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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good evening. Sorry I am so late. Today turned out to be a busy day. We decided to go to Savannah to the flooring store to select the type of flooring we wanted. Everyone has been suggesting Luxury Vinyl Plank throughout the house. I was all for it until I saw it. We had wall to wall carpeting until the flood. Now most of it is gone and the parts that were not affected will be pulled up. I was disappointed with LVP because it lacks luster. I had been thinking about changing to wood, and like that look. With the introduction of LVP and its popularity, i was considering it. Upon seeing it I am not impressed. We did see some Waterproof Hybrid Wood flooring, which has some luster and much nicer. We decided on that. I don’t know if we made the right choice, but we like it better. Here’s a picture of what we chose.
  2. Well, greetings from Bluffton. As i sit in my kitchen, one of the unaffected rooms, and ponder what is next. There is a water extractor in the bathroom to dry out the wall behind where the tub was,. Part of the shower is dismantled. Jim and I signed the contract and we put it in the mail with the check for $500. So I guess we can say we have made some progress. We still do not have an estimate from the contractor. We will get that in time. I put away all my jewelry under lock and key. So I think I am finished for the day. We will head to Sherwin Williams to look at paint. Then if we feel strong enough, we may go to Savannah to look at flooring. But it is already after 1:30. It will take 45 minutes to get to Savannah, at least an hour in the store and then we have to drive almost two hours back to the condo. On second thought, we will not do the flooring today. So that is my update for today. Take care everyone, Terri
  3. @*Miss G* My condolences on the passing of your DFIL. I hope you get your flight situation taken care of. God Bless, Terri
  4. I forgot to mention special prayers for those in the path of Hurricane Fiona. That includes @kazuI hope you do not sustain any damage. Prayers for the people of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic as they start their clean up from the devastation they have suffered. Terri
  5. Good morning all, Just checking in before we make our daily trek to our house to see what new surprises await us. We did get a preliminary contract from the Contractor last night with a request for a small deposit. This is so he can negotiate with the insurance company on our behalf to get more money from them ads he feels that the estimate from the adjuster is inaccurate. Since we are going to be away the first two weeks in October, he would be able to communicate with the insurance company. Last night, for the first time in a long time, I slept through the night. I finally feel somewhat rested. However, my hip is still hurting as a result of the tumble I took last week. Thank you, Rich, for the Daily and the Fleet Report. I welcome the first day of Autumn. The days are interesting, especially International Business Womens Day. I salute all that women have been able to achieve in the Buesiness World. I will take a pass on the food and beverage offerings today. I have been to Alaska but not to Anchorage. Prayers for all that are suffering and are in need of our prayers. Cheers to those celebrating. Thank you all for all your support and prayers as we go through this time of exile from our home. Every day when I get there, the tears just well up as I look at the devastation that the water damage has caused. I am grateful that we have a place to stay and the resources to get the damage repaired and hopefully, one day soon, have our home back. Have a good day everyone and stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  6. Good evening. Thank you to Rich for the Fleet Report and the Daily. I like the quote from John Lennon as well as the days. I must admit that it has been years since I played Mini Golf.. However I am a champion of International Peace and World Gratitude. I will take a pass on the wine, drink and meal. We have been reduced to take out. When we get back to the condo I am usually too tired to cook. This afternoon, before we left Bluffton, I stopped at the local butcher, where they prepare take out food and bought things that I just have to warm up. Very easy. And there’s a bottle of wine in the fridge. Prayers for all that need them. @*Miss G* I hope your DH makes it in time to his father and I pray that your father is doing okay. Hope you get to go on your trip. @dfish Debbie, I am sorry your deal may have fallen through. Who knows, you may find your dream house. Sorry about the faucet. I hope the inspector doesn’t report it as broken. @smitty34877Terry, you have wonderful neighbors to be helping you with Tana. You do need to step back and let the aide do most of the work. @aliaschiefthat salad looks delicious, but the way I feel, it is just too much work. Prayers for all those who need them and that I did not mention. And cheers to those celebrating and cruising. As for us, we had to get up at 6:30 am, have breakfast, get washed and dressed, and do an hour’s drive to get to our house in time to meet the plumber at about 9 am. That is earlier than anytime I want to do anything. That is like going to work. Two young men showed up and their orders did not agree with what I was told was going to happen. I was not able to get in contact with Service Master so we wasted a lot of time. Finally the tub came out in pieces and shower head but not the shower stall. They did not haul the tub away. They just left it in the middle of the bathroom. Thank you very much. I also learned that I will not get a contract soon, because the water mitigation is not yet finished. So it is impossible to prepare an estimate. So the waiting is about to begin. I have a feeling that this is going to take a long time. We were going to go and look at paint colors today, but were so tired that after going to the butcher we went right back to the condo. Now I am sitting with my feet up and just resting for a while. Jim and I appreciate all your support and prayers. Have a great evening and stay safe, God Bless, Terri
