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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good Sunday morning to all Thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report to Rich. I don’t have time to race my mouse around the icons today. I usually use an Ipad so no mouse anyway. I will remember the pets of those here who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, although I have none of my own, and last but not least, a nice bottle of Chianti will do just fine. I like the quote. Have not been to the destination. Thank you to Roy for the lists. Prayers to those who are on the Cares list and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. We are having an early breakfast and then getting our belongings together to head out of town to Jacksonville. Will return tomorrow. Will be having a consultation with the hand surgeon at 11 am tomorrow. Thank you all again for your prayers and concern as I worked through my “situation” over the last few days. It was resolved last night. No one was hurt and I think it worked out well. It was better to leave some things unsaid on my part. I just let it go. Time to move on. Have a wonderful Sunday. God Bless, Terri
  2. My TA always does it for me. i send her the info and she takes care of it. Usually it shows up within 24 hours. Not this time. She sent it in more than 10 days ago and she is still waiting. Terri
  3. Can’t find many photos on my iPad, but here are a few of Mykonos and one of Delos.
  4. Good morning, Thank you all for all your kind words for the last two days while I worked out my situation. Not sure it is all resolved, but I think I don’t want to lose a friendship over a perceived hurt. I am just going to put it past me and move on. Thank you for the Daily and the Fleet Report. I like the days. However, i can’t play music on my porch because it faces the golf course and who would want to hear the golfers if they are distracted😳. However, when they hit your property, it is another story. The Pony Express was an important part of American History. Sometimes i think we are back to that time with the length of time it takes for the mail these days. And finally, it is always better to speak kindly. There is never a need to be nasty or hurtful. The quote is great and comes from someone I admire. Just love Audrey Hepburn. As for the meal, I like Penne Ala Vodka and make it often. I will be interested to see Debbie’s recipes today to get a new take on it or improve on my version. Pinot Grigio is a favorite of mine, so I am also interested in the wine. I will probably skip the drink. I have been to Mykonos a few times. I love that island. There is great scenery as well as great shopping and wonderful food. Would go back in a heartbeat. Thank you to Roy for the list. You can remove me from the list. I will work out my situation today, I appreciate being included. Prayers for all those who are on the list who ill. I pray for you everyday. This is my routine each morning. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Enjoy and stay safe. My appointment to see the Hand Surgeon was moved up. There was a cancellation for Monday so I was offered the appointment. We are going to Jacksonville tomorrow and I will see the doctor at 11 am on Monday. Then we are coming right home. So happy they were able to move up the appointment. I am trying to decide when to have surgery between trips and which hand to have done first. I guess that will wait for Monday. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words. God Bless, Terri
  5. Thank you all for your kind comments and prayers. I am trying to work through the situation. Terri
  6. Thank you both for your understanding. Yes, i guess right now I need a hug. Instead he is trying to defend her, not understanding that it doesn’t make me feel better. Maybe tomorrow I can share more, but tonight I just cannot. Terri
  7. Good evening. I will try to read the posts tonight but have not yet done so yet. I something very disturbing happen to me today that hurt me very much and I am trying to figure out how to handle it. DH keeps trying to make me feel better but it is not working. It may mean the end of a friendship that I treasured. Just don’t know what to do. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow and somehow figure out how to resolve this situation. Hope everyone had a good day. God Bless, Terri
  8. Good morning to all from a rainy Bluffton, SC It feels like it has been raining for 40 days and 40 nights and we have had some serious flooding in some areas. Thankfully we have not yet been affected. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. i like the days. There are not many Iconic American Restaurants left, but some remain. I have not been to Vesuvius, On cruises to Naples area, I have always opted to take tours to other areas. I have visited Herculaneum, but that was in.1984 (pre digital photos). As for Strange Music, there is a good bit of that these days. The quote is interesting. I have not been to the destination. I like Margaritas but the wine is a bit over my budget. I will wait to see what Debbie comes up with as far as the meal goes. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Stay safe everyone. I’ll be back later, God Bless, Terri
  9. Good morning everyone. Hope everyone is having a good day. We are expecting another day of rain—hopefully not as bad as Sunday. Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. I have no desire to Ride with the wind. i like daffodils and definitely love to hug my sweetheart. I do it as often as I can. Will skip the meal, drink and wine for today Never been to the port. Roy, thank you for the Cares and Celebration lists. Prayers for all who need them and Cheers for those who are celebrating and cruising. Roy, here’s hoping your blood tests are okay today. God bless, Terri
  10. Well, the mailbox mystery has been solved, My neighbor across the street came over, His wife backed into our mailbox on Saturday. He contacted the BOD for the materials to rebuild the post. In the meantime we had yesterday’s storm which finished the job, This morning he put a Band Aid (sort of) on it, but is going to rebuild the post so we have a sturdy mailbox. i will tell you. We have lived here for 20 years. We live on a golf course., I cannot tell you how many people will hit our house and even the windows and try to get away with it. They lie, try to blame it on someone else, or just drive their carts by skipping the hole trying to get away with it., It is so nice to have someone who is honest and take responsibility for their actions. Terri
