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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. I do not know which one you are referring tooo?? And. I will check to see if any of them are. I won’t be home to late. I’ll ask the spouse.
  2. We are so used to getting our emails sent to wrong address. So by now I was wondering if our letter from concierge was sent to wrong address. Yup as usual Often we hear sender does not put enough “s’s” in my email or puts to many. Anyway. The letter has landed. Starting to get really real. Be safe.
  3. Next year- The 13th grade. Many a tear shed at first as they leave the nest. Took awhile but then …….a new stage of life for us. But then the family closeness becomes so much stronger even though I never thought it could be more than what we already share - when they return home on breaks. 💕
  4. 4 more days. Today I will be driving home from Bowling Green Ohio and will be busy cleaning and getting the house ready. Every Monday thru Wednesday I help my daughter and her husband. ( Babysit for my granddaughter). Just praying the weather cooperates. I hope all are safe. Take care.
  5. We stopped bidding on royal ups. Now mind you we booked this cruise well over a year ago and GS were half the current price then. Not many options left open above us. And yes, buckeyes are a PIA for me to make. I’d rather roll kolachi dough and make than deal with those darn buckeyes. And I agree. It’s the PENN state curse. later.
  6. 5 days But Paying tribute to one of the best -talented - Musicians, that I have had the honor of seeing live in concert. James William Buffett AKA Jimmy Buffett 12-25-1946——-9-1-2023. (Picture copied from FB) 💕
  7. Thank you for the update. Hope he feels better. Thanks again for posting live. Really enjoyed looking forward to it Take care.
  8. Good afternoon. Now that the suitcases are packed and the 2 carryons have room left and the checked baggage both weigh less than 60 pounds it’s time to look at the daily planner. WELL HOLD YOUR HORSES. SHUT THE DOOR DROP THE MIKE Looking back we have sailed RCI many a time over the years and low and behold this is the first time I have ever seen a “FREE” offering multiple times a day and every day of the cruise. RCI, are you becoming generous in your older age? Curious about this offering. I would rather have but not limited to the return of Items that used to be available/present, which are now only a memory. To name a few: -chocolate on pillows -RCI ink pen in cabin -real soap, shampoo and hair conditioner in cabin -automatically find printed cruise compass in cabin -lobster tails the size of lobster tails -onion dinner rolls -shot glass with “shot of the day in MDR” -the original quest -a CD that interacts with guests -the original drink glass (glass) of the day. -getting RCI C & A towels free for loyalty. not the mini travel bag given on every cruise, because they say they ran out of them. -midnight buffet. -Tux rental -Paper notices of events sent to cabins instead of just in APP. -Not having your MDR first seating spot removed because you’re in a suite and you have CK. But we have friends not in a suite and we want to dine in MDR with them. (The response of going to WJ if you want to dine with friends) was really uncalled for. I know I’m silly. Not like I’m going to go to guest services and remove my gratuities because these are no longer in existence. Besides, I’m usually too busy running down poolside with my towels before dawn to save my loungers so I don’t have to look for a spot after lunch. It seems pool chairs are a “HOT” commodity. However. I can only imagine what next, well shall we say ….going…..going….gone! I hear by undertake the challenge of acquiring these tokens. Let the collection begin on embarkation!! That being —— to collect and proudly wear on my forearm RCI jewelry. I wonder how cheap they are??? Pictures will follow as I proudly display these. Next job at hand— To see what we want to sea in the cruise planner. Later. I heard there is much more to do than go to the casino every night. Hmmmmm Really. Be safe.
  9. Now mind you this was last summer when we used RCI transfer from Bush to Galveston. We flew in a day ahead of time. Stayed at a Hampton for the night. Went back to Bush to catch the first shuttle. The Allure had some issues with docking and disembarking of previous sailing delayed. 1 1/2 hours later our bus arrived. In the waiting area were also those waiting for second bus which would have been their time ——but ours that finally got there. Well. Talk about people getting very upset and being rude demanding getting on the first bus “ours”. RCI kept it for those who booked and were reserved on first time. When we were seated on the bus the getting ready to leave over the drivers audio we heard that the second bus was leaving port. So those people waiting for the second time slot had another 50 min wait. Next time staying in Galveston. When you arrive at port they ask that all stay seated till they remove all your luggage from the cargo hold and then you can leave. Of course two ladies (the last arrivals to get on and we’re seated in back) did not think rules applied to them. They walked and got off as the bus driver was giving his talk about waiting and getting luggage. Be safe.