  7. Good evening; I am making this short and sweet. It was a long and tiring day. Finally the house is all packed up. It is down to the bare bones. i had to take care of the stuff that we did not want to go to the warehouse (storage). I did find out that Service Master has a service to help us put Humpty Dumpty back together again. I am not sure if our insurance pays for it. I was not able to get in touch with our adjuster today, but will find out. If it is not covered, we will pay for it. Otherwise we will be staring at those boxes for the rest of our lives. i am just exhausted. But it is done. Tomorrow the tub and the shower comes out and then we wait. We need to select flooring and tiles. Also vanity and a reconfigured bathroom. Also go to Sherwin Williams for paint. My hip is still hurting but is getting better. And with that, I am going to say Good Night. Thank you all for your prayers and support, Take care and God Bless, Terri
  8. If there is an update, then they had better update this section as well,. I copied this last night from the O website, so it is there. The section you quote does not in any way say that they will not reimburse for the days you are quarantined. i would still try for the refund or FCC. Let them say no. The insurance will not pay because they will say that you were allowed to stay on board and had a place to sleep and had your meals. They will only reimburse for private tours not reimbursed. Terri
  9. Oh Debbie, as one going through a water problem right now, I am sorry for your problems. I hope it can be remedied quickly without much repair. You are in my prayers. Terri
  10. Good morning to all. My condolences to the people of the UK, especially Graham @grapau27 and Pauline on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Watching the funeral, although I awoke later than I wanted. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and the Fleet Report. I am always happy to see it. And thank you to Roy for the Cares and Ceebration List. Thank you especially for keeping DH and I on the cares list as we go through the heartbreak of seeing our home torn apart. @dfishThank you for the receipts. Congratulations on your pending sale of your home and hope the purchase of the new home goes smoothly without too many more requests from the present owner. Prayers for all who are ill and suffering. And Cheers to those celebrating, especially @mamaofamion the celebration of your 63rd Anniversary. Nice collection of days, I like the drink, and the wine. Think i will pass on the meal. I like the quote. Today we will go down to our house. I will try to get some more things in order. I am not sure if anyone from Service Master will be there. We are waiting on a Plumber to disconnect the Bathtub and Shower so that the demolition can move on. We are try to go at an easier pace. This is going to happen whether we get upset or stay calm. Whether we watch every move they make or let them work. Better I don’t let my blood pressure rise. I hope all have a good day. Stay safe and God Bless, Terri
  11. You are not automatically going to get the reimbursement. You have to ask for it. It is still in effect. If you go to the Oceania website and under the FAQ look under Onboard and then Health Considerations. The first question deals with getting Covid on board the ship and that you will get a pro rated reimbursement for the days you were quarantined on the ship. Here is the quote: Terri IF I TEST POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 DURING A CRUISE AND HAVE TO QUARANTINE, WILL I RECEIVE A FULL REFUND? Updated July 25, 2022 Guests who test positive for COVID-19 during their cruise and are required to quarantine will receive a pro-rated cash refund or a pro-rated Future Cruise Credit. If a guest followed all of the cruise line’s health and safety protocols, the Cruise Line will coordinate necessary onboard COVID-19 related medical treatment, required land-based quarantine and travel arrangements to get the guest safely back to their home. Complimentary onboard medical consultations and treatments are provided for COVID-19 related illnesses as well as dedicated isolation accommodations should the need arise. The cruise line will cover all costs incurred for shoreside treatment, quarantine, and transportation that are not covered by the guests’ travel insurance or should a claim be denied. We will also cover the same costs, that are not covered by the guests’ travel insurance or should a claim be denied, for identified close contacts if they are required to quarantine on board or are removed or denied re-boarding due to being in close contact to a guest who tests positive. All refund requests must be made within 90 days of the date they canceled their voyage or the scheduled embarkation date, whichever is earlier, or they will be entitled to a Future Cruise Credit for the amount specified. To apply for a refund guests should contact Guest Relations.
