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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning to all. Well, add me to the restless sleepers club. i kept waking up last night. Don’t know why, but I’m dead tired this morning. Maybe I’ll have to sleep in public if I go out. I do not eat chili. My tummy would revolt. I do like flower arrangements, but not good at designing it. But if I receive one, it makes me very happy. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor the Daily and the Fleet Report. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyVfor the Cares and Celebration List Thank you to Ann, Dixie and Debbie for keeping us nourished and libated. i have not been to the port. I think I will pass on all three in the Food and Beverage category today. Lately my tummy is not in good shape and anything that looks spicy or contains tomatoes is off limits for me. As for the wine, it is a bit above my budget. Just as an aside, while I don’t usually sleep in public, DH is a champ at that. When we lived in New York and took the subway to work every day, he would sleep both ways. In the morning he always got a seat because he got on at the first stop. However coming home, it was not a sure thing. He could be found holding on to the strap and sleeping standing up. He can still sleep anywhere, anytime and in any position, God Bless him. I should be so lucky. I, on the other hand, had different hours and usually took the commenter train (LIRR) and always got a seat. Had the same friends and we were a congenial bunch that chit chatted both ways. No time for sleeping. Now for the events of the day. Still no word on the bathroom. Aw shucks! Another day of waiting. However, I did get a message on my phone from FedEx that my package will be delivered today between 11 am and 3 pm. So at least I will get the new TV stand. Prayers for all on the cares list. And Cheers for those celebrating. @superoma Happy Anniversary. @StLouisCruisers Hope your blood work is okay. @smitty34877Hope Tana is doing okay. Welcome to our newcomers @Safety Squirrel @cruising Katie and @Petunia1950 Hope you enjoy interacting with us. Thank you to all who posted photos of our destination. Hope everyone has a good Tuesday. God Bless, Terri
  2. Thanks, now I feel even better. Tomorrow, will tell the tale. Terri
  3. Thanks for taking the time to let me know of your experience with Wayfair. It makes me feel a little more confident that we made the right decision in ordering the TV table. Usually i like to see what I am buying and try to stay away from stuff on the internet. However, I really don’t have time right now to go shopping for a TV Table. Terri
  4. Well, no workers today. Glad I didn’t rush to get dressed. Just got a text from the Contractor that he is working on getting tilers for our bathroom and will be in touch as soon as he has them in place. Any day now! So I will go about my usual business and open more boxes. Service Master is supposed to come by and pick up the boxes that we have emptied. That will give us a lot more room in the garage and access to the things they are blocking. Maybe we will actually make some progress today. More later. Terri
  5. Good Monday morning to all. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report. You are up early this morning. Thank you also for the photos of the port. Interesting collection of days. I like Polar Bears, lots of things are no brainers and it is amazing how some people can’t figure them out, As for retro day, I have so many things that are old around here, that everything is retro. I like the quote by Hemingway. I have not been to the port. As for the F&B department, I will pass on the meal. I could never manage to eat a sub at this point in my life. As for the drink, I will never pass up a Maragarita. I will wait on the wine to see what @cat shepard has to say about it. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the lists and your dedication to making sure we are aware of who we need to keep in our thoughts in prayers each day. Also who to congratulate and celebrate with as well. I pray for each of my friends here on the Daily each day. I am up and in my pj’s. I have no idea if workers are coming today. Sure would like to get this project over once and for all. We still have not found DH’s credit cards, sweater and shoes. I have a feeling they are all in the same place. Ordered a new TV table for the den from Wayfair. I hope we are not disappointed. When the previous TV broke and we bought a new one, the present TV table proved to be a bit small. The TV fits but just about. I feel that if I look at it crooked, it will fall off the table. So I bought one that looks pretty and fits the furniture in the den. Having never bought any furniture from Wayfair I hope I did the right thing. It’s supposed to be delivered tomorrow. Not much else going on around here , especially at this hour of the morning. Will check back later. God Bless, Terri
  6. @arzzI spelled your name wrong on my post. I read your renovation story and I sympathize with your plight. I can only imagine what you have been through. We are still waiting for our master bath to be done. During Covid we bought new appliances for our kitchen. We did not do a complete renovation as you, but felt that after 20 years, we needed to upgrade. We started in August when we placed our order. The pieces came in separately starting in October. We finally got our new refrigerator in December. So, I do understand your frustration with the length of time to get things done. Hope you are enjoying your new surroundings. Terri
  7. Why would we not be?? Just that the last two days have been a horror. Read my post today, Terri
  8. Good Sunday morning. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor getting us started today. I like the Carnival Day and Carpe Diem. Not a big fan of Pistachios. Quote is interesting. Like the wine but will pass on the drink and meal. Have not been to Egypt. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyVfor the Cares and Celebration list. My prayers for all that need them. Cheers to those with something to celebrate. And hope those that are cruising are enjoying their days at sea. Thank you Graham @grapau27 for Father David’s sermon. Always welcome. Hope Sarah is doing okay. I have not been around for the last two days so I have some catching up to do do. I just read @Azz’s account of the kitchen renovation. Believe me, if anyone knows about delays, it is me. On March 4, that is this coming Saturday, it will mark six (6) months since we had the flood in our home. AND WE STILL DON’T HAVE A MASTER BATH. And there is no telling when that is going to happen. The contractor does not have a tiling sub available, so we have to wait. To add to the mix, yesterday was a horror. Our one and only toilet (brand new) decided to give us trouble, Plunger, etc, would not do the job. Tried to call a plumber on a Saturday. NO ONE ANSWERS THE PHONE AND NO EMERGENCY NUMBERS. This took up most of the day. Finally, at 7 pm a neighbor, who works as a handyman came over (he had been out all day) and got the job done. We were just about to go to a hotel. I’m exhausted, and we just got back from a cruise. I feel like I need another one. So that is where I am at. I will try to catch up and read all the posts today. Take care everyone and God Bless. Happy Sunday. Terri
  9. Just to set the record straight. March 4 will make 6 months from the date of the flood. And we still don’t have a bathroom.
