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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Jacqui, sounds like you didn’t luck out in the Butler category. To be honest anyone that we have had has never offered to unpack/pack. You have to request it. We never do. Some Butlers are wonderful. Others are not so. We have had some that anticipate our needs and will go over and above. One instance was when we had Covid. While the Butler was not allowed in our room, he was always available for anything we needed. Whenever we have requested meals in our cabin they have been served course by course, wine poured, etc. i just think you got the wrong Butler. I find that if you let them know what you want and need, they go out of their way to make it happen. I even had one fix my shoes for me. Sorry your experience wasn’t great. Terri
  2. I usually follow rules since in my prior life I was a rule maker and appreciated when others followed the rules I made. However, in this instance I am inclined to agree with you. When O doesn’t enforce the rules they make, why should this one rule of not entering the cabin prior to being told to do so be enforced? Just asking. Not planning on breaking the rules.
  3. i tried to post something on my roll call. After three attempts it finally posted. Of course I got the puzzle as well (three times). At first I thought CC was not allowing my post, which was quite ordinary, but then found it wasn’t submitted. i know that that I did. Tried again, same thing. Third time’s a charm. Go figure! Terri
  4. I posted on my roll call first this morning and had to prove nothing. When I came over here to post I had to prove I was a human. Interesting. Terri
  5. Good morning. Happy New Year’s Eve. We plan a quiet day and evening. Have champagne on ice and bought some steaks for dinner. Thank you to Jacqui @kazu for the Daily and Fleet Report. You are doing a great job taking over for Rich. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV, who, in spite of your own health problems, keeps track of everyone’s cares as well as their celebrations and cruises, Kudos to you. i hope you have some relief soon from your leg pain. Thank you to Tina @0106 for taking care of our nuitrition needs as Debbie recuperates Thank you to Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope in the Beverage Department. You all do a wonderful job all year with your dedication to this thread. Thank you to Graham @grapau27 for Father David’s sermon and for the explanation of the days we celebrate. Always a welcome addition. Not much to report today. Got my end of year finances in order yesterday. Today i plan to take it easy. I always find that I have so much to do. Today i am going to ignore it all. Have to make breakfast now and then watch Mass online. More later. God Bless. Terri
  6. Good morning. It is a cool 50 degrees in Bluffton. Not getting much warmer. I have a few last minute things to do financially to close out the year, but not a lot. Wont be eating bacon. My resolution for the New Year is to take each day as it comes and to appreciate what we have and each other. Time is short and we do not know what tomorrow brings. We had a tough year dealing with a house that needed repair from a flood. Living hither and yon, and watching the toll it took on DH. It all came at great expense, physically, emotionally and financially. I am doing my best to keep things on an even keel as much as I can and carry that through in the New Year. Thank you to Jacqui, Vanessa, Tina, Ann and Dixie for all that you do to keep this thread going. What would we do without all of you! Thank you to Graham for your explanations of today’s celebrations. Thank you to Sandi for the wonderful pictures of Antarctica. @dfish Debbie, I am so pleased that you are doing well after your surgery. Prayers that the recovery continues to be smooth. @rafinmd Roy, glad no further intervention is needed. I too, have Federal BC/BS and very grateful for the wonderful coverage it provides. @Seasick Sailor glad you are enjoying your cruise and having some peace and quiet now. @smitty34877 Hope things are under control with your family memebers’ help and that the aide soon returns. As for me, I need to go to the butcher. DH wants steak tomorrow night for New Years Eve and then to the supermarket. Then will finish up with whatever else I need to do. It will be a quiet NYE. We may stay up and watch the ball drop in Times Square. We have reservations for dinner on New Years Day at a local seafood restaurant. Those are our big plans for the weekend. Have a good day. God Bless, Terri
  7. @dfish Debbie, I am so glad the surgery well. Glad you're able to relax and just recuperate. @JazzyVThanks for your well wishes. Terri
  8. Good morning to all. Thank you Jacqui @kazu for the Fleet Report and Daily. And thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration list. Thank you to Tina @0106 for filling in for Debbie and thanks to Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope in the beverage department. Thanks also to Graham @grapau27 for his explanation of todays days to celebrate. Vanessa, I hope you are feeling a tad better today. Debbie @dfish prayers for you and your medical team, that all goes well today and that you are home and recuperating in jig time. Prayers also for Roy @rafinmd you begin your.radiation treatments. @seagarsmoker — hope you get over the flu soon and are up and at em real soon. @smitty34877 Terry and Tana, you are always in my prayers and you deal with day to day challenges. And always prayers for Baby Murphy and her family. Cheers for those preparing for a cruise and those cruising. How exciting to be going on the Grand Australia. I would love to do that one. DH has no interest in going there. Oh well! Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for your commentaries on Antarctica. They are so interesting and so well done. Another place we had to miss. We don’t have much planned for today. It will be “Tick Tock” Day. Do everything that we need to do to finish up the year. I hope everyone has a great day and as always, God Bless, Terri