  12. Good evening all. I didn’t expect to be so late in posting tonight but things just got ahead of me. For a change we did not drive to our home today. We just stayed and rested. We needed that so badly. I caught up on some phone calls I had to make and other things I needed to do. i was glad not to do the hour drive each way. And then it is so depressing to see our house in such disarray and not to be able to do anything about it. We shall see what tomorrow brings. Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet report. I like the days. I am a big fan of cheeseburgers but must admit that I don’t eat them often. I had one the other night when we did not feel like cooking so we ate out before coming back to the condo. I appreciate my women friends and recently lost my dearest friend. I know that DH appreciates me and that means the world to me. The quote is not one that I actually care for. I like the meal and the drink. Not sure of the wine. Have been to Livorno a number of times and always have spent the day in Florence, I will not post any photos since at this point I am not really sure if I can. We have a busy week ahead of us. We are awaiting an estimate from the contractor along with the contract to sign so that the work can get started on the house. I really hope we are not going to have a contractor-insurance war. We are also waiting for the plumber to come this week to disconnect the garden tub and shower so that they can be removed from the master bath. All this is so heartbreaking. I really appreciate all your support and prayers. It makes a difference. Take care everyone, stay safe and God Bless, Terri
  13. My husband and I contracted COVID while sailing on the Nautica in April/May this year. We were isolated on board for 6 days. When we returned home my travel agent contacted Oceania Guest Services and asked for a refund for the days we were quarantined on board. Within two weeks we had the full amount for each day we were quarantined credited back to our credit card. They did ask for proof of negative tests prior to boarding and also positive tests while on board. Hope this helps. Terri
  14. Good evening all, We are back from our day at our house. Every time I walk in I feel sad. I did manage to get some things packed up so I made some progress. Jim came with me today and helped me. We also realized that while the condo that we are staying in is very nice and comfortable, it is also 55 miles from our home and all the services that we need (doctors, bank, and other appointments, etc.). it is a long drive and it is exhausting us. So we made a decision. I spoke to the very nice neighbor who offered it to us, and to the insurance rep. Everyone was very nice and understanding. So we have decided to find something closer to our home. We found an Airbnb on Hilton Head, which is about a 20 minute ride away. The insurance agent agreed on the price and our neighbor was very gracious. She even told me that her husband would repair our mailbox, which was damaged about two weeks ago. So we are good. I also found out that the check we received was to get some money to us and does not represent the final estimate. That was also good news. We have to take all the good news we can get. We don’t expect any work to start on the house until mid October, so we have decided to take our anniversary vacation as planned in Barbados at the Coral Reef Club. We will be going for the first two weeks in October. I think we both need the rest. On our return we will go to the new living arrangement on Hilton Head. Today I felt that there was a ray of hope. Tomorrow my cousin is coming. She does interior decorating on the side. She is going to give us some pointers on redecorating our better than new home when it is finally finished. I hope everyone had a great day. God Bless, Terri
  15. Yes, I did. It was right where I left it. Brought it back to the condo where it is safe. Thanks. Terri
  16. Good morning. Just checking in quickly before breakfast. Again thank you for all your support and prayers. @dfishDebbie, Congratulations on your house being under contract. Hope the sale goes smoothly. Have to get ready to head out. Will post more later. Have a great day. Terri
  17. Good afternoon everyone. It is amazing that I actually have time for a second post today. I went over to our house. Jim did not come with me. He was exhausted and just wanted to rest. I was okay with that but a bit frightened. I feel the house is a hazard and am so afraid of falling again. No one from the water mitigation team showed up so I was all alone. I dismantled all the things from the bathroom. I washed all the show towels and the pretty curtain on the block window and put them away for safe keeping. Took all the pretty shell, etc and put them in a box. The surprise was the report from the insurance company with the amount of first check based on the adjuster’s report. The piddling amount was pitiful. I called the contractor who told me not to cash it and he would be in touch with the desk adjuster and copy me with all communication. i don’t understand how a check could be issued when the demolition work hasn’t been finished. I am very tired. The drive was very long today with lots of traffic. I think we have to find another place closer to home. i just can’t do this on a daily basis. I hope everyone had a great day. Take care and stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  18. Good morning all, Happy Thursday. Just a short note before we head back to our house. I want to get all the stuff away from the tub before the demolition crew shows up. They really work fast. I have some pretty shells on the window sill and a small vase with gold leafs. The ledge has some toiletries on it. If they get there first and remove the stuff, i will never find them. Good collection of days. I don’t think I have the wherewithal to make a hat. Greenpeace is important. Hats off to caregivers. Having done that for many years, I know all that it entails. @smitty34877 are you listening? We salute you. I will pass on the meals and wine and drinks. We eat what is available these days. As for the destination, we will be in Belize in December but at Harvest Caye, not Belize City. I like the quote. Not much else to say right now. Try to post later if I can. I am still sore from the fall. Have a great day everyone. God Bless,. Terri