  10. Good morning. 6 days. And a safe Labor Day to all. On today’s agenda making nut Kolachi. The recipe is from circa 1950’s. It was my moms. Catch you later
  11. I followed this recipe and was very pleased with results. The traditional way was a PIA. They are $10 a dozen, probably because they are a PIA to make. Cheaper to make. Good luck.
  12. Here I stated minimal dialogue and I’m yipping away. Updates. Today we were supposed to pack. Yup. Today we were supposed to pack. Oh I said that already. Well we didn’t. But. I was not happy with the buckeyes so I made buckeye flat treats. Aka Reese’s cups. Very happy with results. I can probably salvage about 4 dozen of the buckeyes so all was not wasted. Since I had to make the buckeye copy cats the spouse decided to mow. No packing today. But barring any detours. Packing tomorrow. It will get done. Be safe.
  13. Me again. You know how sometimes you hit a “ Bump in the road”, unexpectedly that changed all your plans? Yup. Our day. Well the spouse hit a bump in the eye. Let me explain. So Mr. Rick by no choice of his woke up with a stye affecting his right eye. Now, you don’t want to see his frustrated sad face so here is a picture of what a stye looks like. Always something before vacation. So off to Ready Care at 11am. Well it must be a day of medical concerns, he was 14th in line. It is now 1:23 pm and just getting seen. Now since this is a ready care, unless your in acute distress, your turn is determined by the order you came in. So the facility can treat those with acute issues first or send them off to the hospital. So antibiotics and ointment Later
  14. Good morning. 7 days till we cruise. I have been up since 3:38 am. Why? Yes. For whatever reason Miss Lizzy decided to try to give my hand a “licking”. Guess she thought i needed my hands washed. Now I had 2 choices. Plan A. Give Lizzy a flying lesson. Nope, not going to happen. She’s to cute. Plan B. Get out of the comfy bed. So I am up and Lizzy decides to lay on her bed and go back to sleep. I thought about starting my dough to make my nut kolachi, however the kitchen aid mixer is way too ((((LOUD))). And do not want to wake the Rickster. I’ll let Lizzy do it. So time to watch FOX news and see what supposedly is happening. More later.
  15. I’m glad you took a picture of it for comparison day by day. Whatever the bite was it really is red around it. Our daughter was bitten by a recluse spider and it became red (we went to ready care) she was on antibiotics for a month. then went black and sloughed off. If it were me I would bite the bullet and go to the on board doctor. Might need antibiotics. I know it is $$$&. But…… If still like that tomorrow. Go to ready care. Best of luck.
  16. Nope. Never cruised out of here. Probably never will. Heard many a story of rough seas. Avoid the potential for massive recycling of human food. Aka barf bags on these sailings. But for those who do. Enjoy.
  17. Well. Tonight was a total failure. I have once again attempted to make the peanut/chocolate treat called Buckeyes. Being of Slovak/Polish descent and a traditional kolachi, pierroghi baker let’s just say it’s not gonna happen. or A graduate of Pennsylvania State University and not O - H - I - O —was bad omen. I did make them and they don’t really look pretty and the chocolate coating over peanut butter—- lets just say use your imagination. But better yet, here’s what frustration looks like. I have to clean them up. Then freeze. Then I decided to make church windows. Talk about —-what was I thinking. This is what they are supposed to look like. There chillin now. In 79 min I will know if they go in the freezer or in the trash can. I need a drink. Diet Coke zero free —- on the rocks sounds about right. OH. I DID NOT TELL YOU THE BEST OF THE BEST PART !!!!’ Well my husband Rick The spouse The love of my life. (Anyone who can put up with me for 33 years and 21 days deserves an EZ pass into heaven). Sue’s husband ( he hates that title) ARE YOU READY. Asked me if I was going to post live from this vacation. My response ——— I go Rick. Honey Spouse There are currently 4 CC members posting live and doing an awesome job. I don’t know which one to go to first to read. Who is going to want to read another Freedom cruise thread after one was just done last week. I could never compare, to that sharing of pictures and dialogue. Besides, with all the newer ships out there , it would be hard to find interesting facts. Well, I didn’t say I wasn’t. But also did not admit it. Let’s just say. No harm. No foul. What he does not know. Won’t wig him out. Besides it’s football season. He will be too busy watching the porpoises (Dolphins) lose. ( hee-hee). Okay. Sea you later. I just got asked by the Mister if I wanted to watch a movie. I go no. Looking up recipes. He goes that’s a lot of typing to just be looking. I go I’m taking notes. See that’s why I did not share this thread. I’m going to hell for lying. Anyway. Later Sea you.