  10. Good morning. Thank you Sandi for getting us going this morning. Thank you Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration Lists. Thank you Summer Slope for the drink of the day and to Cat Shepherd for the Wine and to Debbie for the recipes. I like the quote. Have not been to the destination. Interesting collection of days. Don’t have a dog, so really don’t appreciate dog biscuits. Like tennis and there is always something to learn digitally. @JazzyVSorry to hear about BFF’s uncle. My condolences. Hope those in the path of the snow storm are okay. I have to stop hanging around you guys. Last night I had a bad night and woke up at 4:30 am. I do not want to join the 3 am club. Well, the linen closet in the bathroom is finished and the lights are up. Now we are in the waiting phase for a tiling subcontractor. Hopefully that will be soon. I am losing my patience. Today will be devoted to opening more boxes. It is amazing at the things one finds, Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  11. Good morning from Bluffton, SC where it is overcast, but the sun promises to shine later and the temps rise to 80 degrees. Thank you to Sandi for the Daily and Fleet Report and to Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration List. Appreciate the receipts for the drink and food. And thank you to all who contribute to make this thread a special place. Happy birthday to George. As we mark the beginning of Lent, may those who observe Ash Wednesday find some blessings during this holy season. We all try to practice some humility. I will pass on the meal as I do not eat curry and the wine, while it looks lovely, is way above our budget. I like the quote. I have not been to the destination. Prayers to all who need them and to those who are celebrating—Cheers! Today is more of the same for us. We keep trying to put things back in place. I just can’t seem to remember where everything goes. Work continues on the bathroom. Have a good day everyone and God Bless, Terri
  12. Well, I have a bit more information as to why my Master Bath is not finished. After we left for our cruise and they started to pull up the old tiles and move the drain, it became apparent that the bathroom floor was not level and it required a lot of grinding down prior to moving the drain and setting the new tile floor in the bathroom. This took more time than anticipated and because of doing this, the contractor lost the window for his tiling subcontractor. So now it is a waiting game until he can get the tilers back to do the work. At least I understand the reason for the delay. it doesn’t make me happy, but I know why. Terri
  13. Good morning from Bluffton, SC and back to reality. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report. Appreciate you taking over at this time. Hope you enjoyed your cruise. Thanks also to Vanessa @JazzyVfor the Cares and Celebration List. Prayers for everyone who needs them. I slept really well last night. I was exhausted. Just needed to crash. Will try to catch up with you all today. Have a good day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  14. Well, this is the sorry story. We had FIVE different delays on I-95 today. So all in all it took about 1 1/2 hours longer than anticipated. We were expecting to get home about 2 pm. Instead we arrived at 3:30. Just more traffic than we ever though we would encounter. And then the major disappointment. The bathroom is not finished. it is requiring more work than anticipated and will require about another 2 weeks at least. i can’t believe it. Anyway, if you want pictures I can send some but they are not pretty. I did all the driving today and am exhausted. So i am sitting in front of the TV for a while. Jim and I are now sleeping in two separate bedrooms until the bathroom is finished. Too much dust in the MBR for now. Anyway, this too shall pass. More tomorrow. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  15. Good morning from central Florida. I thought I would post now, because I am sure later I will be too busy. I am dressed and ready for breakfast, but Jim just got up so I am waiting for him. We decided not to drive the whole way yesterday because it is just too much for me doing all the driving. We have about 5 hours of driving today. We had a good cruise and got a chance to rest and recoup, knowing that we are going back to lots of work. I am really anxious to see what our bathroom looks like. I was disappointed on Friday that we did not get any photos from the contractor. I only got to read yesterday’s Daily this morning as I was so tired to do it last night. @StLouisCruisers Welcome home and thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report. Glad you are home safe and sound and enjoyed your cruise. @grapau27 Graham condolences to Sarah on the loss of her dear friend. @JazzyVthank you for the cares and celebration lists. Prayers for President Jimmy Carter. I agree with the others who have posted. He is to be admired for his dedication to service to our country and God. I hope his transition is easy for him. Prayers for the people in the Ukraine and those from the cyclone Gabrielle and the earthquake. I am really not good and remembering everyone, but do remember all of you each day in my prayers. Hope everyone has a good day. DH is ready and time for breakfast. God Bless. Terri