  19. Good Afternoon everyone. I will start with the fact that I have not yet read either today’s or yesterday’s posts. I forgot my Ipad at my house and find it very hard to navigate Cruise Critic on my phone. I read through a few posts from yesterday and thank all of you for your supportive comments. Yesterday did hold some surprises. However, they were not good ones. I took a nasty fall. I hurt my right hip (yes, the bad one), my right arm and my forehead. I was not a happy camper. There was another unhappy surprise from a “friend” of mine who pretty much told me that she is too busy right now to talk to me about what is going on in my house. Just on the day when I needed someone to talk to the most. Not a good day overall. We now know that both the tub and the shower have to come out of the Master Bath. The good news there is that we get to renovate the bathroom the way we wish. Also all the fans have been removed. The house is quiet again. We did have our first meeting with the contractor today. We are quite happy with him. However, the project will take quite a while. We will probably be out of our home for a number of months. I wish to thank everyone for being so supportive and your prayers. I will try to update each day. I am going to try to read the posts and will post again later if I can. God Bless, Terri
  20. Good morning. Sorry I have not been on the Daily for the last few days. They have been busy ones. Also there is really not anything of a happy nature to report. Work on our house continues. They keep finding more and more problems. There are still huge fans all over our house to dry the cement slab and the drywall throughout the house. The built-in bookcase in the living room has been removed in order to dry the wall behind it. They are comtemplating removing the garden tub to get to the wall behind it. The floor tiles in the bathroom have been compromised and must be taken up. I could go on and on. I wonder what today’s news will be. Anyway, it is hard to write all those things everyday. We are in a nice condo and happy to have comfortable accommodations. However, it is not home. We have no idea when we will be able to inhabit our home again. We meet with the contractor tomorrow and hopefully we will have a timeline. I have a feeling that we will be out of our home for quite a while with all the work that needs to be done. I will try to check in when I am able Take care everyone. God Bless, Terri
  21. Good morning. I have a few minutes while Jim is in the shower. I am packed and ready to leave this hotel. We are going back to the house first. I am leaving some clothes there because I don’t need as many, The condo has a washer and dryer. I am also picking up some food to take with us so I don’t have to run to the store. I still have lots in the fridge. The only down side to the condo is the distance. It is a 45 minute drive from my house. The hotel was 5 minutes away. Maybe getting some distance will be good, Looking at that mess all the time is really depressing. I have not been acknowledging posts but have been reading them as best I can and sometimes very quickly. I thank everyone for being so supportive of our situation, I will try to post later. Hopefully today will be a better day. Take care everyone and stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  22. Good evening all, Today was another busy day. The insurance adjuster was here and spent a good amount of time going through every inch of the house to determine the extent of the damage caused by the water. I will tell you. If you have not experienced this, you have no idea how devastating flooding is in one’s home. The amount of repair that it entails is overwhelming. That being said, today was interesting. This morning when i walked into my house, with all the fans going, I was almost killed. The plastic covering for the flourescent lights decided to detach and take a nosedive right in front of me. if I were one step closer to it, i would have had a big gash in my head and probably not writing this message. It came down in many pieces and just missed me. On another note: The hotel where we are staying is less than acceptable. I spent a good part of the day trying to find an alternate place to stay. Finally i thought about someone who lives in my subdivision who has a number of condos that she and her husband rent out. I called her and the insurance agent. She agreed to the price and, voila, we have a condo on the beach for the next month and a half. We are close enough to home and can see what is going on and still have a nice place to stay in the meantime. It is a bit of a distance from our home and rather than a 5 minute drive it will probably take 40 minutes, but so will Savannah. But this place is gorgeous and it will work for the time we need to be away from home. So tomorrow we will move again. I feel like a vagabond. Hopefully the next move will be back to our repaired home looking like new. i will report back when we are settled. Take care everyone and hope you all had a good day. Terri
  23. Good Evening to all First of all RIP to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. She was surely a remarkable woman. Now for my news. We have moved to a hotel. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but it was the one I chose because it is 4 1/2 miles from home. We have decided to stay here until next week and then move to someplace better in Savannah. The insurance rep had a medical emergency yesterday and apologized profusely for not being available, However, he made up for it today. Tomorrow we have an appointment with the adjuster at 11 am and then Jim has a doctor’s appointment at 2:30. So we are glad to be nearby. Next Wednesday we have an appointment with the General Contractor and he will assess the situation and determine the cost and the length of time to get the work done. We have two months of hotel stay booked and it is not a problem to change hotels. We have also decided that we will probably go to Barbados in the beginning of October as planned since there is nothing that we can do or change here. Besides, we need the rest. So that is my update. I have not read the posts. I have been busy all day. Had nothing to eat except a sandwich. It has been another crazy day. I hope you are all well. I will try to post tomorrow after we meet with the adjuster. God Bless. Terri
  24. We are trying to do that. Tried to get in touch with the claims rep all day. Never returned my calls. Very frustrating. Terri
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