  9. Except for the one under the sink, the others are very small and shallow. Terri
  10. Just a quick update. I heard from my Doc. He wants me to continue on the same dosage for the time being and see if the pain reduces on its own. I have to go the Mayo Clinic for sugery for removal of two cancerous lesions on each leg. At that time I will get another blood test and he will re evaluate whether to adjust the medication. @dfish Debbie. All the best for tomorrow. 🙏 Terri
  11. You should be worried. We were in a Concierge Cabin this past November and found it a challenge to store our things. We usually book a Penthouse and have plenty of room. However this time we booked at the last minute and we got what was left over. You are right. The drawers in the desk are shallow and there are only three. We did find that there were plenty of hangers in the closet and hung up most of our clothes. This worked out well. Our next cruise is in a Penthouse. Good luck. Terri
  12. Bruce, I would be more than happy to follow along. It should be a wonderful adventure. Looking forward to reading all about it. Terri
  13. Good morning to all. Thank you @kazu Jacqui for stepping up and taking care of the FR/Daily in Rich’s absence. Thank you to @JazzyV Vanessa for your dedication to the Cares and Celebrations list in spite of your pain. You are in my daily prayers and I hope you get some relief soon. (By the way, please remove me from the list) Thank you to Tina, @0106 for filling in for Debbie during her surgery, and to Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope so that we all are fed and hydrated each day. Debbie @dfish Prayers that your surgery is successful and you have an easy recuperation. Prayers always for @smitty34877 Terry and Tana, as you try to keep things going. Know that we all realize it is not easy. Thank you @StLouisCruisers for the beautiful photos of Dubrovnik. Brings back fondest memories of being there at least twice. I really enjoyed your Antarctica photos and commentary. That is a cruise we had to cancel. We were just about to board the Prinsendam in 2015 when we got a call from the caregiver that DBIL was going to the hospital. We managed to retrieve our luggage, get in the car and drive home like bats out of hell. Never was able to take that trip. Thank you Graham @grapau27 for your explanation of the feast of the Holy Innocents. When we lived in New York, DBIL used to attend a Church Program called The Holy Innocents Guild on Saturday mornings. It was for Special Needs Children and Adults and prepared them to receive the sacraments in the Church. They also had some recreational activities and trips. DBIL loved going to it. The program was actually started by my DFIL. These Special Need people are truly the Holy Innocents of modern times. Last night I finally got a full night’s sleep. I still woke up feeling stiff, but it is starting to ease up now. I suspect I will hear from he Doctor today. I had to figure that he just got back from vacation and probably had a full schedule. He always gets back to me so I am sure he will. Cheers to all who are celebrating and cruising. It looks like another gloomy day here, however sunshine and a high of 52 is predicted. We shall see. Today is dedicated to inside activities. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  14. Good evening to all. I am late to the party again. Today i had to drive Jim to the Podiatrist and then we needed to make two stops, first for gas and then at Publix. By that time I was tired. I am still not sleeping well and when I finally get to sleep, I wake up with a lot of pain in my shoulders, arms, hips and thighs. I did send a message to the Doc but have not yet received a reply. Maybe tomorrow. Hope every one had a great day. God Bless, Terri
  15. Good morning from another rainy day in the LowCountry of South Carolina. Thank you to Jacqui @kazu for taking over for Rich. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the cares and celebrations lists. I hope you are feeling even a bit better and that you had a good time with your BFF. Thank you to our F&B ladies. I will pass on the food and drink today. We have leftovers from our Fresh Market dinner and that is what we will enjoy again today. While my throat is a bit better, the PMR flare-up is getting worse. I needed help to get out of bed this morning since my arms would not let me push myself up. I am doing everything I am supposed to do, taking my meds, etc. Nothing seems to be working. I have to message the Doc today. I know that he will tell me to up the dosage, but I need to hear it from him. I am hoping that I get an earlier appointment with the Rheumatologist. I am not sure about the quote. @StLouisCruisers thank you for the photos of Cartagena. They are very close to the photos I have. We must have been on a similar tour. Roy @rafinmd i hope that your treatment today takes care of the problem and it is one and done. Prayers for you. Prayers for all on the cares list. A shoutout to all celebrating and preparing to cruise. And for those presently cruising, enjoy every minute. Have a good day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  16. The one in my room did not. Not all dryers are the same. On the Marina, the first one I had almost caused a fire so they gave me a brand new one. Terri
  17. I use a Dyson at home. I do not bring it with me when I cruise for the obvious reasons of weight. Do I miss it? Yes. I was on the Marina for 32 days in the Spring and found that the Hair Dryer that was supplied (brand new) was quite good. The one I had on the Vista in November was just “so-so”. It would still not be a reason to bring my own.
  18. Good morning. I am feeling slightly better in that my digestive problems are over. However, the sore throat, etc. remain. However I will still make Christmas Dinner for DH and myself. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.
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