  16. Good evening. Very late checking. It was a long day. We are staying in mid-Florida tonight and will drive the rest of the way tomorrow. Will check in tomorrow. Just too tired to write any more. Terri
  17. Good morning from somewhere in the Atlantic near Cuba and Miami. Today is the last day of our cruise. That means packing and doing the last minute things we want to do on this cruise. We are glad we got away and hope we find our bathroom finished when we arrive home on Monday. Thank you to Ann @cat shepard for the Daily and Fleet Report. And thank you to all who contribute that make this the place to be everyday. I like the days—especially National Drink Wine Day. I also like Woody Allen’s full quote. Thank you Rich for filling in the blanks. The meal sounds good, but I will have to eat what is available on the ship tonight. That will be Chateaubriand. Not a bad substitute. Same for the wine and the drink. I have not been to the port. As for the other two days, Battery Day and Whales Day, Hats off to them too. Hope everyone has a good day. Prayers for all who need them and cheers to those celebrating. God Bless, Terri
  18. Good morning from the lovely Oceania Sirena. This is the first of two sea days before we arrive in Miami on Sunday. I don’t have much planned for the next two days except get all the rest I can because when I get home we will will be doing the final work to put our house back together again. I am promised photos today from the contractor so I am eagerly awaiting them. Thank you to Ann @cat shepard for the Daily and Fleet Report. Appreciate you willingness to step in and take the helm. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the cares and celebration lists. Prayers for all who need our prayers. Not much to report today except that the menus have their folders again and the GI issue seems under control. Thank God. Hope everyone has a good day and God Bless, Terri
  19. Well, the menus are back in the folders. No more reminders about the hand sanitizers. According to the dining room waitress, the health situation is contained and under control. We are thankful it did not spread and the powers that be nipped it in the bud. Two more days to go and we will be back in Miami. We will take two days to get home with a stop midway in Florida. No reason to rush. Hope everyone had a good day. Terri
  20. So yesterday I received a message from the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville regarding my appointment that I had on February 28 at 1:15 pm. It was perfect. I needed to go the night before for blood work the following morning and see the doc at 1:15 pm and then I would be able to drive home. Basically, the message said “we have moved your appointment to March 6 at 4:15 pm FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. (My convenience???? I don’t think so). They left the blood work on Feb. 28. Arghh!!! So i had to turn on my phone and call them. I told them about “my convenience” and corrected them that it was for the “doctor’s convenience”. She agreed. I also asked to have the blood work moved to the same day. Now “my convenience” will cost me two hotel nights instead of one. So I’m GROUCHY!! And they did me no favors. Terri
  21. Good morning to all from beautiful Tortola. We were going to go to the beach today but had some rain and decided against it. Surprisingly it is a bit cool at 78 degrees high. We went for a walk at the pier and ended up soaking wet and had to come back to the ship and change our clothes. So I think the rest of the day will remain on board. Thank you to @cat shepard for taking the helm and keeping us going during this time. Appreciate all your efforts and that of @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration lists. Interesting Days. We have not yet cut the cable cord, but with the prices going up, it may be time to do so,. As for do a grouch a favor, I try to be nice to everyone. Innovations are wonderful and keep our world going. I will pass on the wine, way above my budget. The meal looks nice but not for today. pass on the drink as well. Okay on the quote. @grapau27Graham, thanks for the lovely photo of the Northern lights. Hope to see that some day. Maybe on our cruise this summer of the Norwegian coast and the Baltics. Prayers for all that need them. Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. Enjoy your days. Take care and God Bless, Terri
  22. Well, i did a bit of investigating and with the help of some willing staff (won’t say who), I found out that there is one couple on the ship with Norovirus. That was enough for the ship to take immediate action. The couple is in isolation until they are better and the ship is taking every precaution to make sure it does not spread. Hopefully the measures they are taking are sufficient. So far, Jim and I are fine. Glad you all liked the sunset. Terri
  23. Just have to share my sunset over Guadeloupe. Just beautiful tonight.
  24. Yes, we have. I will try to stay as safe as we can. Thanks for the heads up. Terri
  25. I remember your experience Jacqui, but I think you were refused because of the Norovirus and not COVID. It was before Covid if I remember correctly. Nothing more has been said and no other precautions have been instituted yet. Keeping my fingers crossed. Terri
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