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Host Hattie

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Everything posted by Host Hattie

  1. Our previous calls to Liverpool on QM2 have been starboard side to the quay but I believe she is going to be out in the river so may turn round. Looking at the Cruise Liverpool site it seems about 50/50 for other ships.
  2. On the day it seems!
  3. I don't understand this comment, 15% is added to non package drinks as well.
  4. Thank you, here's a link Queen Anne Review
  5. That was why I asked, I wondered if this line meant if you called and asked for a refund they would give one. "Should you wish to discuss your booking, please call our Customer Contact Centre who would be happy to help."
  6. A roll call poster has been offered a refund.
  7. Did they offer the opportunity to cancel for a refund?
  8. I've moved the more general UK cruise v Road trip discussion to a new thread
  9. @delgirl your post has been moved to the Celebrity board
  10. Unfortunately weather related cancellations are always going to last minute.
  11. The review section can be rather scary ...
  12. That sounds more hopeful, please let us know if/when it arrives. I hope this snag hasn't put you off Cunard too much.
  13. Oh dear, good luck for today everyone. I hope you don't get too wet !
  14. I'm not surprised, have you tried this email address executive.correspondence@carnivalukgroup.com ?
  15. Sounds amazing, did they give you any indication of how often they do this?
  16. Lovely photos, thank you for posting. It's good to see blue skies!
  17. Thank you for your very helpful and thorough review. It's here - Queen Anne Review
  18. This is Cunard’s own advertising, I think the copa shape is supposed to help the aromatics.
  19. I'm not sure where you are based but the Copa G&T glasses are widely used on this side of the Atlantic.
  20. There are plenty of negative comments on these boards but comments which do not comply with our guidelines will be removed.
  21. You could ask on the roll call here
  22. Do you have a cabin number assigned? Usually that message only appears when no cabin number is allocated.
  23. Thanks for your report @Ditchcrawler, it's good to hear from you after the pre-cruise drama.
  24. I'm afraid nobody here has that information. The simplest thing to do is to leave the Hotel and Dining Charge in place then there's nothing to think about.
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