  11. i have a feeling that he was the one who may have hit it while backing out of his driveway causing the problem in the first place, However, I have no proof and I am not going to pursue it. Just grateful it is fixed. Terri
  12. Good morning to all Thank you Rich for the Daily and the Fleet Report. i like the days especially Be An Angel Day. With that in mind, someone was our Guardian Angel this morning. As I mentioned in last night’s post, our mailbox did not survive the storm. it was hanging off the side. This morning when we got up and I looked out the window, it was back together again. I have two people in mind who may have fixed it and will have to thank one or both of them. I have not heard from the tooth fairy in a long time and would like to leave it that way. As for Southern Hemisphere Hoddie Hoo Day, never heard of it and had to look it up. I have to pass on the meal since peppers and my tummy do not like each other The wine is nice and while it may not be the exact thing, we were in Montepulciano this past Spring and tasted many of their wines and they are wonderful. Pass on the drink. The quote is interesting. We were in Cartagena during our cruise this past Spring. DH and I left the ship but only got as far as the port, We were so tired from just having had Covid that we turned around and went back to the ship. We just could not do it. Thank you Roy for the cares and celebration list. Prayers for those who are ill and have Covid Cheers for those celebrating. @StLouisCruisersgood luck at your PT appointment. Hopefully they will be able to help with the leg problem. @superomaHappy Birthday to your DH @grapau27Happy Anniversary to you and Pauline. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  13. What a wild day this has been! My phone has been going crazy with alerts. The smoke alarms have decided to go crazy. Our mailbox fell apart. The rain sounded more like hail and the back yard is one big pond. I thought the trees were going to fall over and hit the house. The emergency alerts told us to stay indoors and not go out unless we were in danger of flooding. Unbelievably, the electricity did not go out. So there you go. That is what our Sunday was like. Hope everyone is okay. Terri
  14. Good Sunday morning to all Thank you Rich for the Daily and the Fleet Report. I like all three of the days. i am a Senior Citizen, although at each birthday (coming up in less than two weeks) I now count backwards. i like poetry, but I am not a poet. Spumoni is okay, but like Tortoni better. The quote is great. I have to pass on the meal because I cannot eat peppers Thank you Graham for Father David’s homily. Very nice. Thank you to Roy for the lists,. Prayers to all who need them and Cheers to those celebrating. I have been to Boston, but not on a cruise. I had to go there for work. Spent three weeks there., Got to do some sightseeing on the weekends, but during the week, I saw a lot of the Tip O’Neill Federal Building. All my photos are pre-digital. i hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  15. Some people love them. As for me, once was enough. I will never do it again. Motion was too much and very windy. We were on deck 4. Like a wind tunnel. Terri
  16. Good morning to all. Thank you to both Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. The days are interesting. Honey Bees are important. I am probably one of the old fogies that still listen to the Radio and I can do without mosquitos. If the day is for control of the pests, then I am all for that. The quote is a sad one. I will skip the meal, but the drink and wine seem good. I have been to Nassau, but it was back in 1983 when I was recovering from knee surgery. It was before digital photography so I do not have any photos to share. Never stopped there on a cruise. I am doing better recovering from my fourth Covid shot, but still do not feel wonderful. Had a fitful night. Everything was hurting. I dread to think that there is going to be another vaccine to target the Omicron variant and I have to go through this again. Anyway, it is a small price to pay to stay healthy. Today we will go to the Memorial Service for my neighbor. Prayers for everyone on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a good day and God Bless, Terri
  17. It is now 8 pm EDT. I still feel like a truck ran over me. I took a nap this afternoon and will go to bed soon. Every bone in my body hurts. i really hope I feel better tomorrow. The memorial service for my neighbor is tomorrow. If I don’t feel better, I don’t know if I can go. My neighbor who has been testing positive for 11 days finally tested negative. Thank you all for your prayers. Terri
  18. From what I know, the only time Oceania will refund is for quarantine from Covid. As for your insurance I think the only refund you will get is for tours you paid for and could not get a refund. You had room and board on the ship so that was covered. Your insurance will not cover you because you were not permitted to leave your room. They should, however, cover whatever medical bills you incur. YMMV. Terri
  19. Good Friday morning to all of you. Thank you for the Daily and the Fleet Report to Rich. Hats off to Aviators,. They get us where we want to and need to go. I like potatoes in most forms. And we need to be more humane. I don’t think I have ever had catfish, but would be open to trying it. Not sure about the drink and will take a pass on the wine, since there is no info on it. Love the quote. I have been to both Split and Dubrovnik but not the port mentioned today. Yesterday, DH and I got our fourth Covid vaccines. It knocked me out. i slept for 10 hours last night. That’s a lot of sleeping for me. Still feel like I was run over by a truck. Thank you for your condolences for my neighbor. I appreciate it. Another neighbor has tested positive for Covid for 11 days straight. She is caring for a husband with dementia. He cannot understand that he has to stay away from her. She is having an awful time of it I got some food for her while we were out yesterday. I hope she gets over this soon. 11 days is a long time. I don’t know how much energy I am going to have today. It may be a good day to watch the Downton Abbey Movie i bought a few weeks ago. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Stay safe. Have a great day. God Bless, Terri
  20. Bruno, You are in my prayers. Wishing you and your Dad all the best as he enters this new phase in his life. God Bless, Terri
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