have to put my case in the bin' person is not kind.
  21. Is that the artwork on the wall of any cabin? Not really my taste, but oh well.
  22. The Bliss PC cruise, February 25, 2023, is also gone from the website and the listing is missing information in my Cruises booked summary. Did not call NCL. I plan to wait until sometrime this week to check..
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