  18. Ironing. Yup. Once a week at least. -Shirts -Pants ( long dress and shorts) Someone, not mentioning any names (Rick) has to have his cargo pants and shorts pressed, all those goofy pockets do not dry right. -Table clothes. -Seasonal curtains -seasonal bed linen Never ending. My mom laid the guilt on me. and no I DO NOT iron pillow cases. Be safe.
  19. Eight days till we cruise. Today I finish ironing and organizing all my clothes and personal items to pack tomorrow. You would think with all the cruises we have taken we would reduce and take less, but it always seems we throw stuff in the suitcases “ just in case”. The weather here in northeastern Ohio has been challenging. Bad storms yesterday with many branches down. But I was able to see a beautiful rainbow as we were meeting friends at a local restaurant. That made me look at the forecast for FLL and so far it looks overall dry and calm for our arrival and sail away. Now that being said —-In addition to getting ready to cruise I have been baking for our friends daughters wedding. So far have baked Chocolate chip bars Almond kiss cookies Chocolate Bark Almond sugar cookies No picture but lady lock dream cookies. Today making 10 dozen buckeyes. When all is said and down I will have about 90 dozen to plate and create cookie table. Sunday and Monday I will be baking more; M & M cookies Melt aways Nut kolachi Apricot Kolachi Nut Kieffels I can safely wrap and freeze these for 3 weeks. When I get home on Sunday after the cruise I will have a turn around day and leave for Bowling Green to babysit and come home Wednesday night. This only leaves Thursday to finish baking. Ok. Gotta get this day going. Take care.
  20. @A&L_Ont Have a great safe trip. Happy Belated Anniversary. Eagerly following your thread. Take care.
  21. Good morning and; HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Today has two meanings for us. First and foremost—- Yes, 9 days till we cruise. However today as I recall in my memories was our—— “Gotcha” day for Miss Lizzy. She started out as a timid, leave me alone kitten ———— To a bonding Velcro, never leaving your side pretty kitty. Her favorite pastime is seeing what she can get away with. 1. Clawing furniture even with scratching post conveniently located and with weekly pedicures to help alleviate the length of clawing. 2. Rearranging curtains to get a better view out windows. 3. Putting her toys as trophies on my pillow. 4. Swatting your foot as she sneaks out from underneath furniture to attack you. 5. Setting off the home security system. so when we are away she plays behind closed doors in her bedroom. We are on a first name basis with all of our local members of police department, even with the department having their issues. This is why we have a house sitter stay at the house when we are gone. This way pretty kitty attacks them and can bond with them 24/7. 6. Sitting on the kitchen table to get a better view of what you are cooking. But other than that we have been reading about the upgrades and changes on the Freedom since the last time we sailed. 1. Water slides. 2. Lime and coconut bar scene on pool deck 3. Water zone splash pad. 4. Play Makers. 5. Running track. Modified due to additional cabins. Gotta check this out. 6. Trying to find out if they got rid of cigar lounge????? That was always an area to avoid. 7. Also if the still permit guest on front helipad deck for sail away. 8. The sectioned off pool chairs for suites, is it still there. Never used. Too hot there. These to mention a few. Be safe.
  22. That is probably the answer to why the difference although minimal in the length of the ship. Thanks for sharing. The site I was reading just printed 1112. Not the 1111.94. I wonder if there is another length discrepancy. Take care.
  23. 10 days and counting. I had found a magnetic alphabet board at Walmart which included numbers to help Miss ZZZZZOEY learn her letters. So I thought I would share a picture similar to what I have. So before our vacations I like to do research and find out as much as I can about our travels. Even though we have cruised mookooo times. One thing interesting about the Freedom of the Seas is conflicting information about its original sailing. One site lists May 11, 2006 Another site list June 6, 2006. Now depending on the definition of “First” it could either be a Maiden voyage. Vs. first sailing. I must be reading into it way to much. Finally. Miss Freedom is the only ship in the history of RCI named ships to have a unique length. In feet 1,111. The two other Freedom class ships: Briefly compared here— Both Independence of the Seas and Liberty of the Seas have the same length yet different from the length of the Freedom of the Seas. So I guess when the building site was constructing Freedom of the Seas someone ( not mentioning any names) might have made an oopsy and read the plans a tad differently. Or Better yet, after they built Freedom of the Seas the realized future ships in this class needed more room so they were made BIGGER and added footage. Yup 1,112 feet for the two subsequent ships. A whole foot. Take care.
  24. If anyone is bored —- I started a thread that has begun with pre-cruise information and will go onto our travels on the Freedom. After seeing the thread about the Freedom sailing last week I figured what the heck. He did a fun great job and I thoroughly enjoyed his post. Be safe.
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